Daydream Believer

I had a really freaky dream last night. I had a baby. I didn't know I was pregnant, just had a sore belly. And when I woke up I had a baby, who was a few weeks old. I'd had a Caesarian. I didn't know what was going on, but was then on a train with my baby. I didn't know what his name was. I saw it written down (Akbar or something - I just remember an A and some hard consonants), but then didn't even know how to pronounce it. I also had someone else's baby to look after, cause that's what you do when you have babies. I was very tired. Then I got off the train, which was tricky cause I had 2 prams and lots of luggage, and the train went off with the other person's baby on board. My dad was there and helped me with my stuff, but I was so tired I couldn't make him understand that the other baby was on the train. Then I didn't know how to breast feed. I didn't know why I hadn't been shown. But then I didn't remember having the baby or being in hospital or anything.


At the weekend I did something that I'm not sure if I'm proud of. It's something that I've offered plenty of times, but no-one has ever taken me up on the offer. Until now. I cooked meat. I'm not sure if I'm proud of myself or feel dirty.

It wasn't that exciting - I just made lasagne. But we had about half an hour to get ready for a dinner party. I'd taken Dave to the beach for the day, cause he said he wanted to be at the beach when I was on holiday. We walked over to Crammond, which is an island that you can get to when the tide's out. I had the worst headache I've had in ages, and it was squashing my head. I wasn't that interesting, and I tripped up a rock and scraped a knee and fell down on my bum and twisted my other knee and think I hurt an ankle too. Typical! When waiting for a bus home I suggested we invite people round for dinner. Suddenly I was cooking for 9. I was the only vegetarian. Oh well! It was an adventure. Oh, and I also made bread and butter pudding. It amuses me that I guess how to make it on holiday and it worked. It didn't work so well this time, but I know why. We then watched some Black Books.

I can't help be suspicious that Dave doesn't appear to eat real food. I don't think he can cook anything. I just find it odd. I mean, being rubbish at cooking, fair enough. But he doesn't ever try, as far as I can tell. And I don't think he'll eat anything that I'd class as a proper meal that didn't have meat. He eats very few vegetables, and doubt he'd eat a lentil or chick pea. I just don't know what to do with him. It makes me tired trying to work out what to make for dinner. I give up. Go eat pasta and ketchup and cheese if you want.

So that was Saturday, the beach and the dinner party. Sunday I went home after doing all the washing up and faffed around. Rearranged a bit of my room, and now I have nowhere to put my boots. All the pairs of them. Oops. Will have to rearrange a little more. I then had a really long bath/shower, and discover that we have a leak. Water was coming down from above the washing machine. Quite a lot. So I spoke to the flat upstairs, and it doesn't appear to be from them. But then Monday night I had a shower and it didn't drip, and using the washing machine didn't drip. Hmmm... The flat's getting a bit annoying. The bathroom floor is about to fall in, and the utility room ceiling. Pah. Anyway, later I went to see a show, but couldn't get a ticket. So Dave met me in the pub, then he had to go do something important like drink with someone else, and I went home via the chippy. Shhh. I drank too much beer on my own and watched Jack and Sarah. I wanted to make myself cry, but failed. Oh well.

I've accidentally already told you about Monday. I cycled to work and back. Got home about 7. I tried to find the source of the leak, but failed. I caught up with Alex a bit as he was home. I practised my cello*. I looked up how to get to the concert I am doing on Saturday, but it appears that no public transport goes to the town at all. Ooh, that's a lie, I can get there, but the last bus back leaves about half an hour after the concert starts, so I guess it won't have finished. I should be a fun day out though. I looked up other random things on the web. Then went to bed at 10 cause I'm a loser who can't handle being up late anymore. I read my book for a while though.
And then had that (^) dream.

Now I am going to leave work for Tuesday, and hopefully find Adam tonight. I might be joining a new orchestra, but we might do something else if the rehearsals haven't started yet.

Have you noticed the extra excitement about playing the cello? I'm glad it's coming back. CAOS was draining all the passion out of it for me.

*Note, this has not been done (except once the day of a concert that I had a solo in) since I was 11.


Anonymous said...

Is Dave Scottish? You know what they're like with vegetables!

That's definitely a freaky dream - just hope it doesn't repeat on you. Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck ;o)

Alsion said...

Nope! He's from Surrey. What are Scottish people like with vegetables? I've found them fairly normal, if not extra vegetable loving. This could be due to hippiness though.

I've been clucky for ages! You know this. Probably. But now I'm just scared.

Simon said...

You do know what dreams about babies usually mean, don't you? ;)

Alsion said...

What, what?!?

Ian Moss said...

Now whistling day dream believer.
Thanks :)


Raj said...

That's a wierd dream indeed. That can freak anyone...