Yesterday's funny office conversation...

Adam: We should fight to decide.
Me: Ok, bring it on.
Adam: Outside. No tops.

Oops, another week gone...

...but I did some exciting things.

Watched The Bill (Ads STILL doesn't think I watch it, despite it being the only thing I watch*)

Liz's Birthday. I met Liz straight from work at Ra!n Bar, where we enjoyed some food and beer and a gossip. Then we went to the Cornerhouse where we enjoyed more beer and I met her boyfriend! It was a bit odd, being introduced to someone you know very well's boyfriend, having never met him before. But it was ok and I look forward to meeting him again and him getting in our friend group. We then headed the Greenrooms to watch Slugs Ate My Parents. I had more beer. I was quite drunk. I think the gig was good, but appear to have missed some of it, somehow. Oops. We then went to the Salisbury and played erotic quiz games, then Andy came to stay at my house. My housemates thought I'd pulled him, which I laughed at lots. They still think I did, but they are wrong.

My Dad's show was fun! He sounded very different from the Dad I'm used to, which is ddd considering how much he sings at home (he likes to wake us up singing "There's a bright golden haze on the meadow") but could be because he's been having lessons or because he was miked or because he was nervous or because he was pretending to be from London. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. He was dead good. It was slightly disturbing seeing my dad as an object of a lady's affections though. But I susprisingly wasn't bothered by him wearing wings and prancing around camply! I have seen him wear one of my skirts and say "I'm a laydee" though...

I should have been in the best mood ever because:
1. I lost at fat club
2. I put all the change I've been collecting into the bank (£188)
3. I bought jeans that fit and they are size14
I was, however, exceedingly GRUMPY. I think this was cause I was tired. But then I got home from town to find a parcel from Roz. She rocks! She made me a mix cd for letting her stay in my bed. It's ace!
I then got picked up** by Little Alison and we went to Keele to watch a concert. I don't often watch concerts cause I get bored, but I enjoyed it! Simon (Jefner's boyfriend) was conducting a string ensemble as part of his degree and he was good too. I have played that piece before, so I knew what he should do, and if I was in the concert I think I would have liked him conducting me as I understood what he was doing. So there. We then stayed for a drink and I talked to strangers, then I drove us back via a MUGSS party in Manchester. Got to bed in Lostock at (new time) 3am.

Mother woke me up at 9.25. I was still asleep, but had a whole conversation, which resulted in me being able to get a shop out of her, and a lift back to Manchester, but only if we went now. So I got up and was dressed and ready in about 5 mins. I then waited about 20 mins for her. Oh well! Got lots of food out of it.
We then had dinner all together (and I nipped out and bought a crazy dress and skirt whilst she was cooking) for Mother's Day, which was nice. We discussed holiday stuff. We're going away in less than 2 weeks! And having a party in our rented house. There will be between 25 and 40 people, but we don't know for sure, and we're cooking. Should be fun! Especially as Gran will say she doesn't want to be there and there will be small running children. Yay!
Once back in Manchester I had a quick shower and went off to find Kiki and Adam from my degree (when I got there I found out Liz wasn't coming, despite making me go by saying she would be angered otherwise). We gotChinesee andwatchedd tv. It was cool! And I think we're meeting up this weekend too. I like my degree friends. I was slightly disturbed by Kiki, who apparently has never looked at my boobs before and says they are as big as Adam's head.

Woke up feeling awful (probably because I managed about 4 hours sleep***, so took the day off sick. I *could* have managed to work, but would have been rubbish and rubbish all week too. So I think that was the most efficient way. I was grumpy because I didn't wake up till after Neighbours and Doctors and Diagnosis Murder wasn't on. Had about a 3 hour bath, so missed the next Neighbours too! In the evening I watch Moulin Rouge and About a Boy, so that was nice. Me time!

Today I have done some work. Tonight I am going to the pub to see Lolly. yay for Lolly!! Hopefully the power of conversation will be with me. It often isn't at the moment, probably due to insomnia.

