
I keep thinking about jam. Not the physical stuff, just if you ask me something random, I'll probably say jam. And we've been playing Mallet's Mallet a lot.

I've spent a lot of the time in the pub recently laughing about the story of Rosy running into a tree. Yes. INTO A TREE. It's possibly not as funny to people who don't know him, and it probably doesn't help that I have to explain that Rosy's a boy, and is the Goonie dog, which then brings out whole explanation about the fact that I'm married... And then I wonder why people think I'm crazy.

What else?

Melissa's last night! How sad. I met her and Gwen after work and we went for dinner and drinkage. I got to learn about the previous evening's adventures, which involved Gwen falling asleep in a flowerbed and Melissa thinking Gwen had lost her head, and lots of crying and wailing. They are friends again now. It was all silly and drunken and lack of communications fault.

Anyway, we didn't do much except drink! Went for food at Assembly, opposite the upside down purple cow, then went for drinks at Bar Oz. Dave, Gavin, Nathan and others came to join us there for drinks. Melissa and Gwen decided they needed more food, so me and Dave went to Opium for a drink, then joined the crowd again at Doctors. Melissa is wonderful, so many lots of people came to see her off. I almost cried, but it was ok. Dave got a talking to and has promised to look after me, or something (I'm not allowed to know!), which must have scared him as much as me, as we'd only snogged when drunk, and now he's under wrath of an American!! But seemed to take it in his stride. I'd been feeling rough all day at work, so didn't stay out too late.

Felt more awful than Thursday, and knew I'd been pretty useless on Thursday, so thought it best not to go in. I'd not had much sleep, as I just can't sleep at the moment. It's so frustrating! Called in sick and spent most of the day in bed. Can't remember what I did in the evening... Ooh, Paul Kendler came for the weekend. That means that in the afternoon I went to Dave's flat and we watched some Black Books. Met Paul at the station, along with some of his friends. Went to the Elephant house for food/drinks (I had a diet coke) and chatted. Then Paul came back to mine to dump stuff. The evening's activities were something along the lines of drinking. I can't remember exactly. Remember finishing in Underbelly, thinking Paul will be in a show till 5, but he was out early due to a burst pipe. He'd got back to my house but couldn't get in. Oops.

Woke up at 10. Feel this isn't fair as we were up till 5.30. Dave was not awake. I was a little bored. I washed up and read and e-mailed. But was still knackered, so when Paul went off on adventures I didn't. Eventually Dave surfaced and we went out to watch Pirates 2. It was very well done, but I don't think I'm a big fan... Couldn't remember the first one, so a lot made no sense! And it has no ending. And I'm a scaredy cat. But I appreciate it and did enjoy it a lot. After that we found Adam at random on Viewforth, which was nice. Then I went to find Paul and Becky at the top of Calton hill to watch sunset. I was a little late, but the only one who brought beer, so I feel that's ok. It was nice looking out over the world, even though I got there after dark! We shared my beer, then went off to find John G (who looks like jesus) and his sister, Kate, and Ben (who looks like a bear) at the Assembly Rooms. Ben's been working there, and the other 2 had been watching The Muppets. Had a drink, then me and Becky wimped out to get early nights when the others went to watch musical comedy, or something. Found Kelly and had a nice catch up, then with Dave to Bedlam and persuaded him that he too is knackered and didn't want to stay for the party.

Went for lunch with Dave's friends. You may have noticed that we've been spending a lot of time together. This is A Good Thing. I'm happy around him and am happy going to things where I know only him, as I would be with lots of my friends. I just got a little panicky when someone introduced us as together... But that panic stayed inside and only lasted a minute or so. His friends seem lovely! I know it's only one group of many of his friends, like it would be if anyone came to meet my friends. But I felt comfortable and like they liked me. I reckon in some ways I get on with them better! This is only in a couple of ways, like that I have a "normal" job and can talk to them about offices/spreadsheets/projects. I could not join in very much with the talk of films, but hopefully I didn't come across as that much of a dumbass! Maybe I shouldn't have said that about snake not having opposable thumbs...

I then went home for a while and relaxed, before heading out to the PGP party. They have one every Sunday for the people who have just arrived and the people who are leaving. Simon had just arrived, so it was great to catch up with him a little (we were some of the first there). During the party Bohemian Rhapsody played. Now I have an irrational hatred of this song. I think I blame Jennifer (Little Alsion), as she used to practice it on the piano*. Anyways, I left and Dave followed me with a coat (I'd told him he had to do this earlier, but didn't think he would!) and we had a chat outside, so now he's my boyfriend! Would have been useful to know before lunch with his friends, but hey, it's ace. We then ventured to C Venue for more drinkage, before getting a taxi home in the rain.

