Only 3 sleeps left!!!

This made me think of Linden. I don't know why.

I'm at work. I have nothing to do. I'm rather hungover. I'm very tired. My eczema's gone crazy. These all sound rubbish. I suppose they are. But that's ok. We just went for Chinese buffet lunch. I'm going to the pub soon with work people. I got presents from my boss and her boss - 2 bottles of plonk, some shortbread, some chocolate, and a present still unopened. I have 8 Christmas cards on my desk. I think these are all Good Things. I've been here 3 weeks.

With my current state of head, I have no idea what I've done all week. But I suppose that's why I write things down here! Cause I have the memory of a pea. Who knows what I'll remember...

Straight from work I went to Iona's birthday party. Iona is Andy Ed's girlfriend, for those of you who know him. Well, he still is for the rest of you too. He is officially good at organising parties. FACT. She did not know she was having a birthday party. She thought she was coming round for dinner with Andy's parents. We jumped out with party poppers and streamers. We then carried on with the 5th birthday party. I won pass the parcel! Hurrah. And then cheated at the chocolate game when I was bored of it. And we had jelly and ice cream. But it was vodka jelly and Bailey's ice cream. Mmm... I'm going to make some for Charlotte some time. Maybe for the 27th! Good plan, Liz?

Went to see Adam. Went to his flat and he has a Christmas tree! It's quite exciting. But it had nothing on top, so I made him come to my flat. I made him Fred the Easter Fairy for the top of his tree. This idea was inspired by a card Adam got from someone called Ben. It said "Don't forget the Easter Bunny this Christmas". It speaks the truth. Fred the Easter Fairy is cool. I wonder if he was actually called Fred. I forget. I will try to get a picture.

Mark was supposed to be visiting, but he didn't, but it's probably good as I wouldn't have been very entertaining. But I'm still mad at him. A little. Because I miss seeing people who know me. So I'd been looking forward to it. But I'm not mad at him really. Instead I sorted out flat stuff (including how to get a new flatmate for when Kat leaves) and tidied and washed and vacuumed and watched Spaced with the commentary. I'm not very good at listening to the commentary. It feels like someone's just talking over the programme, because they are. I have to remember to listen to them, or I block them out and just watch the show.

Went to buy some things that mummy asked me to get from Lakeland, then went to see if there were tickets left for Hogmanay, then went to a shop but it was shut. Oh well. Manchester shops are better, mainly because I know where they are and where to find what I want. For now. Then I went to the pub. I met Ken from work, along with Dave and Dan also from work, and some of Ken's other friends. He was celebrating the 21st, which is a very good idea. Had a few pints, and some crisps, then went to James' birthday party. There was a very odd mix of people there. I got drunk and I think I was a bitch. Oops. Yay! Forgot it was Thursday. Forgot it was a day at all. Realised at 1.30 that I should probably go home.

Now. I've just said what now is. Later I go to the pub with a different bunch of work people, then to Ali from orchestra's gig. Then I shall have to go to Dave's party. I wasn't going to, for I am not packed for going home tomorrow, but I left my phone at James' (I hope!), so I shall go try to find it.

I go home tomorrow to my parents. I'm very excited. When I was in Manchester it was only a 20 minute train ride home, but I never really wanted to go, or did go much. But now I'm here I really want to! I'm looking forward to being at home. I'm going to sit down and watch TV. And I'm going to get my mum to look after me. She'll give me cream to make my eczema better. It will all be good.

I was thinking what an odd word eczema is, so looked it up:
ECZEMA comes from the Greek word for ”anything thrown off or out by heat” (ek, ”out”, + zeein, ”to boil”) because to the ancient physicians a skin eruption was a boiling over of the body humors. It was used for almost any vesicular or scaly rash, but today it is restricted to immunopathic eruptions.


Simon said...

I need something for my eczema too, dangitall! *sympathy vibes*

Rosy / Michael said...

Love the hobby picture. Now to find out why Google Reader didn't tell me you'd posted this....

Unknown said...

does Iona still carry piglet with her wherever she goes?

Alsion said...

Iona now has a new (pink!) piglet. I'm not sure if she carries that now, or still her old (and not so pink anymore) one.

Anonymous said...

Alsion I only just saw that link and it is excellent. Sounds like a fabulous idea and I may start doing it. I also enjoyed the postcard.