*OK, so maybe I watch other things, according to him. I like to watch Hollyoaks, cause it's my brain off time when I get home. But don't mind if I miss it.

**This was quite an experience. Jennifer doesn't drive often, and as such we ended up going the wrong way on the motorway, and going about 40mph. Then she didn't know which junction to come off, so we came off early, went back on, and then took the wrong turning once off the motorway. Excellent planning Jen!

***Does anyone in MUGSS not have insomnia??


The conversations we just had in our office:

Yasmeen: Want anything from downstairs?
Me: Spain.
Yasmeen: You want me to get Spain from downstiars?
Me: No. A horse.
Simon: Spain?
Me: Ooh, ooh, a puppy!
Simon: You want to eat a horse?
Me: Ed Tudor-Pole!

I then had to explain that Ed Tudor-Pole always makes me think Dave Ate-A-Cat. Which came from the eating horse things.

Yasmeen then tried to find out if I actually wanted anything from the canteen, to which I replied that I should probably not have any sugar, given the current craziness levels. They're making me have something to keep them amused all afternoon.

I think this was far far funnier if you were in my office, or indeed my head.



I also wanted to blog that despite show week being over, I've still not slept for more that 5 hours at a time. I'd say for 3 weeks now. This might not be quite true, as I think I got 6 hours twice last week, but it certainly feels true.

The week that was.

Show week. 2 little words. A whole lot more trouble.

I've forgotten most of it, and the net hads broke at home, so I am doing this between working, so it might make no sense and have big gaps. Who cares.

Tuesday - The Opening Night The show was good! I was still worried about the fact everything seemed to be going well. The social afterwards was Fab Cafe, so however tired I was, I was there! I was a bit lame, but had an excellent time. I am less good at hiding being miserable when tired though, and a few people did notice.

Wednesday - The Wimp I failed to go to the social as I didn't want to. It was Copacabanas, which is quite a cool place, I was just too tired.

Thursday - The Boat Race
We won!! I was rubbish, but Simon helped by tipping my pint up so it went all over me. I'll be amused to see the photos of me looking like a drowned rat. I was quite excited to find Ollie, a random man I went for a weekend in a hotel with once* and let him and his friends crash the party.

Friday - The Family
My family came to watch it and were on time! Hurrah. Also, Roz arrived, which was nice. I like Roz. I couldn't be bothered hanging around the show again, so we went for dinner and stuff. After the show we went to Kro 2 and found some people who were up for the show and it was ace. I like show week. Then we went to Fab, which rocked, despite having the most amount of people EVER.

Saturday - The Party
Had a small lie in before dying my hair and heading to the Mark Addy to meet the Soaks**. It was nice and chilled and then I had to leave them and go to do the show. The Saturday matinee is always a bit odd, cause you know that there aren't many people there and you're looking forward to the evening. I had an extra job of replacing a tape in a camera, so that was fun. Between the shows I had dinner with French John and lots of Soaks arrived and looked at me like they thought we were going out. Haa ha. Then I went and tarted myself up (quite literally - I felt like I may be showing a bit too much boobs) and watched the evening show. I liked it! Usually I can't be bothered to sit through a whole show, but I did.

Afterwards I had to deal with all the costumes, which meant being about an hour and a half later than most people to the party. Oh well! It was fun. Got there about 11.30 and stayed till 2, then went to the next party till about 6/6.30. I remember very little. Apparently I was kissing people*** (but not the same people as at the pre-show party), but not the person I had my sights set on. Oh well. Decided to make pasta when I got in and burnt my finger. Ouch.

Sunday - The Aftermath
Ouch. Managed to fall over a twig. Freak. Have bruised hands and knees. Spent the afternoon in the pub, mainly for Mike's birthday, but also as a hungover thing. Was nice! I was a bit crazy though. Think I was still drunk. Then some of us headed to the cinema where I fell asleep, briefly. Oops.

Monday - Watched Sleepless in Seattle, which housemate Dan liked surprisingly much.

