The weekend of culture continued…

So, The Weekend of Culture became a week. Ish.


I was going to go to a far away cinema and watch some film in Spanish, but stayed in and watched a little of Withnail and I, before getting distracted by Housemate Alex having a rather cute guest, so talked rubbish and drank whisky Macs.


The Violin Virtuoso Tour. This was 2 violin guys and pianist doing a concert I’d seen advertised in the Metro. Was portrayed as making classical music cool, and whilst it did nothing of the sort, was an excellent concert. I felt rather exposed though, as there were 9 people in the audience - 4 couples and me, rather spaced out, so people did give me funny glances. One of the violinists was from Manchester, which made me laugh, as he sounded quite posh until the occasional northern accent! They were both excellent musicians, and if they play here again I’ll drag a crowd along. Got home at 9 ish, spoke to Charlotte on the phone, did some tidying and watched the end of Withnail and I.


Work do. This started with drinks in the office at 10.30. It was supposed to be 10.45, but my boss thought otherwise, so we went over at 10.30 and got picked on for being alcoholics. We drank in the office for about an hour, before heading off to the meal. It was at a place called Indigo Yard near the west end of princes Street. It was pretty decent food, but extortionate for drinks. £5.95 for a large glass of rosĂ©! The one I usually drink is £2.95 a bottle… But after a couple that early in the day before eating, I was fairly merry. But I did well – stayed fairly merry but nothing more all day. I even drank water at some point. We moved on to a different bar, and I stayed there till about 10. Was a lovely day, and I talked to all sorts of friendly people. I think I’m going to like work dos here! I then headed to Doctor’s to see Kelly, as she’s now heading home for Christmas. She’d bought me a present, which was a big surprise! But is ace Mr Bump bath stuff. I can play in the bath!


I had to go to the dentist, which was my main excuse for being sensible the night before... She fixed the worst tooth, and it hurt a lot. Owie owie owie. I then sat in pain and sadness at work for the afternoon. It was pretty deserted! And I looked the worst for wear, which isn’t fair as I’d been sober. Straight from work went to a Savoy rehearsal to measure people, then went to see Caroline’s band, The Starlets. This was a weird gig, mainly because first I walked into a work function of people sat round a table, then I got £1 off by having a red felt pen, then the bar wasn’t a bar and I had to go somewhere else! Very confusing. But the band was cool! They had a range of music, and the singer had funny stories. “There should be more Scottie dogs at indie gigs”. FACT.


Had a (fairly) lazy morning and then went Christmas shopping. It’s snuck up on me, and I didn’t realise it was so soon. Oops. Still a few bits to get, but not many. I then went to Nick’s concert – Joy to the World – a selection of carols from around the world. I got to sing along! Vary satisfying. Was home by about 9.30, and drank cherry liqueur and coke with Housemate Alex, before deciding to wrap everything I’d bought. Went to bed about 2.


Got up at 7 to get the train to Carnoustie to visit Gran and the cousins. Had a lovely day catching up with them. Highlights include a basket of fruit, reading out Christmas cards, delivering Christmas cards (different ones!) and making Gary cook tea. Got back in Edinburgh just in time to get to Caroline’s second gig of the weekend – a Christmas party which had 5 bands playing. All were fairly different, and all enjoyable in their own way. Housemate Alex came along and we had fun being silly. He is a bad influence though, and we were out till 2 and bought food on the way home.


Work. Not a lot to do…

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