Floods and houses

26/7/7 - Work. Felt like a really short day, as I only got to the office about 2.30 after my drive back. Which is nice. Then it was the last orchestra of the term. I thought for this we might get a bigger turn out - I was wrong! 18 people - just like the last 3 rehearsals, if not more. Spooky! But about the rehearsal itself - It was fine. I know I can't play all of the pieces, but I also know that I'm not the worst. I like to think I don't make things worse, at least! But I'm generally not that confident at the moment. August off might help, then I should probably try to practise. I should get my hands looked at first, as they hurt still. After rehearsal I went to the pub, which I haven't done for weeks! It was nice. Then I went to Doctor's and found lots of other nice people, which was also nice. But I was quite sensible and home by 12.
27/7/7 - Work. Very, very, very slow day. I was so tired. I'm getting bored of this waking up every day at 4 and not being able to get back to sleep! Grrr! Then had a nap, which is probably never a good idea, then went to a party. It was fun. I got drunk.
28/7/7 - Hangover was pretty strong. Managed to get to Nikki's by 1.30, then left to go see Caroline. We helped each other with dilemmas. Ace. Back to Nikki's and some productive stuff got done. Woo! Saturday was also the first outing I've been on with my new bike. I learnt some things - Saddles hurt the second time. Always. I think this bike's brakes are always on. Not useful. I like having a gold bike. 3 gears are not enough.
29/7/7 - Spent the day sewing with Nikki. We were quite productive! As well as managing to wear random things, giggle and do lots wrong. Rehearsal seemed to go well - it's the first I've seen of it at all. The show and performances seem excellent! Well done! The costumes also worked quite well, seeing as Nikki found out that they wanted to see them about 4 days before. Go us! Just a couple of evenings this week, and I think we'll be done. Hurrah!
30/7/7 - Today. I sent my dad an e-mail about money stuff, and realised I haven't phoned for a while, and will not have time for a while, so waffled a bit. I want to talk to them about buying houses, as my dad mentioned helping out. Not as a giving me money, but as an investment in buying somewhere big enough to get a lodger, and therefore profit for him. I think they're coming up for a weekend soonish, so I can talk to them then... If I'm here and not busy. Anyway, the panic is that they are thinking of moving. I've known this for ages - they looked at houses in Chorley and other places near them that have pretty bits a few years ago, and this year they have looked at a couple of places on Arran and the Isle of Bute that would be small businesses to keep them busy. But this whole time I didn't think about them actually leaving the house they are in! I love that house. And there is SO MUCH STUFF in it that will have to dealt with... Bum. They said that wherever they get will be big enough for us all to stay at the same time (and I guess live there if we want/need), but the stuff will still need sorting! My mum won't get a house that we couldn't live in. When she went away to uni, Gran got foreign exchange students in as lodgers, so my mum always felt that she was in the way when she went back in the hoildays, etc. So she won't have that for us. Whatever we say about it. I keep suggesting that I would only need a guest bedroom, i.e. bed & maybe a drawer/wardrobe if I was to stay more than a weekend, but she's not having it... Which is nice.

Now, I doubt anyone noticed, but it was called floods and houses, but so far I have only talked about houses. So... Floods. I happened to mention to Nikki that I thought the people moaning about the floods were silly. She quickly pointed out that this could be because I still have running water out of my taps, not on my floor. But I didn't mean it like that - I do feel for people who's stuff has been ruined and who can't just turn on their tap and who have to worry about looters and diseases from the water. What bugs me is all the people who've been quoted saying things like "I've not seen one member of the council on my street," and "Who's going to stop this happening again?" IT'S A FLOOD!!! No-one did it on purpose. Everyone is working as hard as they can to get you back into your houses safety and quickly. What good is a council worked being on your street going to do? Sympathise? They probably are, as they probably live in the same town! And if they are at your house talking to you, they are probably not helping fix the problem! But I do hope that you all get your houses with power and safe water back soon. Honest.

The Holiday

So, it appears I never blogged about America. This is what I started writing on 29.1.7:

In brief, I spent much of the time:

  • Feeling really stupid whilst everyone else thought I was exceedingly clever
  • Being admired
  • Looking at things

About sums it up...


