
No, I'm not unemployed again... I've just got nothing to do. I've got to wait till people start/move jobs on Tuesday, then I will have a million of work to do, but today I don't. So I'm making a game. It's fun! You should all play it. Thanks goes to Pete for the idea. It's a board game, or, as Pete suggested, a bored game. I should have made one you can play on your own, but I didn't. I made a multiplayer board game. It's not very inventive, but will be fun, I'm sure. It's going to have cards and counters and everything. It would be better if our office had a laminator, but I shall have to make do with paper. Pah.

But for now, the dame is on pause whilst I recount my last 2 evenings. I've put my iPod on shuffle, so will randomly tell you that too. (Saint-Seans, Carnival of the animals. Now Boyzone. That Saint-Sean movement was very short. And I skipped Prince and Al and Stevie Wonder.)

Wednesday I nipped home after work, got changed and went to Hardy's. I did manage to see Ads in between! I don't get to see housemates much. That may become a resolution: see housemates more. But it might not make the cut. I don't want too many! Anyway, It turns out it was Ian's friend Ben's 30th Birthday. We'd gatecrashed. It was a little odd, as I was going to see Anne and didn't know about the birthday, so felt a bit rude when I talked to Anne/Nish/Debs/Andy so much. But I did talk to the birthdya crowd a little. I've never met Ben before, although used to chat to him on MySpace, so it was nice to link that all together in my head! We (I stole the non-birthday crowd (plus Justin) to speed things up) headed to King Cobra (Buddy Holly) where they really do know me. Oops. I was a genius and got us a table and told them more people would be coming and we wanted them near. Hurrah. Food was good, as always. Was nice that I had a vege to swap dishes with. I know people sometimes offer to be vege for the night, but I don't like that. And usually just want mine!

After food we headed back to (Catherine Potter) Hardy's to find Charlotte, Dan, Anna and Ads. Got presents from Charlotte! A cow money box (with hand prints all over it), a hideous box (I am quite sure that was the intention (And I love it) - I'm not being rude) with bath stuff inside, a Christmas tree topped pencil and some chocolate penguins. Yay for Charlotte! Then me and Ads headed to Fab to find the birthday crowd again and Mark joined us. Had a couple of beers and then headed home to bed as it was a school night.

Last night Justin, Anne, Ian and Nish came to my house. We ordered pizz(Willie Mason)a and watched Love Actually. I like it, but not sure I was in the mood yesterday. Ewan MacGregor is exceedingly cute. Pizza arrived and was good (especially considering how cheap it was!) then we went to Rain Bar. Turns out there was a quiz. Liz, Rhiannon, Ant and Andy were sat in a cozy warm corner, but there were too many of us (6, including Phil who met me there) to fit, so we made another team. It was fun! Nish knows one of the barmen and they were all nice and friendly, so (The Commitments) it was ace. We saw a naked man washing up, and apparently he's quite famous in for his nakedness. And he drinks in there. We came joint second (with Liz's team!) so it was nice that neither of us were better. The annoying men on the next table won. Grrr. Went home fairly early, but ended up staying up till about 2 faffing with my computer/iPod. I managed to take about an hour transferring photos, but can't find them on here! Pah.

(Willie Mason)
(The Wildhearts)

Think I'm bored of saying what I'm listening to! Am off to listen... Mmmm...

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