The weekend of culture

So, this weekend I decided that I was going to attempt to be cultural. I suppose I could have been more cultural, but I had an ace time and think I did it well...


Concert - didn't go *too* badly! The piece that I've not played for a few months was a bit ropey, mainly due to a part in treble clef. I can't play the treble clef on the cello. I play bass clef automatically, and tenor clef when I remember I'm supposed to be in tenor clef, but treble clef?!? Strange strangenes. My solo wasn't that great, but certainly wasn't the worst bit of the concert. Afterwards, I got a little drunk. Lorna, Morag and Gavin from old work, Housemate Kat and boyfriend Alex, and James from Savoy came to support me, which was ace! It also turns out that James and Gavin went to school together, and James knows Adam, and James knows people that I know in Manchester. From this I conclude that I know everyone. FACT.


Headache was still there (I think it is now called a migrane), so I stayed in the dark all day, when not being sick or in the bath. Then I met Caroline and went to Symphonies at Six, a series run by RSNO (Royal Scottish National Orchestra). We saw a cellist who previously won Young Musician of the Year (and is the same age as me) do Elgar's Cello Concerto, Neilson's Symphony No 4 and a Bach Cello Suite. The Elgar and Bach were amazing! I wasn't that big a fan of the Neilson, but it was cool to watch a proper orchestra. Then me, Caroline and Lynda went for dinner in Glenhas Cafe (known as Glen has a cafe) where we had cool Greek food. A swift pint in Doctor's was next, with Kelly, Lou, Dave, James and Sam, followed by a party at Housemate Kat's Alex's flat. That was nice, with random hippies and stastiticians. Ian (Alex's flatmate, whose birthday it had been) knew a few people from Bolton, and was quite amazed that I knew one of them too. Again, I know everyone. FACT.


Intended to go to museums/art galleries, but was still tired and headachey, so stayed in bed then tidied up a bit. Went to a concert in the evening - Bach's B Minor Mass, performed by Edinburgh Symphony Baroque. It was really good! The seat's weren't comfy, and I did get a little bored, as well as creeped out by catching a sleezy looking guy's eye too many times, but overall I enjoyed it a lot! I then went to a Savoy Whisky Evening, where I drank beer and watched students get drunk.


I woke up about 5, 3 hours after gettin home. GRUMP! Got up at 8 and went to perform in a Carol Service at Stockbridge Parish Church. They are very good to our orchestra in letting us rehearse and perform at discounted rates, so we help out at things like that when we can. It was quite enjoyable, except for the 12 year old boy who is better than me at cello! Not fair. I then met Adam and watched free comedy at The Stand - Who's Lunch is it Anyway? - which I've probably talked about before. It was pretty good! Especially as Jamie, who I fancy, guest starred in the last section. Then went to the cinema (with many people) to watch Happy Feet. It is ridiculus and silly and everyone should watch it! A quick trip to my house for pizza and a couple ot drinks in Doctor's finished off the weekend nicely.


Work followed by a small shopping trip (in an attempt to find a Secret Santa , before going to the cinema. I went to the cinema on my own. I'm not sure why, as it wasn't a film I was particularly bothered about watching. I had a free ticket, but it didn't run out till June, so there was no rush. But I decided that the weekend of culture must continue, and I didn't fancy venturing to Wester Hailes to watch the film I did want to see (apparently not a nice area), so I did it anyway. I watched The Holiday, and it was pretty good! Yes, it's cheesy, but it does have slightly more realistic elements than some. I probably should not have gone though, as all the students bugged me, and I had to go home alone after the cheesy couple ness. But it was probably better than other things I could have done.


Is today. I think I'm not going to do anything cultural tonight. I will probably just watch a film at home. That is all. I shall try to make it as cultural as possible. But all things are in some way cultural, yes? So I can count everything, as long as it doesn't become "normal".

Wednesday will involve The Virtuoso Violin, Thursday will involve the work Christmas lunch, and Friday will involve the denist. Then the next Weekend of Culture will begin. I like this new plan.


Rosy / Michael said...

Oooh, get you!

Anonymous said...

That's _far_ more cultural and varied than my weekend!