Decisions, decisions, decisions. As you will notice, they will mostly be based on other people. This is how I work.

Where to live

Edinburgh – Do I want to stay? I feel like I’ve not made that many good friends. I know I now know a lot more people. Probably more people than many people know in their whole lives. But I don’t feel like they’d miss me or I’d miss them. Except Caroline, Erin, Alex, Adam and Dave. But Erin is about to move back to Canada, Alex only sees me at home and I don’t reckon we could manage to meet otherwise, Adam is very busy and we only see each other once a month and we could do that living in different cities, same with Dave. That only leaves Caroline who I would miss and I think would be upset. I do love the place. Every day I still remember that. And every time I see the castle it cheers me up. And every time I see my street I love how pretty it is. I really, really, really want to belong here. But I’m not sure I do or can. Maybe I need to make a different life and then bring it here…
Manchester – I’m not sure I can go back. There are people that I miss so much. Charlotte, Liz, Cass, Andy, and their associated friends. I’d have people I love around me far often. I’d be nearer my folks, who I have missed a lot. I don’t know why – I didn’t used to see them often. I probably see them as often now. I just know that I can’t see them as easily.
Bolton – I could move home. It’d be cheap. I could probably get a good job at Bolton Hospital, or Wigan or one of the Manchester ones that’d be easily commutable. I’d eat properly and get enough sleep and have everything I could possibly want. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to visit friends from there either. Right now, I can see no disadvantages.
London – I was going to go here when I moved to Edinburgh. The reason I didn’t was that when I was thinking about it I was going to be teaching, which had a minimum salary. As a nobody I didn’t have that, and therefore couldn’t afford it. I’d say that now I have a minimum salary through the NHS that might be able to support me there… Would it be fun?
America – I wonder if I could go live in America for a year. Is that complicated? I’ll ask Melissa.

I suppose it’ll all get sorted when Melissa is here. Is that weird?? Probably. Cause I don’t know what her plans are. I think she is going to move to Edinburgh in a year, for a year or two. If so, I will buy somewhere that she can live too. Then I will plan for what I want when she’s left. But if that’s not the case, then I shall decide whether to stay or go.

Where to work

I want to be more useful. I want to work in the NHS still. I need more skills. I don’t know what these could be. I don’t know how to be more useful, and that bugs me A LOT. I just don’t know what I’d be most use at. How can I find that out?? I might go back into HR. At least I felt useful. People told me every day how useful I was and how better than the others I was.

Every decision is right and wrong. There is nothing in it. Who knows where I will find what I want from life – to fill my void? I want a life partner. That is what I want. There is no real way I can make that happen. So I don’t know what to do until then. Every decision seems pointless.

Everything seems pointless.

