Christmas week and stuff...

After work drinks didn't happen, but a nap did, which I'm sure was far more productive. I then went along to Ali from orchestra's gig. It was ace! I have seen them before (with Pete and Sarah) but in all honesty don't remember them being good. They also played acoustically at our orchestra concert, which was ace in a different way. I will definitely try to go to all their gigs in the future! So should you. The Graeme Mearns Band. I then stayed out a little bit too late drinking with them and their friends. They are all cool though! It was lovely.

Home time! Got up at 7 and made it to my train with plenty of time. I was quite impressed with myself. First task at home was a shopping trip (Katherine (Big Alsion) was in charge, and me and my dad had to go get things and bring them back to the designated area - I was running around like Challenge Anneka and it was ace!), followed by watching TV, I think...

Christmas Eve
Sunday started with a shopping trip to buy Jennifer's (Little Alsion) birthday present (I was very organised with Christmas presents, all wrapped and correct, but birthday ones were very disorganised and weeks late and stuff!). This was really an excuse to go to Manchester and meet Mahinda and Rosy for a pint and lunch. Had half a cherry beer in Sinclair's, followed by curry cafe special. Rosy was very late due to being incompetent at present wrapping. Being good parents, Mahinda and I made sure that our dog was on the right coach, then strolled (followed by running!) to get me on my train back home. Tree was put up, presents were put under it, and bed time before Santa came.

Christmas Day

The biggest argument of the holiday was probably Christmas morning, and it wasn't an argument at all! Just my dad wondering if anyone was ever going to get up. Oops. A lovely day was had by all - presents, a walk, dinner, a board game or two and some family telly. Ace!

Boxing Day
Much of the same, but with playing with presents, not opening them. We went to walk on the canal path somewhere near Wigan, as apparently it has an impressive amount of locks. I think I've been before, and wasn't really that impressed! Was nice though.

As I was heading back on Thursday morning, I wanted to see some friends. As it was Mummy's birthday on Thursday, I wanted to be at home. So the conclusion? Dinner party at my house! Katherine unfortunately had to go back to Sheffield to work. Jennifer and Mummy went to work for the day, and Daddy shut himself in the study to work from home (this is still a strange concept to him). So I had run of the kitchen! I like having a "proper" kitchen that is clean and had all sorts of gadgets. So I made 2 types of ice cream (Bailey's and brown bread), chocolate cake, ricotta and bortelli bean pate, parsnip and carrot croquettes, and some yorkshire pudding-y dish. I even cooked meat! My mum was impressed. (I've been vegetarian for about 15 years...). Then Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Andrew and Mahinda arrived. I had great fun, and I think they did too! There was some doubt over my ice cream, as they thought since I'd used bread and the oven I'd actually made cheese on toast. This was not true. I made ice cream and it was ace. Anyway, it was great that I got to see my bestest friends. And then my parents did the washing up! Hurrah!

Up at 7 to do presents at 7.30 to get train at 9. Think my mum liked all her presents AND I think she was going to wear the badge from her card all day at work. Yay! Went straight from the train to work. Then home and tidying/sorting stuff out. Think my room is prepared for visitors! It has to be, as I was planning for us all to sleep in the living room, but it's going to be full of sleeping fire spinners... Could be interesting! I'm not sure what Jennifer's friends are like, but I suspect them to be trendy and not hippies. And we have a flat full of hippies...

Now. I'm at work. There is little to do. But I have done some useful things. Going to leave about 4.45 to go meet Jennifer (Little Alsion) and a friend (either Abbi or Emily - the other arrives tomorrow) who are coming up to celebrate the New Year Edinburgh-style. I have no idea if we're going to have fun, but I'm sure we can manage some at least!!

*Liz - was this a LisIsDrunk points event?? I want points! I want points!

Only 3 sleeps left!!!

This made me think of Linden. I don't know why.

