If you come to tea, a zombie you will see...

Most amazing thing I've found, EVER!!! Type cow print into Google and search for images. It's awesome. I'm not sure I've ever used that word before, but I feel it is needed just now, in the full of awe sense, not the American sense.

Fat Club
Pirate Party

Stayed at Liz's in the living room, which rather surprised Clare when she found me and Andy in the morning. Had a sleepy conversation to discover that she's fine and dandy and still lovely. Went to Fat Club by quick ejection from Andrew car. Was ace to see Paula for a while and Liz and Jo and new Fat Club friends Sarah (who so isn't fat, but it's ok as she's lovely) and Georgie. Went to Starbucks for coffee, but this is ok as we needed to sit outside and got free water instead of coffee and that feels cheeky enough. Off I trundled to meet Maths Adam (how do I know so many Adams?!?). He was off to a picnic, so we wandered around Tesco to find him ingredients. I then went to get the train to Lostock, and Adam went to cut his finger off whilst preparing salad.

Got to Lostock to find a giant pile of earth, so I asked my dad if we had a mole and he looked confused. Apparently he's already moved 5 tons. Go him! Then me and Jennifer snuck off to Tesco, cause apparently she was supposed to have done it already. Got back to find cousins galore and Katherine and my mum hard at work in the kitchen. Thank you Katherine for all the cooking! Still want that potatoes recipe. Not of how to make potatoes, but of how to make them taste that nice. The afternoon was spent eating and chatting and catching up. From the second I arrived I had an attachment of Aillie, who wouldn't let me go! We read and drew and played tig and rolled on the floor. It was nice. Gary spent most of the time watching the golf, as you do. Sarah and Lucy were doing the Race for Life on Sunday. Go them! I wonder how they did...
They all helped me get ready for the Pirate Party, and Shona especially liked me slapping my face. This was because rubbing my beard smudged it, so I had to pat it around. My dad found me a waistcoat and a stick which we attacked Joel's flag to. I was quite impressed with my costume, as that morning all I had was shoes and earrings. Typical. The party was cool! I was a bit scared, as I thought I'd only know Liz, but I knew Carl (her husband) and Sarah (her sister) and Gemma (from MUGSS) and everyone else was lovely too. Drove back to Lostock to have a well earnt glass of wine and catch up with the parents/sisters without all the cousins. But kept getting told to shhh cause the golf was still on.


Had a brief tidy up (cause I was lazy and stayed in bed till 10 reading) and got on a train with Katherine who was going back to Sheffield. Met Charlotte and Dan for iced coffee/juice and chatted rubbish. One question still remains: How have no scallies died in the heat? Surely some must have collapsed from heat stroke/sunburn/drunkeness. Maybe they just don't advertise it. They were then heading off to the Lowry - the last of their holiday week adventure plans, and I headed to Sinclairs, which I just love. Nice proper beer for less that £2 a pint. Brilliant! There were all sorts of people* there at various times and it was lovely! I did keep assuming everyone knew each other though. Silly me. I really enjoyed it. Not the being silly, the seeing people.
The train back was far less entertaining, but it did get me there. Got back to my house about 8 and couldn't be bothered going out to the pub again.

Fire Club

We (me, Housemate Kat andhousematee Patrick) went to comedy for £1 and it was definitely worth it! Various people with various styles, but some people I'd definitely want to see again. And I found the bloke I've had a crush on since last festival. I accidentally wrote that I love him on the comment card and he read it out. It really was an accident - I filled in the details bit and then thought for a while what to write, forgetting that I'd just written down my full name and e-mail address. Moron. On the way back we stopped by fire club and talked to strangers. I like my housemates.

Off sick

'Nuff said. Off sick. Got sunburnt.


Spent most of the day at work investigating doing a ECDL. I think it would be cool to have. I have no proof that I can do anything with a computer, except just saying I can, and I want to be able to prove it. After work I tidied. This was actually not that tricky and quite effective! Hurrah. Next I cycled to the park and caught up with Jess lady for a while and some random Polish bloke who said she was "a female goat somewhere over there". We think this isn't actually what he meant though, as he was speaking Polish and we were listening English. Then I went to a pub and foun Housemate Patrick (well, met him, not found him) and we had a pint and got talked to by a drunk man who has come for his dad's funeral and waiting till his daughter has her 2nd baby before he goes back to Spain. He's not crazy - she is very pregnant. We left cause I wanted to shout at him to stop drinking and g home to his daughter if that's who he's come to visit, and we went to a different pub. By the time we left I'd had 1 glass of red wine, 1 bottle of Leffe, 2 pints of 80' and a whiskey. We cycled back up the hill, and when we were on our road I decided I wanted to make Patrick fall off, so I bumped him, and fell off myself... Oops. I have a big giant bruise on my leg, most of the way down the front of my left leg, and a little one on the back of my right. Dumbo. Back to the flat and more drinking and chatting till about 2, I think.


Our lunch menu has a different random fact everyday. Today's is "FACT: If you took all the bag pipers in the world and laid them end to end -- it would be a good idea"! Ace. Usually they are slightly more informative, such as the bubbles iGuinnessss go down rather than up, and Tuesday's was "FACT: When ketchup was originally developed by the Chinese in 1690, it contained no tomatoes. It was made out of pickled fish, shellfish and spices."

So there you go. FACTs from work. I had vegetarian soya mince with potato and herb dumplings and roast potatoes. Mmmm... I am so full. But it's ok, cause the writing was in green so means it's vegetarian, and it had a little sun, which means it's a healthy option. Hurrah for the easy to use menu! And it was £2 for that and a big diet coke. The best thing about this job.

I've got a silly song about zombies stuck in my head. It's not Slugs Ate My Parents for a change, but a song my little sister used to sing and do a silly dance about. Ooh! Sister news: Jennifer's got into the course she wanted to. She's off to do Occupational Therapy (basket making) at Cardiff in January. She thought she hadn't got in and was going to go to Derby in September, but this is the course she wanted and she has longer to save up. Yay for Jennifer!

*Adam (degree), Nik (teaching), Sarah (Pete), Paula (Liz), Mahinda (Goonie), Paul (MUGSS), John (MUGSS), Rosy (Goonie), Nick (Adrian), Andy (CAOS). I might have missed someone. Oops.


Anonymous said...

I like the fact that I'm a catagory in your life!!! Tee hee hee.

Comedy for a quid sounds good, actually all your advenutes sound good.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good one. Sorry I couldn't make it to Sinclair's but the interviews went well so it was worthwhile I think.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl... found you. again. no, you can't escape. as a matter of fact, what are you doing on saturday morning at, like, ten? thought i'd stop by edinburgh, you know, from New Haven, Connecticut, USA... maybe if you're not busy we can drink a few bottles of wine...
much love, melissa

Alsion said...

We better drink wine girl!

I'm so excited that you're coming. Hurrah!