After Roskilde

10th July – Work. I had loads of hours to make up at work, so I did lots and then did nothing in the evening.
11th July – Work. Was going to meet Adam for a drink, but he cancelled due to headache, which was quite relieving as I was knackered. But I miss Adam.
12th July – Felt awful and had a nose bleed, so didn’t go to work. Went to orchestra, but not pub as felt sick.
13th July – No work again. Ventured all the way to Morningside to the library as I needed entertaining. I also bought a new washing up bowl as ours appeared to have fallen out the window and broken. As if Alex didn’t notice… But it showed how ill I was when I looked for about 5 minutes for a price, then asked, and it was right there. Ill. In the evening I was going to meet James, but he cancelled, which was good for my body.
Also in those past few days I had something for August and something else for September cancelled. I was feeling a bit lonely.
14th July – Put up my tent to wash it. Shaun was in town with his family, so I went to see them for a bit in the afternoon. Was going to go out for the evening, but I got arranged kidnapped by my parents and went to Carnoustie as they were going there for the golf the following week. I helped put up the awning and tent. I like building things. Carla was great at hitting in pegs with the mallet. She’s 5. . Had a lovely evening with Mummy and Daddy and Katherine. Slept in Katherine’s tent on an airbed. Bliss. I later discovered Dave had also been in Carnoustie and failed to find chips. We got some. Ha ha
15th July – In the morning Katherine took me and Gary to the golf Open. Nothing much was happening, as it was the practise before the practise round. But Katherine was very excited about it, as she’s been every year for ages and wanted me to see why they enjoy it. True, there were rather a lot of cute men. I can see her point. But the Scottish Masters was still being played at Loch Lomond, so no-one was in Carnoustie yet. We had to go through airport security to get in, which was quite exciting. And Gary got in free as he’s a juvenile and had a sign on his wrist to prove it. Then we went to see Gran, who seemed fine. She was just off to the pub for a coffee! She’s muddling along. I should go and see her more. Well, should is the wrong word. I want to go and see her more, so I should make more effort to make that happen. We then picked up the other Townsends and went to the beach! Except the tide was in… Oops. So we went to the paddling pool and I got soaked for sitting on the train. Went to watch Harry Potter with Andy when I got back. It was AMAZING! I got so into it. I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would.
16th July – Work. Then watched Die Hard.
17th July – Work. Then watched Die Hard II.
18th July – Work. Then watched Die Hard III.
19th July – Work was a very varied event. Some parts of the day I hated so much and though were ridiculous, and some points I thought were ace and exactly what I wanted to do. I can’t decide at the moment if I want to stay for ages and try really hard, or if I want to look for something else... Orchestra -we had a guest conductor, Fiona. It was hilarious! I’m not sure that should be what a rehearsal is, but it was ace. Fiona is funny, and the people who were there enjoyed every minute. It was fun. But I still didn’t feel up to the pub after, so I didn’t go.
20th July – Work. Then ceilidh! For Andy’s birthday. Teannaich were playing at Pollock Halls. I hate ceilidhs there. There is not enough room. The people who go are morons (generally speaking, not the people I know). So it’s really impossible to learn anything and dance. But the band are ace and the caller is hilarious and VERy attractive. Housemate Erin had friends up to visit. Heather and Steve have been before, and I really like them! They are fun. Suzanne and Shawn were visiting Heather and Steve, so there were 4 visiting Canadians. Somehow Suzanne and Shawn didn’t understand what a ceilidh was, so didn’t get into it. I was pretty mad that they didn’t even try one dance. I tried… I walked home with Erin and avoided the after ceilidh gathering for various reasons including tiredness and not liking certain people and not feeling confident enough to be liked by the others.
21st July – Walked to town in the morning and visited Mary in the shop she works in. It’s the perfect job! She gets to decorate balloons and plays with glitter and sparkly things and all sorts of party related things. FUN! I then bought a bra specifically for that evening’s dress and then went to Nikki’s new flat to help. It’s a lovely flat! I helped put up pictures and hang clothes and remove annoying blue tack. Then went home and got ready for Josie and Dave’s engagement party. They are so lovely. I hardly talked to them all night though. Oops. Talked to Jay mostly, and also Mary and Will and others. Went back to Simon’s flat after where there was a mini party. I love Simon’s flat, but I think I’m going to decline the option to move in there. It’s a tricky decision. Will have to talk to him again.
22nd July – Pretty much nothing! Was quite hung-over. Then got a monthly visitor, so I stayed in bed ALL day pretty much!
23rd July – Work.
24th July – Work. Dave’s birthday. Nick’s birthday. Went to the pub to see them. It was nice. But I didn’t take any presents or anything cause I hadn’t got that sorted yet. I will, I will…
25th July – Today. Melissa's Birthday. Work – Left home at 7 and got to Campbeltown about 12.30. It’s far away! Did work, then decided to go on a walk. I’d found an island (well, I suspect I’m not the first one to find it – you know what I mean) and decided I wanted to walk to the top of it. It’s one of those islands that you can walk to in low tide (they probably have fancy name* – I’d look it up if I had wikipedia!) and seemed to be a hill. I thought exercise and fresh air is a good plan, and I might not get the chance again. So I went to Woolworths and bought sandals (wasn’t doing it in heels!) and a t-shirt and set off – was only 2 hours until the walkway would be gone. I got there to find a sign for cave drawings, so instead of going to the top, I turned right. This was a ridiculous idea. To get to the caves was very rocky, and I was wearing sandals. I found a cave and remembered that I’m really quite scared of caves after watching that stupid film about the girl climbers who go into caves and find people who are so far adapted into cave living that they aren’t really people anymore. So I wouldn’t go into the cave, even thought it I could see the back and I knew it wasn’t very deep and there was nothing in there. I’m such a wus. But I kept walking as I couldn’t see any drawings and naively thought they might just be a little farther. I managed to scare myself into a tizzy – there were vultures (buzzards!) circling overhead, and a mountain goat carcass which they had obviously devoured on the rocks. I wouldn’t go into the other caves either, and since getting back realise how stupid it was that I didn’t even see the drawing. Oops. Anyway, I refused to walk past the dead goat again, so I kept walking. I was sure that the other side of the island would have sand and I’d get back to the walkway in no time. No such luck. Rocks, rocks, rocks. I twisted my ankle a couple of times. I had so many visions of me falling, banging my head, the tide coming in, etc. I got stung by nettles and many scratches from ferns. But I made it back alive! And had a paddle in the sea on the way. It was warm on one side of the walkway and cold on the other side. Interesting.

