Healthy Pigmy Hippo

I'm having a bit of a down time at the moment, but (if this makes ANY sense) quite enjoying it. I know that I'm where I want, doing what I want. I may not have the people that I love around me all the time, but they still love me. Think I'm just miserable because I'm tired and often feel a bit ill the day after I cycle.

Today I'm tired because I had weird dreams all night and didn't want to go back to sleep again. Any dream experts out there? In my dream my mum and dad (although they didn't look like my mum and dad) had 7 small children (like under 10), and my dad was bed ridden after a nasty accident, then my mum but all the small children in the people carrier with her and drove into a garage that was on fire and exploded. So me and Katherine had to look after daddy, although we were quite upset, then a teacher from primary school (Mrs Parker) came and told us off and told us that we had to stop being upset and look after the young ones, cause she'd been looking after the 7 children (who were, presumably, dead, so it makes no sense). Anyway, it was odd and scary and I didn't like it. As if I didn't have enough trouble sleeping anyway, I'm really not going to want to tonight!

Am also very fed up with work. It's boring! There isn't much for me to do. But I'm going to make the most of it, and learn lots, and use it to get another job. Shhh.
Ok, so a run down of events...

Thursday: Went to my friend Tim's gig, although didn't actually see him play. He said he'd be on at 9, but I got there about half past, due to being in the bath for a couple of hours after work. He wasn't even there! Had a pint on my own, then he turned up and sound checked. We had a chat for a bit, which was ace actually, cause I've seen him quite a few times without speaking to him much. Then I left before he played and went to Doctors to find Kelly, and found American Emily! She talked about boys, and we all told stupid jokes. I was quite drunk. Oops.

Friday: Got up about 6.30, just cause I was awake. Strange. Felt like poop, but figured more lying around wasn't going to help, so I was early to work. This all helped with my flexi time balance, as I took at extra long lunch to see Mark, Ads and Dan. Their train journey up north had an hour and a half wait in Edinburgh, so I went and sat in the park with them for a bit. They were picking on Mark for bringing far more stuff than the others, but I swear Adam's bike was heavier! The evening was spent doing washing, tidying and mooching around with a book.

Saturday: Cleaning and tidying of the flat. I was annoyed with a housemate throughout most of it, as I'm sure he's the only one to make mess. I may yet be proven otherwise, but we shall see. Then Del arrived and I went to meet him at the station. We nipped back to the flat to dump the bag, then went out for drinks, curry, more drinks and music. We made friends with a lovely couple, whom I plan to see again.

Sunday: After little sleep (I really am rubbish at it!), we went for breakfast at the cafe across the road, then Adam joined us for lunch at The Stand, which is a comedy club. Sunday lunchtime is an improvised slot, that's free. Then Del got on his train, Adam went to see his parents, and I went to the park. This may be the regular plan for Sundays when I have visitors. I then grabbed some chips and went to the pub to meet Kelly and Savoy.

Monday: I couldn't get weighed, because I accidentally took my Ceroc membership card to work, not my Boots weigh machine card. Oops. So don't know how the bet progress is going. Cycling revelations were that it was considerably easier than it has been, and wind really makes a difference! I kept nearly being blown away. I phoned Charlotte and had a bit of a gossip catch up. I miss her. Then Housemate Kat came with me to the pub to meet Graham and Holly and Emma (all with CAOS connections). On the way back we stopped by fire club, and almost looked like weirdos, as we didn't recognise anyone! But someone did know Kat, so all was rescued. When we got home, Patrick was back (Yay!) and Alex was tidying (also Yay!), and we all mooched around for a while. Alex is going away for a week, so we can find out who really does make the mess! And Patrick's brought back some throws from home, so the living room is going to look ace very soon. Hurrah! I just hope it stays that way...

Tuesday: I have a cold. I swear it's connected to the cycling thing. Grump.

The future: Thursday I'm going to join an orchestra.

I've just realised all my blogs have started to have the same format. Waffle, day by day account, plans. Oh well!


Anonymous said...

rahhh. I got my results today! I passed all my exams...yay! Not that bad marks either! lol I am changing my summer plans though, staying at home until 13th and going to Edinburgh then...means I get to stay with my cousins!

Hope everything is good!

Anonymous said...

Emma - congratulations!

Alsion - that's one strange dream you've got there. Just watch out if it starts recurring. Or if you start coveting the small children.

Anonymous said...

I want a pygmy hippo to live in my bath. But you know that!

I am suspicious of cycling. I avoid it. Mainly cos I don't have a bicycle. But also I think its something to do with the fact that the last time I was on a bike I feinted as I forgot that I'd given blood earlier that day. Oops. Silly me.

Anonymous said...

eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eateat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat fat eat love someone who isn't having a bet with you