I'm at work. I have nothing to do. I'm rather hungover. I'm very tired. My eczema's gone crazy. These all sound rubbish. I suppose they are. But that's ok. We just went for Chinese buffet lunch. I'm going to the pub soon with work people. I got presents from my boss and her boss - 2 bottles of plonk, some shortbread, some chocolate, and a present still unopened. I have 8 Christmas cards on my desk. I think these are all Good Things. I've been here 3 weeks.

With my current state of head, I have no idea what I've done all week. But I suppose that's why I write things down here! Cause I have the memory of a pea. Who knows what I'll remember...

Straight from work I went to Iona's birthday party. Iona is Andy Ed's girlfriend, for those of you who know him. Well, he still is for the rest of you too. He is officially good at organising parties. FACT. She did not know she was having a birthday party. She thought she was coming round for dinner with Andy's parents. We jumped out with party poppers and streamers. We then carried on with the 5th birthday party. I won pass the parcel! Hurrah. And then cheated at the chocolate game when I was bored of it. And we had jelly and ice cream. But it was vodka jelly and Bailey's ice cream. Mmm... I'm going to make some for Charlotte some time. Maybe for the 27th! Good plan, Liz?

Went to see Adam. Went to his flat and he has a Christmas tree! It's quite exciting. But it had nothing on top, so I made him come to my flat. I made him Fred the Easter Fairy for the top of his tree. This idea was inspired by a card Adam got from someone called Ben. It said "Don't forget the Easter Bunny this Christmas". It speaks the truth. Fred the Easter Fairy is cool. I wonder if he was actually called Fred. I forget. I will try to get a picture.

Mark was supposed to be visiting, but he didn't, but it's probably good as I wouldn't have been very entertaining. But I'm still mad at him. A little. Because I miss seeing people who know me. So I'd been looking forward to it. But I'm not mad at him really. Instead I sorted out flat stuff (including how to get a new flatmate for when Kat leaves) and tidied and washed and vacuumed and watched Spaced with the commentary. I'm not very good at listening to the commentary. It feels like someone's just talking over the programme, because they are. I have to remember to listen to them, or I block them out and just watch the show.

Went to buy some things that mummy asked me to get from Lakeland, then went to see if there were tickets left for Hogmanay, then went to a shop but it was shut. Oh well. Manchester shops are better, mainly because I know where they are and where to find what I want. For now. Then I went to the pub. I met Ken from work, along with Dave and Dan also from work, and some of Ken's other friends. He was celebrating the 21st, which is a very good idea. Had a few pints, and some crisps, then went to James' birthday party. There was a very odd mix of people there. I got drunk and I think I was a bitch. Oops. Yay! Forgot it was Thursday. Forgot it was a day at all. Realised at 1.30 that I should probably go home.

Now. I've just said what now is. Later I go to the pub with a different bunch of work people, then to Ali from orchestra's gig. Then I shall have to go to Dave's party. I wasn't going to, for I am not packed for going home tomorrow, but I left my phone at James' (I hope!), so I shall go try to find it.

I go home tomorrow to my parents. I'm very excited. When I was in Manchester it was only a 20 minute train ride home, but I never really wanted to go, or did go much. But now I'm here I really want to! I'm looking forward to being at home. I'm going to sit down and watch TV. And I'm going to get my mum to look after me. She'll give me cream to make my eczema better. It will all be good.

I was thinking what an odd word eczema is, so looked it up:
ECZEMA comes from the Greek word for ”anything thrown off or out by heat” (ek, ”out”, + zeein, ”to boil”) because to the ancient physicians a skin eruption was a boiling over of the body humors. It was used for almost any vesicular or scaly rash, but today it is restricted to immunopathic eruptions.
I really want beef Wotsits.

The weekend of culture continued…

So, The Weekend of Culture became a week. Ish.


I was going to go to a far away cinema and watch some film in Spanish, but stayed in and watched a little of Withnail and I, before getting distracted by Housemate Alex having a rather cute guest, so talked rubbish and drank whisky Macs.


