Floods and houses

26/7/7 - Work. Felt like a really short day, as I only got to the office about 2.30 after my drive back. Which is nice. Then it was the last orchestra of the term. I thought for this we might get a bigger turn out - I was wrong! 18 people - just like the last 3 rehearsals, if not more. Spooky! But about the rehearsal itself - It was fine. I know I can't play all of the pieces, but I also know that I'm not the worst. I like to think I don't make things worse, at least! But I'm generally not that confident at the moment. August off might help, then I should probably try to practise. I should get my hands looked at first, as they hurt still. After rehearsal I went to the pub, which I haven't done for weeks! It was nice. Then I went to Doctor's and found lots of other nice people, which was also nice. But I was quite sensible and home by 12.
27/7/7 - Work. Very, very, very slow day. I was so tired. I'm getting bored of this waking up every day at 4 and not being able to get back to sleep! Grrr! Then had a nap, which is probably never a good idea, then went to a party. It was fun. I got drunk.
28/7/7 - Hangover was pretty strong. Managed to get to Nikki's by 1.30, then left to go see Caroline. We helped each other with dilemmas. Ace. Back to Nikki's and some productive stuff got done. Woo! Saturday was also the first outing I've been on with my new bike. I learnt some things - Saddles hurt the second time. Always. I think this bike's brakes are always on. Not useful. I like having a gold bike. 3 gears are not enough.
29/7/7 - Spent the day sewing with Nikki. We were quite productive! As well as managing to wear random things, giggle and do lots wrong. Rehearsal seemed to go well - it's the first I've seen of it at all. The show and performances seem excellent! Well done! The costumes also worked quite well, seeing as Nikki found out that they wanted to see them about 4 days before. Go us! Just a couple of evenings this week, and I think we'll be done. Hurrah!
30/7/7 - Today. I sent my dad an e-mail about money stuff, and realised I haven't phoned for a while, and will not have time for a while, so waffled a bit. I want to talk to them about buying houses, as my dad mentioned helping out. Not as a giving me money, but as an investment in buying somewhere big enough to get a lodger, and therefore profit for him. I think they're coming up for a weekend soonish, so I can talk to them then... If I'm here and not busy. Anyway, the panic is that they are thinking of moving. I've known this for ages - they looked at houses in Chorley and other places near them that have pretty bits a few years ago, and this year they have looked at a couple of places on Arran and the Isle of Bute that would be small businesses to keep them busy. But this whole time I didn't think about them actually leaving the house they are in! I love that house. And there is SO MUCH STUFF in it that will have to dealt with... Bum. They said that wherever they get will be big enough for us all to stay at the same time (and I guess live there if we want/need), but the stuff will still need sorting! My mum won't get a house that we couldn't live in. When she went away to uni, Gran got foreign exchange students in as lodgers, so my mum always felt that she was in the way when she went back in the hoildays, etc. So she won't have that for us. Whatever we say about it. I keep suggesting that I would only need a guest bedroom, i.e. bed & maybe a drawer/wardrobe if I was to stay more than a weekend, but she's not having it... Which is nice.

Now, I doubt anyone noticed, but it was called floods and houses, but so far I have only talked about houses. So... Floods. I happened to mention to Nikki that I thought the people moaning about the floods were silly. She quickly pointed out that this could be because I still have running water out of my taps, not on my floor. But I didn't mean it like that - I do feel for people who's stuff has been ruined and who can't just turn on their tap and who have to worry about looters and diseases from the water. What bugs me is all the people who've been quoted saying things like "I've not seen one member of the council on my street," and "Who's going to stop this happening again?" IT'S A FLOOD!!! No-one did it on purpose. Everyone is working as hard as they can to get you back into your houses safety and quickly. What good is a council worked being on your street going to do? Sympathise? They probably are, as they probably live in the same town! And if they are at your house talking to you, they are probably not helping fix the problem! But I do hope that you all get your houses with power and safe water back soon. Honest.

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