So, Friday I home early and went to bed fairly early (but probably not early enough for how early I intended to get up!), but then my daehssip* housemates came home drunk and woke me up about 3 and about 5.30. They weren't doing anything on purpose, and I have woken them up on many occasion, so I'm not cross! Just didn't get much sleep.

Had a fairly productive Saturday MUGSS-wise on the heated floor in the Renold building. Heated floors rock. FACT. Then met my sisters and Simon (Little Alison's boyfriend) and we went for a nice curry at Al Nawaz. We picked there cause I don't have any complaints against it (like most other curry houses!) and it has a magician and fish in the floor. But I couldn't see any fish or magician.

Then Justin appeared and we went to Hardy's for a chat. I think I've been a bit insensitive about him recently and should make up for it. He's been dumped by his girlfriend, but I wasn't that sympathetic as they've been together 3 weeks. But he is blatently very much smitten. In those 3 weeks I think he didn't turn up to what he said he would 3 times, and when I did see him all he could do was grin and say how happy he felt, so that's my excuse for being a bit rubbish. I couldn't relate to his happiness, as it didn't seem like it could be real that fast, and felt like he'd dumped us friends quite happily (although this is not the case, I just felt like it). I don't know if Justin reads this (I'm quite sure he doesn't) but I hope I've explained enough if he does. I shall make up for it soon, I hope.

Then we headed to mine to pick up booze, then to Charlotte's party. We arrived as Al and Jenny were leaving and I joked about them leaving cause of me. I thought it was funny. I think Jenny did too, but not Al! Oh well. It was blatent that it wasn't the case, as there was no way they could have go that ready for leaving with hats and stuff in the time it took me to get in the door. It was nice to see Charlotte, but I suspect I was a little drunken and useless. Went home and drank vodka and fell asleep on the couch.

On Sunday I got up at 7 and went to bed. Then eventually got up again about 11. Dan cooked me breakfast. Yay! Then I generally did nothing as I was incapable. Went to rehearsal for 4 (many thanks to Holker for yet another lift!) and was generally rude to everyone there. I don't care about each individual thread! Stop asking me how to sew on a button or which shoes to wear! And listen when I say I need to see everything together to answer, not just keep asking!!! Grrr! But I think the show might be ok.

I'm going to go home now and sew all evening! I think I might be inspired.

*MUGSS has gotten me into the habit of spelling swear words backwards, just in case you were confused.


Anonymous said...

"Stop asking me how to sew on a button or which shoes to wear! And listen when I say I need to see everything together to answer, not just keep asking!!"

eeep...I'm sorry :( I was too busy trying to avoid pissing Jo off further to realise that I was pissing you off. Will not happen again

Alsion said...

Lovely, lovely Mia.

You did not piss mes off! You may have asked a million times, but I didn't notice :-)

I was thinking of a specific boy who annoyed me. And 2 girls (who I think I have just taken an irrational dislike to).

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with irraitonal dislikes....