The Violin Virtuoso Tour. This was 2 violin guys and pianist doing a concert I’d seen advertised in the Metro. Was portrayed as making classical music cool, and whilst it did nothing of the sort, was an excellent concert. I felt rather exposed though, as there were 9 people in the audience - 4 couples and me, rather spaced out, so people did give me funny glances. One of the violinists was from Manchester, which made me laugh, as he sounded quite posh until the occasional northern accent! They were both excellent musicians, and if they play here again I’ll drag a crowd along. Got home at 9 ish, spoke to Charlotte on the phone, did some tidying and watched the end of Withnail and I.


Work do. This started with drinks in the office at 10.30. It was supposed to be 10.45, but my boss thought otherwise, so we went over at 10.30 and got picked on for being alcoholics. We drank in the office for about an hour, before heading off to the meal. It was at a place called Indigo Yard near the west end of princes Street. It was pretty decent food, but extortionate for drinks. £5.95 for a large glass of rosé! The one I usually drink is £2.95 a bottle… But after a couple that early in the day before eating, I was fairly merry. But I did well – stayed fairly merry but nothing more all day. I even drank water at some point. We moved on to a different bar, and I stayed there till about 10. Was a lovely day, and I talked to all sorts of friendly people. I think I’m going to like work dos here! I then headed to Doctor’s to see Kelly, as she’s now heading home for Christmas. She’d bought me a present, which was a big surprise! But is ace Mr Bump bath stuff. I can play in the bath!


I had to go to the dentist, which was my main excuse for being sensible the night before... She fixed the worst tooth, and it hurt a lot. Owie owie owie. I then sat in pain and sadness at work for the afternoon. It was pretty deserted! And I looked the worst for wear, which isn’t fair as I’d been sober. Straight from work went to a Savoy rehearsal to measure people, then went to see Caroline’s band, The Starlets. This was a weird gig, mainly because first I walked into a work function of people sat round a table, then I got £1 off by having a red felt pen, then the bar wasn’t a bar and I had to go somewhere else! Very confusing. But the band was cool! They had a range of music, and the singer had funny stories. “There should be more Scottie dogs at indie gigs”. FACT.


Had a (fairly) lazy morning and then went Christmas shopping. It’s snuck up on me, and I didn’t realise it was so soon. Oops. Still a few bits to get, but not many. I then went to Nick’s concert – Joy to the World – a selection of carols from around the world. I got to sing along! Vary satisfying. Was home by about 9.30, and drank cherry liqueur and coke with Housemate Alex, before deciding to wrap everything I’d bought. Went to bed about 2.


Got up at 7 to get the train to Carnoustie to visit Gran and the cousins. Had a lovely day catching up with them. Highlights include a basket of fruit, reading out Christmas cards, delivering Christmas cards (different ones!) and making Gary cook tea. Got back in Edinburgh just in time to get to Caroline’s second gig of the weekend – a Christmas party which had 5 bands playing. All were fairly different, and all enjoyable in their own way. Housemate Alex came along and we had fun being silly. He is a bad influence though, and we were out till 2 and bought food on the way home.


Work. Not a lot to do…

The weekend of culture

So, this weekend I decided that I was going to attempt to be cultural. I suppose I could have been more cultural, but I had an ace time and think I did it well...


Concert - didn't go *too* badly! The piece that I've not played for a few months was a bit ropey, mainly due to a part in treble clef. I can't play the treble clef on the cello. I play bass clef automatically, and tenor clef when I remember I'm supposed to be in tenor clef, but treble clef?!? Strange strangenes. My solo wasn't that great, but certainly wasn't the worst bit of the concert. Afterwards, I got a little drunk. Lorna, Morag and Gavin from old work, Housemate Kat and boyfriend Alex, and James from Savoy came to support me, which was ace! It also turns out that James and Gavin went to school together, and James knows Adam, and James knows people that I know in Manchester. From this I conclude that I know everyone. FACT.