Left without saying bye to Paul K cause I didn't want to wake him. Can't remember what I did in the evening... Must have been exciting! Oh, actually, it was. It was Gwen's last night, so she came over and we drank wine before going for a drink in a pub. It was really nice to talk just to her for a while. I've been hanging out with her all week, but not properly talked. It was lovely. I realised how tired I was, so walked her to Doctor's before turning straight around and walking home. Dave left with me, and it wasn't until half way home that I realised he hadn't been there for hours, and it must have looked exceedingly weird to the others! We came in different doors and then just left straight away. Oh well ;-)

Spent some time at home before going to meet Adam for a drink. He was off to a show with some of his other friends (apparently I met one before, but we didn't seem to recognise each other!). He was being a bit quiet, as was I, so it was a little strange, but nice. They went off to their show (some Spaghetti Western music) and I went to find people I know. This turned out to be Savoy people as their show had *just* finished, and I went to Bedlam. Had a chat with Simon (you go form knowing no Simons to knowing millions! Pah), which amused me a lot. He's not really friends with Dave, and was moaning about him the other day. I chose not to tell him I was seeing him then, as I thought it was a little cruel, but I told him on Tuesday and it amused me a lot. Then a girl called Eleanor (?) from Savoy bugged me and I walked off.

Had the morning off work through flexi-time, to try to make myself less ill. It didn't work! I got sent home from work early for looking rough. Pah.
Spent the evening at home. Was going to go to see Murder at the Savoy (as I promised some people I'd see it twice) but couldn't be bothered... Was nice to spend time with Housemate Patrick. I'm going to miss his random questions. (Oh yeah - did I say he's moving out? Anyone know anyone who wants to move to Edinburgh?) They are generally a choice for the rest of life. Some of yesterdays were:

Bananas or sandals? (I'm not sure I answered this one... I tried to argue about the definition of a sandal. Think I decided on bananas, as I don't eat much fruit)
Would you get rid of murder or racism? (Murder - people will always find ways to discriminate, I decided, so would stop people being killed. Patrick picked racism, as it's mean and murder is a bit like discipline. Neither of us were sure we were sure!)
You can only have 5 veg - pick them. (Me - mushrooms, spinach, peas, broccoli and garlic. Patrick - mushrooms, onions, greens, carrots, peas. We know mushrooms aren't a vegetable, but I was going on "vegetable", so potatoes weren't counted.)

Answers please!

My charger arrived for my Palm thingy!!! Hurrah! I will have a life again soon. So I did some organising of that and photos and iTunes and stuff.

Is now. Still been sneezing ALL day, and generally feel like poo. But not quite as bad as yesterday. Have mostly had meetings all day. Am not amused with work at the moment, but am about to go to my monthly review, so maybe this will make it better.

Tonight I try to see Linden and Simon and others, as I spend tomorrow night with Patrick and then go on holiday. I guess I will see Dave too, but I'm not going to try too hard as he knows that we can see each other when we're back and he knows that others will be gone. And I can see him and others. So it'll all be ok.

This be tomorrow. I spend the evening with Housemate Patrick and some of his friends from home. And maybe Linden too.

I go on holiday. We're going to Carnoustie for a couple of nights, then Achmelvich for 5 or so, then maybe Aviemore for 1/2. I'm quite excited - Achmelvich is probably the most beautiful place I've ever been. I'll be sharing a tent with my sisters for the week, so hopefully no fighting!


I feel this has been a very long post (probably cause it has) and it might not make much sense. So I will now summarise:
  • I've not been to any shows this week.
  • I have been quiet ill.
  • I have a boyfriend.
  • I go on holiday on Saturday.
  • Melissa has gone :-(


*I first spelt that as paino. Mistake??


Anonymous said...

cats and jam!!!!!!!

just to let you know I have officially dropped out of uni! I got onto my HNC theatre course!!!

Simon said...

Good for you on the boyfriend step.

Anonymous said...

Sandals. I don't like bananas.

Racism. Not a fan.

Spinach, potatoes, beans, onions, lettuce. I'm not counting mushrooms (which I love to bits), but I am counting potatoes. I do like spring greens and okra too, and I'm counting tomatoes as a fruit - while I can't stand them raw, they're pretty necessary for nice things like pizza. Garlic would be up there too, as it's ace.