Shona from The High Life is in The Bill. That is amusing me a lot. Especially as how serious she is. I just want her to call someone a big nancy numpty or something. And Darren Day is in this episode. I love The Bill. I think I’m only going to do overnight work trips on Wednesdays from now on so I can watch it without getting a TV.

*I looked it up. It’s a tidal island. Not that fancy… But there doesn’t appear to be many of them in the world. I have been to 3 or 4, I can’t remember. So I better not count it. And I better not count the one we have a jigsaw of. I might try to go to more…


I’ve been doing some mega thinking recently – after watching Garden State and reading a book called The Shape of My Heart. I thought it was a girly booked from the title and the pink cover and the theme of love. But it wasn’t. I liked it a lot though.

Anyway, to my point: voids. [BTW this is going to be emo, you have been warned]

There’s a theory that we all go through live trying to fill a void inside us. We all do different things for this – relationships, hobbies, jobs, holidays, etc. to try to fill this void. Everyone’s is a different size to start with, or at least we notice them to a different extent. I think I like this theory. And now I am trying to work out what my void is wanting. To be fair, this means very little to how I live my life. I just now don’t mind that there is a void. I feel more normal about it now it has a name, and it appears to be experienced by other people. It’s all just fine and dandy.

I do worry that what I think will help fill my void won’t. I think I know what I want and need. I don’t know how to get it – it’s not something that I can have any control over. But what if I’m wrong?

But that’s not worth worrying about really. I just do occasionally, usually just for about 5 minutes. I like having an occasional wallow.

The phrase “help fill my void” is ridiculous.


I’m writing lots of blogs. I’m very behind. I need to catch up. I’ve been very lazy blog-wise. It didn’t start off as laze. It started off as not feeling exciting enough, then I went on holiday and there was a load to blog about. Then I got back and didn’t have anything to say again. I couldn’t even really decide what to say about the festival. I couldn’t decide about anything and nothing that I had been doing. Then it all just got too much to write. But today I am inspired and I’m giving it a go. But it is 10pm already, and I’ve not done much. I’m in a hotel with Chinese takeaway and pear cider and work’s laptop. This could be a long night… But that would be a bad idea, as tomorrow I have to drive all the way back to the ‘Burgh and then I’ve got orchestra after work. It’s the last one of the term. I hope it’s fun. I want to go to the pub afterwards. I haven’t done that for weeks. I’ve been too tired.
Anyway, this isn’t me writing blogs. I need to write what happened before I forget.

Well, really, I need to get over being worried about forgetting what I did ona particular day. Why do I care? Why do I need to know what I did every day for years?

I don’t know. But I do. So I will.

BTW, I had to open the pear cider bottles with a teaspoon. I’m quite proud of that.

(I did cut two fingers on first attempt. Second was far easier. By the third I’ll have it cracked!)