I think I got 4 1/2 hours sleep. This appears to be the limit of my danger zone* as I'm surprisingly not tired! I think I might make it through the day. I am, however, too tired to file. FACT. Oops.

Anyway, the dress rehearsal was last night (Monday) and I think all was well! But me, being me, managed to miss the only thing that I do in the show! I have to help someone change, and I managed to miss it. Oops.

I saw my mum and Little Alison briefly, so now I have a phone that works (I think). Thanks Jen! I'm not sure I know how to work it yet, but that's something I can figure out later.

I'm trying to figure out what show week is going to do to Fat Club... Yesterday I had a chip butty (damn canteen for not having anything vege and healthy!) and that's about it (munched on chocolate, but probably only a bars worth) from 8am till 11.30pm when I got home and made an egg sandwich. So I've eaten VERY unhealthily, but not much, so maybe it'll work? I dunno. I've also not been weeing very much at all. That confuses me! 13 hours in the theatre on Sunday I went once. 6 hours there yesterday and I also only went once. What's going on?!? The place makes me not notice if I've not eaten/drunk/weed for hours! Crazy show week body stuff.

I'm sure you all appreciated knowing that.

I wonder who even reads this now? I've discovered many, many MUGSS blogs recently, so maybe they've found mine? I can'te ven decide if I want to know... I do, cause I'm nosey. I don't in case it makes me write differently. I don't think it would change what I wrote though, but I suppose there's no real way of knowing, unless I have a clone who can try the other way.

OK, so maybe the lack of sleep is affecting me. I shall go file.

*I define my danger zone as the amount of sleep that makes me horrible for the next day. Granted, this could in fact be any amount of time in existance, but is generally between 4 and 7 hours. Less than that and adrenaline must keep me going.


Anonymous said...

It's rude to read a friend's blog regularly (more than three times) and not comment.

That's what I reckon, anyway.

Maybe the weeing thing is just general dehydration - if there's not much going in, there won't be much coming out!

Anonymous said...

Hey Alison
Was at work with the girls killing some time. As you can tell working really hard, and came across your name. Just thought that I would say hi! My names Alison Pickering. 24 yrs but I am Brisbane Australia. uncanny !

Have a good day ! or night!
Keep warm over there as we sit in Sunny 32 degrees.
Love Alison Pickering