
I love orchestra!

They forced me to sit at the front. It's one of these orchestras where everyone wants to sit at the back. So I sat on the front desk, but not in the leader seat, the other one. Until Neil came and pointed out that I'd promised I'd sit there... Which I had, but when I did this there were 3 cellos and I'd had 3 rehearsals with them. And knew that they knew I didn't think I was better, just didn't mind leading if it made them feel better. But yesterday there were 7 cellos. And I'd only met Neil, and so I'm worried the others think I think I'm better, and then noticed that I clearly wasn't...

Neil persuaded me to sit at the front cause there's a solo cello opening a piece. This solo is fairly easy, he just gets really nervous. And so I agreed. So that's fine - I look at the solo and reckon I could do it now, so by December 7th* I might be ok. Then we play the Saint-Seans (favourite piece ever!) and it was amazing. Although a little frustrating as it doesn't sound right as people don't know it! Then we get another piece (can't remember the name - will find out) and discover that it has a REALLY TRICKY CELLO SOLO!!! Pants. I'm going to look like a tit. But maybe I'll get ok.

Why does it say on the bins in the toilet "For Litter Only"? What else would I put in there?!? Jam?!? Cats?!?

I'm leaving work now to get the train to Mankychester. See ya later!

*Put it in your diaries now! But it is a Thursday, as that's the day we rehearse and have concerts, so could be tricky...


Anonymous said...

is that jam cats...or jam...and cats?

Anonymous said...

You really don't want to know whatb people might put in toilet bins. The clue is that they're in a toilet....