
Windmills always turn anti-clockwise, except in Ireland. FACT.

OK, so I'm rubbish and didn't do as I promised myself last night. I didn't blog about my holiday and I didn't look up courses to do and I didn't look for a new job. I did tidy and clean a little, but nowhere near as much as Housemate Kat! She rocks. Then Adam came over and we had a catch up and then watched Shaun of the Dead. I like quoting it, but usually no-one knows what I'm talking about.

Tonight I go to orchestra! I'm quite excited.

I haven't packed for the weekend, or even decided what I'm going to wear to this wedding. Oops. I'm going to the train straight from work tomorrow, so I have to pack tonight. I'm going straight from work to orchestra to pub. So it could be interesting... I think I might wear a dress that is at my parents house already, so that will make it easier. Maybe I will use today at work to write a list of things I need.

I'm quite pleased with my plan for the weekend. It means I get time with Charlotte and hopefully see quite a few people on Sunday.

I'm also attempting to make plans for the next few weekends. Silly Dave has to be at the theatre he's managing quite a lot though. I wanted to take him on an adventure, but it looks like it might not happen. But hopefully a dinner party will, which could be exciting!

I don't know why I really need to plan so much at the moment. I should just calm down and have some time free. But I have urges to fill in all the time and plan everything and stuff. I'm sure it will pass.


Anonymous said...

you've got red on you...

Anonymous said...

I hope that the next time I see you you're dead!!

Alsion said...

I forgot what you were quoting and just thought that you were being really mean!


It's on random...

Anonymous said...

oh dear...
i bought red shoes today!!!!