Tuesday - Met Charlyhot briefly, which was nice quick catch up, and then watched junk of tv all night.

So, that's it! I feel odd now the show's finished. Like I've left my old life, as I didn't see "normal" friends for ages, but don't have my MUGSS life anymore. I did get close to lots of people during show week, but already feel like I'm not going to stay close to them. They've all got different lives, being students, and I just reckon they'll forget me. Not on purpose, just I don't need to see them, so I might not. And, they don't actually know me that well, so it's easy for them not to know what I do/don't want to go to/who I do/don't want to spend time with/etc. But we shall see how it all pans out.

The Edinburgh plan is back on. Although I don't have the energy/money. I know I have to try.

*It wasn't just me and him. It was lots of people. We were doing some work for the university, going to schools and trying to get rid of misconceptions about university. As team leaders we went on a bonding weekend. It was fun. I find Ollie occasionally wandering the streets, and he's ace.

**The Soaks are people who used to be in MUGSS and now are elsewhere. There's a big contingent in London, which is why the Christmas Bash is down there.

***2-1 Mahinda :-)


Melissa sings this song to me often. It makes me smile. I should be about me. It's not. I don't listen to the song that was written for me anymore. It's a good idea. Not that I was ever that convinced he did write it for me. Anyway, I'm waffling. I should shut up and let you all appreciate how I think I should be in song form:

Oh it's so funny to be seeing you after so long, girl.
And with the way you look I understand
that you were not impressed.
But I heard you let that little friend of mine
take off your party dress.
I'm not going to get too sentimental
like those other sticky valentines,
'cause I don't know if you've been loving some body.
I only know it isn't mine.
Alison, I know this world is killing you.
Oh, Alison, my aim is true.

Well I see you've got a husband now.
Did he leave your pretty fingers lying
in the wedding cake?
You used to hold him right in your hand.
I'll bet he took all he could take.
Sometimes I wish that I could stop you from talking
when I hear the silly things that you say.
I think somebody better put out the big light,
cause I can't stand to see you this way.

Alison, I know this world is killing you.
Oh, Alison, my aim is true.
My aim is true.

Note to self:

Don't blog at 4.23am if drunk.
Why can't I ever get what I want?

It's annoying me.

I'm sick of being on my own *all* the time.

Whenever I'm with people I'm still on my own.

It's so not fair.

I'm not a bad person, am I?
I think I got 4 1/2 hours sleep. This appears to be the limit of my danger zone* as I'm surprisingly not tired! I think I might make it through the day. I am, however, too tired to file. FACT. Oops.

Anyway, the dress rehearsal was last night (Monday) and I think all was well! But me, being me, managed to miss the only thing that I do in the show! I have to help someone change, and I managed to miss it. Oops.

I saw my mum and Little Alison briefly, so now I have a phone that works (I think). Thanks Jen! I'm not sure I know how to work it yet, but that's something I can figure out later.

I'm trying to figure out what show week is going to do to Fat Club... Yesterday I had a chip butty (damn canteen for not having anything vege and healthy!) and that's about it (munched on chocolate, but probably only a bars worth) from 8am till 11.30pm when I got home and made an egg sandwich. So I've eaten VERY unhealthily, but not much, so maybe it'll work? I dunno. I've also not been weeing very much at all. That confuses me! 13 hours in the theatre on Sunday I went once. 6 hours there yesterday and I also only went once. What's going on?!? The place makes me not notice if I've not eaten/drunk/weed for hours! Crazy show week body stuff.

I'm sure you all appreciated knowing that.

I wonder who even reads this now? I've discovered many, many MUGSS blogs recently, so maybe they've found mine? I can'te ven decide if I want to know... I do, cause I'm nosey. I don't in case it makes me write differently. I don't think it would change what I wrote though, but I suppose there's no real way of knowing, unless I have a clone who can try the other way.

OK, so maybe the lack of sleep is affecting me. I shall go file.

