Melissa fun!

Tuesday: Work, show, show, pub, pub

I'm getting over the job thing. I am learning quite a bit, and it should be useful experience. I got a rejection letter from the job I really wanted. I'm a bit grumpy that I don't even know why I don't get an interview, but can't be that surprised or I'd ring and ask. And it's probably a good job I don't have to do a presentation next week. I'll probably be drunk. Anyway, I'm kind of enjoying it at the moment. I've been doing reports for people, and they seem impressed with the fact that I listen to what they want and give it to them before the deadline. I can cope with that. And I like making pretty graphs.

Anyway, life's not about work. After work I went to meet Jonathan to see a show before he headed back to Manchester. Then I hung around in the office for a while talking to Mat and Dan and generally getting in the way, with a small amount of being useful in between, before going to watch another show (probably to get out of the way!). Here's what I think about the shows:

Tits and Blood

Had no tits or blood. And apparently the play isn't even called that. The writer called it something else. I don't know what. Anyway, it was some American late teens/early twenties actors. I don't know if I'm allowed to admit this (cause I kind of half work for the venue and all) but I didn't enjoy it much. It was supposed to be mind bending (is this a show, or is this who we are, or is it real, or is it not?) but I just didn't get convinced by any of it. Maybe because they were American and talking about taking a girl to the lake, but there isn't a lake in Edinburgh (at least not one that I know of that people to go make out at). I wouldn't watch it again, but I could see the potential, maybe. 1/5.

Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens

This was by the same people as Yeti, that I watched on Monday and wasn't as impressed as I thought I should be. I was impressed with this one. Maybe I just liked the content/story better. It's about AIDS and most of the characters are dead. They are very cleverly dressed in white, but if alive have some red on them. (You've got red on you!) It's people talking after they're dead about how they got AIDS and how people treated them and who keeps them going and stuff. When I say talking, I mean singing and talking in rhyme. There were a few bits where I wasn't amused - there was a bit that felt like a boy band as they are all in white and people stand up at the key change and there was a bit that felt like a lecture that the government wasn't doing anything - but overall I enjoyed it a lot. 4/5.

After the shows I went to some pubs (naturally!). In intended to stay out all night with Melissa, having Wednesday off work, but I was a wimp and went home about 3. Mainly due to jealousy over flirting people! But I knew it was irrational and I was just tired, so I went.

Wednesday: Sleep, walk, drink, eat, Lambrini, show, drink

I stayed in bed till 11. Which wasn't really a lie in, as I went to sleep about 4, so not really a catch up! Left about 1 to find Melissa, Gwen and Larissa, who were having lunch after seeing a show. Melissa and Gwen went to watch a show and me and Larissa went to the bank and wandered around town. It was quite nice! Saw street things and people I knew and stuff. Then found Melissa and Gwen and we caused chaos on the Mile. Talking to anyone who was a cute boy, seeing what we could make them do. We got 2 people to sing for us in the street, but no-one would get naked. Gwen and Larissa had to go off to work, so me and Melissa went for a drink. We managed to get free tickets to a show on route. So had a pint then went to mine to change and eat pasta, drank Lambrini in the park and then watched:

The Sperm Monologues

Apparently when you give sperm now, some places ask you to leave a message to your kid who's allowed to see it when they're 18. There were 3 boys who played various characters showing what they would do. It was quite interesting! What would you say when giving sperm? Would you be prepared, or ad lib, or what? I liked it quite a lot. One man was French, one was deaf, one had a terminal illness, one was a school kid and was jealous that his friends had kids, one was too scared and just ran right out, etc. It was cool. 4/5.

Afterwards we hogged one of the guys in the bar and told him we enjoyed it, but the man in front creeped us out. At the end he turned around and said he enjoyed listening to us. We were delightful. Then tried to make us go to his show. Then drinks, drinks, drinks! Was lovely to play out with Melissa. I shall be doing it again tonight.

Thursday: Now, ow, Irn-Bru

I hurt. Oops. But I had an ace time yesterday, and just need to sit down all day. Well, I *should* think... Anyway, the hangover made me realise and appreciate the goodness that is Irn-Bru. I forget how good it is. Mmmm... Orange nectar.

We have some good facts on the menu at work this week:

All polar bears are left handed
Women blink nearly twice as much as men
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow
Lawyers have feelings too! (allegedly)
The electric chair was invented by a dentist

OK, so I already knew the last 3, and am not very amused by the elbow one. So I actually meant I like the fact about polar bears.


Anonymous said...

I still view the first show I ever saw at the Fringe as the worst thing I've EVER seen. Tim had just met me at Waverley and taken me to Greyfriar's, at which point we got told to cover up our T-shirts and head into the auditorium as a reviewer was in and there was an audience of about two.

The show was "A Turquoise Coyote Under My Pillow" by Marvin R. Heimsta, Poet and Joymaker. Yes. Joymaker. Performance art/poetry, much about computers taking over our thoughts, by a man who'd possibly never touched a keyboard. He did have a large cardboard mouse that he waved around meaningfully.

Maybe I just didn't get wasn't my sort of thing at all, really, but it made me feel very uneasy about having gone up there for the week.

Thankfully, it got considerably better after that!

BTW, I think that was exactly seven years and two days ago...which makes me feel really old :o(

Anonymous said...

apparently we all have to go and see something called star trip...its funny...but has no words...just people in silly space outfits from spain...or soemthing...