
I've not been in the mood to blog.

I'm not really in the mood today either.

But I don't want to do work.

This is where I left you. I was leaving work to go to the bank and then on adventures. I did this. Adventures were 2 hours of trying to find Shaun and Mark, then giraffes, then beach, ice cream, paddling and sand castles, followed by finding Charlotte and Dan in a pub. I then went to orchestra and Shaun and Mark went on other adventures, and Charlotte and Dan went home. Boo. Orchestra was fine, as far as I remember. Possibly even good. Then found the boys again, and we did some pub crawling with and then without Rodney.

Had to get up ridiculously early to get to the boys to the train station, so I was at work very early. How useful. Don't remember what I did after work. Possibly slept. /goes to check diary. Oh yeah! I went to the pub to see Kelly. She'd handed in her dissertation, and as such was MENTAL. She'd not slept for days and was hyper/asleep.

I had a plesant morning of drinking tea and listening to classical music at Declan's house, followed by going in lots of charity shops to find exciting things to post to people. I failed. Then I had a nap, before going to Caroline's for tea. We had pie. Mmmm... Pie. After this came "Alison's Pub Education Tour" to some nice places, so I stop inviting Caroline to Doctor's. I now know some nice pubs. We're going to have another leg or two of this tour, and maybe a break away tour of places to have Sunday lunch and places for afternoon tea.

Don't remember. I think it involved staying in bed.

Fife with work, followed by playing with my iMusic.

Fife with work, followed by playing with my iMusic.

Fife with work, followed by playing with my iMusic. It needed a lot of sorting. Now my comptuer needs more memory, followed my some more sorting. Probably.

Work, pub, orchestra, pub. First time in ages that Katrina's been at rehearsal, so that was good.

Pub! Met Adam in the pub we've been intending to go to for months near our houses. It's a nice pub, with a grand selection of beer. Then Adam's friend Andy joined us, and we went off to Doctor's for a different Adam's leaving drinks. It all got a bit messy and drunk. Ouch. But it was fun.

Recovering. Was eventually human about bed time.

Went to the castle. It was free, therefore packed. I was very confused that there wasn't just "a castle". I might have missed it all together. But I did see a hospital and prison and cannons and things. The afternoon was then spent hanging out in my room with Housemate Erin. We talked about boys and listened to music. It was ace. Then we went to the pub quiz (we had to go, we needed a wee and Housemate Alex was in the bathroom). I only drank water, which I think was a bad idea.

Off sick. Watched many films.

Went to Glenrothes, saw a (minor) car crash and some swans, did some work.

Wednesday - Today
At work. Feeling pretty terrible, but not any specific symptoms, except sore ears... Going to sit still for the day anyway.

New Update Just In: It turns out that my £3,000 pay rise might actually be a £5,000 pay rise! Not that I've seen 1p of it yet. But I *should* tomorrow, as it's pay day.

Back pay will be fun. Maybe I will be out of my overdraft for the first time since 2001!!

In other news: I got many fun postcards recently. A man blowing a raspberry for Pete and Sarah, a one sided postcard game from Linden, 2 from Liz and the gang in the pub, a grumpy looking dog from Adam in France*, one with red shoes from Cass in Germany** and one with kittens in different beer mugs from Caroline. I think that might be all, but it might not. It's MANY! I'm so excited. I also recieved a DVD which turns my screen into a real fake log fire. Shaun is so strange! Oh, and me and the other girls in my flat recieved a card with an hunky man on the front, with the phrase "Happy Man Bits". Creepy.

I love my friends.

But I am cross with myself, that however many friends I have, or however great any are, there's still a big lonliness that just friends aren't going to fill. And that pisses me off. I can usually rationalise it out, and make it go away. But recently, as I've been feeling ill, it's just eating at me and is annoying. So there.

*Apparently they had a different Creme Egg Challenge every day. That day's was to eat the chocolate first, keeping the insides intact...
**I am a genius and worked out what it meant. Woo!


Anonymous said...

Let me get this right...instead of waiting a little while for Housemate Alex to get out of the bathroom, you walked 2km (or something like that) to Doctors?!

How long did it take, given that you must have had your legs crossed all the way?

Alsion said...

Yes. That's what we did.