*I define my danger zone as the amount of sleep that makes me horrible for the next day. Granted, this could in fact be any amount of time in existance, but is generally between 4 and 7 hours. Less than that and adrenaline must keep me going.
It's 5 hours until my alarm will go off.


The show beginneth...


Thursday night was entertaining. Rehearsal annoyed me so much, as some of the hired costume arrived and they DO NOT FIT! Panic. But not only panic, but a million people talking at me at once moaning about things not fitting, not giving me chance to work out how to fix it. So I left and went to Ra!n Bar as I knew Liz was there post Egypt. This was hopefully the one and only time* I ever intend/actually buy half a pint. I knew a whole pint would make me not go back to the rehearsal, and I knew I had to. So I did, and I wanted more. But I was very good and went back to MUGSS and grumped.

Then we went to the pub and I hijacked the social and steered it towards The Salisbury instead of Jilly's. Rock, without the entrance fee/as many rubbish people/people we were with moaning about how rubbish Jilly's actually is. Yay! It was very nice and Liz and Mahinda and Mark and Linden were there too, as well as lots of MUGSS people. I haven't really socialised with MUGSS people this year, I think because I thought I didn't know anyone. There are some people I've known for years, but never thought of as "friends". (I'm trying to work out how to put this without looking mean, as it's not supposed to be mean, just me thinking out loud.) People who I see fairly often, but wouldn't really invite out and they wouldn't invite me, unless it was a MUGSS event where everyone just presumes everyone else will be, and therefore you can easily think that you won't be missed. So I've just not gone, and as such thought they didn't miss me and therefore don't get put in the "friends" category in my head. But recently I've realised that there are lots of people I like and would like to be friends with. So there.

This could be show week talking. Show week always does weird things to me and I do something silly. Like breaking up with a boyfriend of 3 years by text cause people are flirting with you and you want to have fun. Or quitting teaching cause you're tired. Or generally not doing uni work for a week or 3 and then not being able to catch up and failing. MUGSS has a lot to answer for! Although it's all my weaknesses, not MUGSS fault.

Anyway, that was Thursday and I went home via kebab, where I gave the man in the shop my number cause he likes me. Oops.

Friday I was not nearly as useful as I planned! But it was fairly productive. I had the day off work to do MUGSS stuff. I met Emma in town and we shopped for underwear for her and other costume related things. THE MOST AMOUNT OF WALKING EVER!! We were tired and walked in circles lots. So after carrying a lot of stuff around we went to Emma's new flat for a nosey and then went back to mine and ate pasta. I certainly was very brain dead and exhausted, probably hang over related, so didn't make the things I planned. Oops.

In the evening my friend Dave came over to watch Finding Nemo. It was ace! I like Dave. I want to see him more. We've both been a bit rubbish, as it takes effort when you're used to seeing people at lectures organised by other people. But I really think we're going to stay friends. And that pleases me. Emma also stayed for the film cause it was fun, and we made an interesting pasta concoction. Was exceedingly tired and had a fairly early one.

Saturday was fat club. I've sooo not been sticking to any sort of controlled diet. Oops. But I can't be bothered! And when I can be bothered there's not always the options there. Put on a little bit. Never mind. Keep telling myself that I'll be good after show week. We shall see... Then spent some time at home organising costumes/making a few bits and bobs. Emma came over about 3 and we took everything back to her flat ready for me to stay over and go straight to the get in.

As is customary, there was a Pre-Show Party. It was ace! From what I remember... Firstly me and Emma made her oven work and looked at photos and stuff, then we had pizza and garlic bread, before starting on the wine. Memory gets a little hazy after a few hours, and what happened then in anybody's guess (and if you know, tell me!). But before that there was chatting and drinking and cartwheels and videos and drunk people and other exciting stuff. Yay! But, as I got drunk enough to forget things, there will be general embarrassment all week long.

