Sorry hubby!

Don't know why I'm only apologising to Mahinda, but it's probably because his comment inspired me to blog.

I don't think I shall do day by day, but will go back to last blog timewise, cause that is what is needed.

Weekend 18th-20th -- Charlotte

Charlotte and Kathryn came to visit for the weekend. That was ace! We didn't do anythnig too adventurous or anything, but it was fun. We had pizza for dinner on Friday, and Adam came over too. Then Adam went to something else, and we went for a drink in a local. Saturday we went a wandering round town. Saw some sights, went in a few shops, generally pottered. The evening involved cooking for 8 (Charlotte, Kathryn, Adam, Housemate Kat, Alex, Nikki and me. That's 7. Maybe I missed someone, or can't count...) and generally sitting around, then I think watching Spaced in bed. Sunday was possibly the same, except with scones and jam and cream, and them getting on a train :-(

Week 20th-23rd

After consulting the diary, I discovered this week involved 2 trips to the dentist and a visit from Jen and Will. The dentist is very nice! I like her. But I still felt like a child when I had left, as I couldn't eat of talk. If you can't eat or talk, what is there to do?!? Jen and Will's visit was lovely - just went for a few nice beers, firstly on the Royal Mile, then in Cloisters. James also joined us for a bit. He's going to be key in MUGSS/Savoy relations, I think! Mainly as he's one of the few Savoy people I like, and he knows a couple of MUGSS separtely.

Not sure anything else exciting happened that week...

Weekend 24th-26th

Can't remember either... Know it didn't involve the party in Cheltenham (grump!), nor the concert in Bury. Oh well. It might have involved getting drunk. Ooh! It involved a dinner party at Andy Pooh Bar's house, followed by staying at James'. It also involved buying shoes. 1 pair of school shoes and 1 pair of fairly scruffy boots, which are similar to the ones I used to have with pockets, but not quite as good.

Week 27th-30th

Dentist again. And some shopping. Bought more shoes! They are amazing. Pink sparky leopard print, with black ribbon heels, and flat exceedingly glitter red pumps. Hurrah! Think there were also other things that week, but I can't remember. I also finished work, which was sad and nice at the same time. I got presents and a card, which was lovely. I didn't do everything I wanted to do, but I did do a lot, so that's ok.

Weekend 1st-3rd -- Sheffield

I went to Sheffield! I've never been before. I got a lift from Tim (viola who I know from Bolton Youth Orchestra circa 1997), as his girlfriend handily (for me) moved to Sheffield from Glasgow. Got there about 10 Friday night. Katherine's (Big Alsion) house is ace! I like it a lot. Friday night was spent making mushroom sauce, drinking nice beer and chatting with her housemate John. I was lame and wanted to go to bed (headache started), so did and I think Katherine watched TV in bed. Saturday arrived late (Katherine lied about setting her alarm!). We went shopping and made lunch - 2 lasagnes, a meat and a spinach and ricotta (which the mushroom sauce was for) before the cousins (Sarah and Lucy and Auntie* Helen) arrived, shortly before the parents and Jennifer (Little Alsion) and Jodie (the dog) arrived. We had lunch and Lucy opened her presents (Breadmaker and associated bags of mix) for her 21st birthday.

After the relatives had left just me and the sisters, we had a small rest. We were tired. Then went on a mission into town, after watching Strictly Come Dancing. We explored a few bars, and it was quite nice! But I still had headache, and everyone was pretty tired, so we headed back home after 3 bars. and watched X Factor and An Audience with Take That. TV was a novelty! Sunday was meeting some of Katherine's friends for lunch, then a wander around some shops, before waiting for my lift home, via Lostock to drop off Little Alsion and pick up some food, as my mum had made me a food parcel. Ace! Finally got back to Edinburgh at 11, and crashed into bed.

Week 4th-7th -- New Job

That is this week. So far I have been at new work 3 1/2 days. I like it! I've been to 2 care homes, the other side of Glasgow, and watched interviews. I think I'm going to be good at it. I'm going to learn lots of Scotland and lots about old people care (terms, not how to do it) and lots about stats. Maybe.

We just spent about an hour decorating the office - fairy lights round the desk, tinsel round our monitors, and snowflakes on the window. These are snowflakes we've just made out of paper. We rock. It wasn't even my idea!!! I think it was Ken's.


Tonight is my concert. I'm scared, but it should be good. This weekend is nothing. How'd I manage that? Oh well, I'll think of something. Doing some Christmas stuff is probably a good plan...

Apart from that, plans are Christmas (in Lostock 23rd-28th, so don't get much time for other people), America (booked flights!!! So excited. Two weeks, starting 13th), MUGSS show (just a weekend visit, probably), Savoy show (have to make everyone into fairies!), buy a house, visit Ireland. This is the plan. That's one thing per month, then it will my birthday. I think I have good planning. Ooh, there isn't a London trip in there. It might happen. There are more weekends.

There is also a doing an ECDL plan, which is in progress. Then I will have a vague qualification in IT, which is more than I can prove now!

So there you go! I hope you are happy I have blogged. I have wasted a lot of NHS time doing this, and my hands hurt from all the typing.


*This makes me giggle, as we don't really call her that.


Anonymous said...

I tried to leave a witty, erudite and insightful comment the other day, and it wouldn't let me. Grump.

Alsion said...

I don't believe you!