What does it mean?

I had a scary dream. Well, it was scary until the last moment...

Me and my mum and Jennifer were in some woods, which seems like a fairly normal thing. And then Jennifer goes missing. We search for her for ages and ages, and it's creepy and scary and nasty. And then I find Jennifer's hat and a bit further along her hoody. And then a bit further along I find Jennifer, and I think she's dead. Then Mummy catches up, and Jennifer wakes up. She'd just gone for a nap. And it turns out Daddy was in the car very nearby, and knew this.

I think it means that I drank too much last night, and am too stressed to sleep deeper than dream level. Nothing more. Oh, and I'm sure it helps that I spoke to Jennifer late last night.


Unknown said...

I had a dream about driving a car from the backseat.

Alsion said...

I had one of those recently too! But the people in the front were drunk and kept getting in my view.