Sunday was the longest day possibly ever. FACT. Got to the dancehouse about 10 (I think) after 3 hours ish sleep. Was woken by my alarm, then shortly after by Emma coming in and saying "We're such whores". Oops. Then we dragged stuff to the Dancehouse and stayed all day! Left about 11.30, I think.

Monday. I'm very tired. Got up late, so was half an hour late, and need to leave half an hour early, so now have an hour to make up. Grump. It's the dress rehearsal tonight. I'm not sure I'm ready! But I think it's under control. Lots of people have told me I'm the calmest costume person ever! I bet Lydia and Emma don't think that :-)

*Unless pregnant.


I just had another nose bleed!! Grump. And this one was in the canteen. Nice.


So, Tuesday evening consisted of me attempting to leave work early to get to town before Abakhan shut. I failed. I got rained on. I did, however, take things back to Primark even though I'd drawn on some of them in pen. I then failed in most other things I'd planned, before cycling home in the rain and dark. I really should get my lights fixed. But I survived, just got a bit muddy.

Wednesday consisted of lugging lots of things around at work, as we had to move out of an office. I was pretty useless!! Oops. Well, not that useless - I reckon I can carry/move more than the others, but I was just asleep. Filing was NOT fun. This evening I had 5 people over to help costume, which was very nice and useful! Again, with the tiredness, I didn't necessarily use them to the best I could have by being organised, but we definitely got far more done than I would have alone. Phew! I think we might be ready in time. Which is useful.

Oh, and here's something I don't really want to blog, in case it upsets Linden, so I shall start by saying it wasn't your fault and I'm not mad at you!! But my phone is broke. Just thought I'd blog it in case people thought I was being rude. I can still text fine, so not much should change. It's just that some beer may have got into the bit I hear from, which means I can't hear what people say to me. They can hear what I say, but it's a bit useless once sided! I can't decide whether for get a new one for a while, cause I am very very poor, and I quite want to be old fashioned and phoneless for a while. We shall see!


I am still very sleepy.

Last night I got home about 6 and did a big tidy (threw stuff to the edges) and grabbed some pasta before Jen and Lydia arrived to help me sew. Did costume stuff all night, with help from Gesine and Adam later, kicking them out about 10.30, before carrying on for another hour. Went to bed about 12.30/1, but then got up again to lean over the toilet whilst blood dripped from my nose for a while. Nice.

I knew it was coming. I've not slept enough for ages and ages, and I think I've been stressed without realising it. I don't *feel* worried about the show. I'm quite sure it's all going to work out just fine. But it must be getting me secretly, cause I've been dreaming much more than usual (i.e. at all), which means I'm not sleeping properly, even when I do sleep. Grrr.

So there you go! That was my Monday. Today at work has been slow. Probably cause I'm tired. More sewing tonight (after cycling to town in the rain*) and tomorrow. But I've secured Friday off (to do last minute costuming!) and half days next Thurs/Fri, so I'm excited.

*I didn't know it was raining when I got up! So now I have to cycle to town and back and I'm going to get wet and that's not good. Grump. And it better not get dark before I've been all the places I need to...
So, Friday I home early and went to bed fairly early (but probably not early enough for how early I intended to get up!), but then my daehssip* housemates came home drunk and woke me up about 3 and about 5.30. They weren't doing anything on purpose, and I have woken them up on many occasion, so I'm not cross! Just didn't get much sleep.

Had a fairly productive Saturday MUGSS-wise on the heated floor in the Renold building. Heated floors rock. FACT. Then met my sisters and Simon (Little Alison's boyfriend) and we went for a nice curry at Al Nawaz. We picked there cause I don't have any complaints against it (like most other curry houses!) and it has a magician and fish in the floor. But I couldn't see any fish or magician.