Headache was still there (I think it is now called a migrane), so I stayed in the dark all day, when not being sick or in the bath. Then I met Caroline and went to Symphonies at Six, a series run by RSNO (Royal Scottish National Orchestra). We saw a cellist who previously won Young Musician of the Year (and is the same age as me) do Elgar's Cello Concerto, Neilson's Symphony No 4 and a Bach Cello Suite. The Elgar and Bach were amazing! I wasn't that big a fan of the Neilson, but it was cool to watch a proper orchestra. Then me, Caroline and Lynda went for dinner in Glenhas Cafe (known as Glen has a cafe) where we had cool Greek food. A swift pint in Doctor's was next, with Kelly, Lou, Dave, James and Sam, followed by a party at Housemate Kat's Alex's flat. That was nice, with random hippies and stastiticians. Ian (Alex's flatmate, whose birthday it had been) knew a few people from Bolton, and was quite amazed that I knew one of them too. Again, I know everyone. FACT.


Intended to go to museums/art galleries, but was still tired and headachey, so stayed in bed then tidied up a bit. Went to a concert in the evening - Bach's B Minor Mass, performed by Edinburgh Symphony Baroque. It was really good! The seat's weren't comfy, and I did get a little bored, as well as creeped out by catching a sleezy looking guy's eye too many times, but overall I enjoyed it a lot! I then went to a Savoy Whisky Evening, where I drank beer and watched students get drunk.


I woke up about 5, 3 hours after gettin home. GRUMP! Got up at 8 and went to perform in a Carol Service at Stockbridge Parish Church. They are very good to our orchestra in letting us rehearse and perform at discounted rates, so we help out at things like that when we can. It was quite enjoyable, except for the 12 year old boy who is better than me at cello! Not fair. I then met Adam and watched free comedy at The Stand - Who's Lunch is it Anyway? - which I've probably talked about before. It was pretty good! Especially as Jamie, who I fancy, guest starred in the last section. Then went to the cinema (with many people) to watch Happy Feet. It is ridiculus and silly and everyone should watch it! A quick trip to my house for pizza and a couple ot drinks in Doctor's finished off the weekend nicely.


Work followed by a small shopping trip (in an attempt to find a Secret Santa , before going to the cinema. I went to the cinema on my own. I'm not sure why, as it wasn't a film I was particularly bothered about watching. I had a free ticket, but it didn't run out till June, so there was no rush. But I decided that the weekend of culture must continue, and I didn't fancy venturing to Wester Hailes to watch the film I did want to see (apparently not a nice area), so I did it anyway. I watched The Holiday, and it was pretty good! Yes, it's cheesy, but it does have slightly more realistic elements than some. I probably should not have gone though, as all the students bugged me, and I had to go home alone after the cheesy couple ness. But it was probably better than other things I could have done.


Is today. I think I'm not going to do anything cultural tonight. I will probably just watch a film at home. That is all. I shall try to make it as cultural as possible. But all things are in some way cultural, yes? So I can count everything, as long as it doesn't become "normal".

Wednesday will involve The Virtuoso Violin, Thursday will involve the work Christmas lunch, and Friday will involve the denist. Then the next Weekend of Culture will begin. I like this new plan.

Sorry hubby!

Don't know why I'm only apologising to Mahinda, but it's probably because his comment inspired me to blog.

I don't think I shall do day by day, but will go back to last blog timewise, cause that is what is needed.

Weekend 18th-20th -- Charlotte

Charlotte and Kathryn came to visit for the weekend. That was ace! We didn't do anythnig too adventurous or anything, but it was fun. We had pizza for dinner on Friday, and Adam came over too. Then Adam went to something else, and we went for a drink in a local. Saturday we went a wandering round town. Saw some sights, went in a few shops, generally pottered. The evening involved cooking for 8 (Charlotte, Kathryn, Adam, Housemate Kat, Alex, Nikki and me. That's 7. Maybe I missed someone, or can't count...) and generally sitting around, then I think watching Spaced in bed. Sunday was possibly the same, except with scones and jam and cream, and them getting on a train :-(

Week 20th-23rd

After consulting the diary, I discovered this week involved 2 trips to the dentist and a visit from Jen and Will. The dentist is very nice! I like her. But I still felt like a child when I had left, as I couldn't eat of talk. If you can't eat or talk, what is there to do?!? Jen and Will's visit was lovely - just went for a few nice beers, firstly on the Royal Mile, then in Cloisters. James also joined us for a bit. He's going to be key in MUGSS/Savoy relations, I think! Mainly as he's one of the few Savoy people I like, and he knows a couple of MUGSS separtely.

