Today is boring


I broke a tooth on Monday night. That was strange. I've never even had a filling. Maybe I should have. But I'm not in pain, just have half a molar missing, so there's nothing anyone will do. I registered at one of the few dentists who was taking people on, so I have an appointment on 20th November.

What else? Probably quite a bit really.

I cycled my new bike home on Tuesday. Firstly I pumped up the tyres, then when I sat on it I realised the breaks didn't work... So I fixed them (I'm quite proud of this) and then adjusted the saddle and handle bars. First time the saddle went straight back down again! This made me giggle. And I put the handle bars squint. That was strange. But once these were all done I was on my way. But there's something odd with the gears - when going up hill the gears change at random. Well, when going anywhere, but only if you're pushing hard. This meant that my feet slipped off the peddles and scraped the back of my legs. Owie. I also managed to do this 5 times on the scary roundabout of death, so it's probably lucky I'm alive!

My hands hurt when I cylce. So I think I'm going to have to stop, despite it being the only exercise I do... I don't like having sore hands. It's so frustrasting when you can't do the most simple things. Like pick something up. And I don't want to give up the cello. So I'm going to take both bikes to a shop and see what they say. Maybe they will have great hand saving suggestions. Or maybe I just sell both bikes. How much is a bike? I might be able to get flights to America from them...

Tuesday evening I went to a new orchestra. It's Adam's orchestra, and although they had 10 cellos last week, they still said they didn't mind me coming along. So I went. It was abit strange - it's in a school hall, so that's a bit weird for me anyway. And it was the second week (I missed last week, cause Adam forgot me and didn't tell me), so they were stopping and starting and being precise, but I didn't even know the tune/rhythm/speed. I'll give it another try next week, but it's most likely to be elbowed out at the moment.

After orchestra I went to see Dave. I'd not seen him since the Wednesday before, so almost a week. I had Wednesday off work, so figured I could safely see him Tuesday after his show without worrying about getting up. But it was still a bit rubbish, as we were both knackered and I still got up 4 hours before him, so by the time he was surfacing I was thouroughly bored and went home. Spent the afternoon pottering around charity shops with Housemate Kat.

Wednesday I tried another new orchestra. This one I found out about in Kelso at the weekend. It was a little weird, as the conductor isn't going to be the conductor. They've just picked a new one, and it was too short notice for him to come along. So we had a guy filling in, who happens to be one of the guys I met on Saturday. I like him as a conductor! So we'll see what happens when the new one starts. This is definitely my second favourite orchestra at the moment.

Tonight - favourite orchestra! Hurrah! I'm getting a little obbsessed. I make no apology*. I might even get better this term.

*Today anyway. I know I have and will again.


Anonymous said...

If your hands hurt when cycling, it's because you're putting too much of your weight on them - this is typically a sign of a badly-fitted bike. It's the handlebar height and/or distance from the seat that's probably wrong - you can get handlebar stems that allow you to adjust their angle.

Have a look Sheldon Brown's website - that man knows everything there is to know about bikes, and he has a funky beard!

Thinking about it, it's probably because you're a tall girl - you've got long legs, so will have the seat quite high, and therefore quite far back from the handlebars. However, a bloke with legs as long as yours would be taller than you, so would have longer arms - as your arms aren't this long, you'll be leaning towards the handlebars more, and therefore putting more weight on your hands.

As a quick fix, see if your saddle is on rails - if it is, you might be able to shift it forwards a bit. You'd lose peddling efficiency, but it might be better for your hands.

The gear thing, on a new bike, is probably due to poorly-adjusted tension in the shifting cable. There'll be a little knob on the back of your rear derailleur, where the cable goes in, which you can turn. Again, Sheldon Brown will tell you how.

Simon said...

I reckon you should get cycling gloves. Yes.

Alsion said...

I should adjust my saddle/handlebars. Thank you! I'm just lazy.

I wear gloves. Fingerless ones. but they aren't fancy. So maybe I should get fancy ones...