Then Justin appeared and we went to Hardy's for a chat. I think I've been a bit insensitive about him recently and should make up for it. He's been dumped by his girlfriend, but I wasn't that sympathetic as they've been together 3 weeks. But he is blatently very much smitten. In those 3 weeks I think he didn't turn up to what he said he would 3 times, and when I did see him all he could do was grin and say how happy he felt, so that's my excuse for being a bit rubbish. I couldn't relate to his happiness, as it didn't seem like it could be real that fast, and felt like he'd dumped us friends quite happily (although this is not the case, I just felt like it). I don't know if Justin reads this (I'm quite sure he doesn't) but I hope I've explained enough if he does. I shall make up for it soon, I hope.

Then we headed to mine to pick up booze, then to Charlotte's party. We arrived as Al and Jenny were leaving and I joked about them leaving cause of me. I thought it was funny. I think Jenny did too, but not Al! Oh well. It was blatent that it wasn't the case, as there was no way they could have go that ready for leaving with hats and stuff in the time it took me to get in the door. It was nice to see Charlotte, but I suspect I was a little drunken and useless. Went home and drank vodka and fell asleep on the couch.

On Sunday I got up at 7 and went to bed. Then eventually got up again about 11. Dan cooked me breakfast. Yay! Then I generally did nothing as I was incapable. Went to rehearsal for 4 (many thanks to Holker for yet another lift!) and was generally rude to everyone there. I don't care about each individual thread! Stop asking me how to sew on a button or which shoes to wear! And listen when I say I need to see everything together to answer, not just keep asking!!! Grrr! But I think the show might be ok.

I'm going to go home now and sew all evening! I think I might be inspired.

*MUGSS has gotten me into the habit of spelling swear words backwards, just in case you were confused.

I'm rubbish.

So, I've been neglecting my blog a bit!!

Have been too cold to go on my computer at home, until Ads got me a fan heater, but then I've just not been there much. At work it was really busy, and now I've got a temp to occupy (it's hard finding things for someone else to do!) and I'm very very tired.

Anyway, there should be a whole recap at some point, cause I like investigating where I went. In fact, it might stay as this post, just re-edited lots.

Friday 3rd March - Heat!
We should have heating when I get home*.

Thursday 2nd March - Not MUGSS
At work people debated whether eggs were a vegetable or not. And pretending to kidnap me. And being high on Ribena. It was an odd day. The evening was spent shopping with Emma for stuff for the show, then drinking with Mark, then drinking at the Ra!n Bar quiz, then chatting with Adam.

Wednesday 1st March - Ceilidh
Both Big and Little Alison came, which was cool! But I didn't enjoy it muchly... There were too many new people who stuck together, which meant if you were 1 out of 8 who weren't listening/trying and didn't know what to do it was very frustrating. But it was better than not going! Left early (relatively - about 11) and walked home. Between getting home and getting to bed the ground got full of snow! That was nice. The people next door brought thier kids out to play. I only just realised that's not good for small children, being up that late...

Tuesday 28th Feb - Pancakes
So many people in our house!! So many pancakes. About 6 pints of milk were used. I think about 60 pancakes were made. I was in a BIG grump which even included crying. I can't handle being tired very well. But it was nice to see people. And eat lots of pancakes.

Monday 27th Feb - Nowt
Was supposed to be making costumes. Actually sat on the sofa. ALL night.

Sunday 26th Feb - Costuming
I borrowed Fran's classroom, which was a little odd, and sat on my own for lots of the evening. I got random helpers at random points. I discovered that ALL the things we'd made for the men on Saturday didn't fit. GRUMP! And I was very very tired. Which was a great start to the next week.

Saturday 25th Feb - Costuming plus parties
Spent the day mostly making costumes with a team of helpers in the Union. It was quite productive! But I'm not very good at using helpers. Then I went to Nik's housewarming in the evening, followed by Adam's birthday. Both of these people I see very rarely, so I wanted to make special effort, so I did! It was ace to see them. I know Nik from teacher training. He dropped out about the same time as me, but he's stayed in it and is currently being a teaching assistant for special needs kids (I think!). Went to his house and talked about boys. Then I headed to Canal Street and found Adam and Dave and lots of their friends. I know Adam and Dave from my degree (2nd 2nd year and 3rd year) and they are ace! In completely different ways. But anyway, Dave made me stay out for more drinks than I planned as he didn't know anyone else (which is a LIE), but I ended up getting very drunk and stealing sweets.