Not sure anything else exciting happened that week...

Weekend 24th-26th

Can't remember either... Know it didn't involve the party in Cheltenham (grump!), nor the concert in Bury. Oh well. It might have involved getting drunk. Ooh! It involved a dinner party at Andy Pooh Bar's house, followed by staying at James'. It also involved buying shoes. 1 pair of school shoes and 1 pair of fairly scruffy boots, which are similar to the ones I used to have with pockets, but not quite as good.

Week 27th-30th

Dentist again. And some shopping. Bought more shoes! They are amazing. Pink sparky leopard print, with black ribbon heels, and flat exceedingly glitter red pumps. Hurrah! Think there were also other things that week, but I can't remember. I also finished work, which was sad and nice at the same time. I got presents and a card, which was lovely. I didn't do everything I wanted to do, but I did do a lot, so that's ok.

Weekend 1st-3rd -- Sheffield

I went to Sheffield! I've never been before. I got a lift from Tim (viola who I know from Bolton Youth Orchestra circa 1997), as his girlfriend handily (for me) moved to Sheffield from Glasgow. Got there about 10 Friday night. Katherine's (Big Alsion) house is ace! I like it a lot. Friday night was spent making mushroom sauce, drinking nice beer and chatting with her housemate John. I was lame and wanted to go to bed (headache started), so did and I think Katherine watched TV in bed. Saturday arrived late (Katherine lied about setting her alarm!). We went shopping and made lunch - 2 lasagnes, a meat and a spinach and ricotta (which the mushroom sauce was for) before the cousins (Sarah and Lucy and Auntie* Helen) arrived, shortly before the parents and Jennifer (Little Alsion) and Jodie (the dog) arrived. We had lunch and Lucy opened her presents (Breadmaker and associated bags of mix) for her 21st birthday.

After the relatives had left just me and the sisters, we had a small rest. We were tired. Then went on a mission into town, after watching Strictly Come Dancing. We explored a few bars, and it was quite nice! But I still had headache, and everyone was pretty tired, so we headed back home after 3 bars. and watched X Factor and An Audience with Take That. TV was a novelty! Sunday was meeting some of Katherine's friends for lunch, then a wander around some shops, before waiting for my lift home, via Lostock to drop off Little Alsion and pick up some food, as my mum had made me a food parcel. Ace! Finally got back to Edinburgh at 11, and crashed into bed.

Week 4th-7th -- New Job

That is this week. So far I have been at new work 3 1/2 days. I like it! I've been to 2 care homes, the other side of Glasgow, and watched interviews. I think I'm going to be good at it. I'm going to learn lots of Scotland and lots about old people care (terms, not how to do it) and lots about stats. Maybe.

We just spent about an hour decorating the office - fairy lights round the desk, tinsel round our monitors, and snowflakes on the window. These are snowflakes we've just made out of paper. We rock. It wasn't even my idea!!! I think it was Ken's.


Tonight is my concert. I'm scared, but it should be good. This weekend is nothing. How'd I manage that? Oh well, I'll think of something. Doing some Christmas stuff is probably a good plan...

Apart from that, plans are Christmas (in Lostock 23rd-28th, so don't get much time for other people), America (booked flights!!! So excited. Two weeks, starting 13th), MUGSS show (just a weekend visit, probably), Savoy show (have to make everyone into fairies!), buy a house, visit Ireland. This is the plan. That's one thing per month, then it will my birthday. I think I have good planning. Ooh, there isn't a London trip in there. It might happen. There are more weekends.

There is also a doing an ECDL plan, which is in progress. Then I will have a vague qualification in IT, which is more than I can prove now!

So there you go! I hope you are happy I have blogged. I have wasted a lot of NHS time doing this, and my hands hurt from all the typing.


*This makes me giggle, as we don't really call her that.