Not very long

It feels like a week since that last post. Turns out it's only 2 days. Oops.

Justin, Gesine and Jonathan arrived from Manchester to see the show, so we went for a bite to eat before hand. This turned out to be silly, cause I had to go back to the theatre pretty soon, so I grabbed some chips. Show was quite good, by other people's feedback. I didn't play as well as Tuesday, cause Ali (cellist from my orchestra who is really a drummer and had leant me his kit) was listening. After the show headed to Doctor's for a couple of cheeky pints, then back to mine for bed finding for the masses.

Didn't sleep well. Felt awful at 7 when I eventually crawled out of bed. Found a very chirpy Justin in the kitchen. Had shower. Felt human. Got the others up. It's funny how people are different in the mornings. Don't talk to Gesine*. She doesn't like it. They packed up very swiftly, after cranberry sauce on toast. It makes a good alternative to jam.

Work was fairly dull - not out of the office until next Friday. Fat Club was uneventful.

So, to the theatre. Arrived just before 5. I asked Nikki, Iona and Andy to get there ASAP, in an attempt to buy them dinner for helping me so much with stuff. But Andy and Iona were at the ballet, so when they arrived they weren't in time for that. So rescheduled. Everything seemed pretty calm, so tuned my timps and went to find chocolate for Ed who hadn't eaten. Then the fire alarm went off... So the cast, crew, orchestra and audience all had to evacuate and wait for the fire engine. Joy. Half the cast were in costume, some were in very little. It was windy and rainy. I ran round and tried to get anyone in costume away from the audience, but they didn't seem to think it important. Grump. But at least I the chocolate that I'd got for Ed to share out!

Show started 20 or so minutes late, once everyone had warmed up. I played better. Show looked ace from where I was. I know the techies weren't happy though. It's funny that everyone has different perspectives on it. Well, not funny, but you know what I mean... Wasn't going to go to the pub, but then fell down the stairs and decided I needed a drink. So went to Doctor's with the techies. It was fun.

Got home about 1, slightly worse for wear. I'm such a light weight at the moment! Which is good, but I forget. Oops. Alex had just got in too, so got up to talk to me. Turns out his mate who was going to move in tomorrow is not going to move in tomorrow. This leaves me stuck as the rent goes out of my account and everyone pays me. But now one person is not going to pay me. I'm so cross. I'm sick of the people in the flat being so unreliable. I'm the one who's always left to deal with it, as the one with a real job and the one who's organised. GRUMP! I don't even think Mo (who's moving out) has told the landlady. Which will leave it to me, again. But he's never signed a lease for the flat, so he can just leave with no record of being there. As can Alex.

I really need to move out.

Now. I eventually dragged myself out of bed about 7.30 to find a dead mouse outside my door. Thank you, Spellbound. Just what I always wanted.

*In the morning. Not ever. That would be rubbish.


Unknown said...

heheee, to be fair to me I was developing a beautiful migraine and had J hopping about like a lunatic at half 6...

Alsion said...

I know! I just thought people should know to be nice to you.