Friday 24th Feb - Work night out
Edinburgh Adam's Birthday! Take note.
Was EXCEEDINGLY tired (you may notice a theme to the last month or so...) and so wasn't very good at hiding my grumpiness. It was Nick's leaving do. Nick's lovely! We met his girlfriend (who is far too gorgeous to be friends with and girls!) and lots of random other friends. I did a lot of standing at the side and watching, which I really enjoyed! But can't really write my observations down here. On my way home the man from Kashmiri asked me out.

Thursday 23rd Feb - MUGSS and Mahinda's birthday take 2
I went to a whole rehearsal! Can't remember what I did... But I'm sure it was useful. Then I went to Harry's which I dislike more and more everytime (starting from their re-vamp to orange and blue a few years ago, and continuing through their wine bar image) followed by Font and SubSpace. That was more fun! And Mahinda was amusingly flirty drunk. Then we went for kebab and I didn't have to pay.

Wednesday 22nd Feb – Anything goes in Linden land
Linden was in a show, so we went to see it. I have to admit that I didn't enjoy it immensly. And somehow they made Linden look unattractive! That makes no sense. But there was definitely some talent and good songs in there.

Tuesday 21st Feb - Mahinda's birthday take 1
Went to the first half of orchestra then snuck off to Soloman's. Orchestra bored me. And I don't like people being better than me in the way that they feel they can tell me which finiger to use and which way to bow. Grump! But Soloman's was nice and better than rehearsal.

Monday 20th Feb - Dunno
Probably not a lot. Ooh, think I watched tv with Adam.

Sunday 19th Feb - Home
I cleared out loads and loads of clothes! As did Katherine. Cause they are too big for us now. I think I might not have phoned home since then. I'm a bad person.

Saturday 18th Feb - Wolf's birthday
Spent the night in Hardy's Well for Wolf's (barman with long hair) birthday. He's 22/23? Not very old! Grump. But it was a lovely evening, with very nice people. Including Liz Bassoon again, and her housemate who knows my ex-housemate Joanna, so we've had drunken conversations before.

Friday 17th Feb - Sand Bar
Fun was had with Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Liz Bassoon, Matt Clark, Grandad Matt, Cass, Joe, Jimby, Simon, Murray, Charlie, Miranda, Steve, Andy, Ian, Justin and probably more people too. Then I found Sue who lives on my road at home home, and 2 other people from 6th form! Realised I'd known her 18 years and got very scared.

Thursday 16th Feb - Ra!n Bar
Drank beer! It was fun. I have no idea how well we did. I think there was Ed, Pete, Rosy, Mahinda and Linden. But there could have been entirely different people. I think Liz and Cassie were there actually. And I think Liz had just sang a concert. But I could be on the wrong week entirely.

Wednesday 15th Feb - TV?
Probably stayed in and watched The Bill.

Tuesday 14th Feb - Not CAOS
Told work I want to move to Edinburgh. Rebecca was really nice about it! Saying she understands that life isn't just about work. And she knows I like working there and they like me. In the evening I had a costume meeting with Jo and then sat at home on my own!

Monday 13th Feb - Old Fart's Curry
I started arranging this a long time ago, as a request from people at the CAOS Christmas Concert. I got the Spring 2001 programme and e-mailed/texted all the people I could to invite them along. It was ace to see people! Gareth and Suzy and Matt and Jenny are probably who I see the least. And I managed to find Liz Bassoon, who no-one has seen for about 4 years! But she started work at my hospital and so I sent her a letter. Hurrah for Liz!

*I am now home! And it's warm. And I'm on my computer and everything. Hurrah! I was sensible and left Hardy's at 10.30 so I can get lots of sleep before tomorrow. But I'm on here, so we'll see what time I actually get to bed**...

**It would look like about 12.15. Not bad!