Pick up her pants

I just misread 2 spam e-mails - "Pick her up", and "What's in your pants?" became "Pick up her pants". Much better, imho.

10/9/7 - After work I met Dan and Gesine in the Elephant House for a catch chat. Turned out to be a little silly, as Gesine now lives here and I'll see her all the time, and I'll see Dan on Saturday in Manchester. But was lovely to see them together and talk rubbish. I then nipped home to gather housemates plus couchsurfer (lovely lady called Cynthia from Florida) before heading to The Stand for a night of comedy. Red Raw is the Monday slot, and for £2 you get 8 novice acts plus a professional compere and headliner. Not all as funny as each other, obviously, but overall a funny evening, especially for £2!

11/9/7 - Jo (who we went to Roskilde with) came round to see Erin in her last week (*sniff sniff*), so I cooked her a random dinner and we all watched Bill Bailey's Part Troll with appletinis. Yum. I hope that I manage to stay in touch with Jo, but so far I've only managed to communicate through Erin. I'll try!

12/9/7 - Stayed at work late (ha ha, only till 6, but I've not managed that for a while - there's just no need to) and then got a lift with Dan. It took us both far longer than normal to get home, due to getting lost advenutres, but had a good gossip, which made me feel better. Accidentally on purpose got into bed when I got home, and had a little nap. Managed to get up briefly to do my nails and watch Addicted to Love with Emma. Nails a disaster though, so will try to find time to fix them later.

13/9/7 - Today. Got orchestra tonight followed by a committee meeting. Wanted to go to a Creative Space meeting and a Savoy meeting to discuss costumes for their next productions. Creative Space is a group from work that put on shows. I'm producing the next show, so they organised a production meeting for tonight, that I can't go to. Interesting. We'll see how this one pans out... If they keep doing annoying things like that, then I'm just not going to help. Not sure what kind of cosutmes Savoy want for Salad Days, so want to have a discussion with the directors and Nikki and Gesine and anyone else who's interested to see who should do costumes. But I can't go to the open meeting, so I shall just join them on the pub crawl after my orchestra committee meeting and see if anyone makes any sense!

Tomorrow I go to Manchester. I'm quite excited! Friday night is going to be a cosy night in Hardy's Well with Charlotte, Liz, Cass, etc. Saturday brunch with Justin, hopefully meeting maths/teaching people in the afternoon, then Cattac's 30th in the evening. Lots of older generation MUGSS should be there, including Mike and Pam! Aces. Not sure what Sunday holds yet, except I know it will end at my parents house. This might be my last visit to that house. CRY! I look forward to writing about this all after it happens.

Now, I go hunt for work.

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