
I'm not going to bother filling in the gaps, but I'm going to turn over a new leaf and start at the beginning of September. Plan.

1/9/7 - I woke up on a floor. This isn't as random as it would appear, except that the day before isn't included a la blog, due to it being August. I was at Lolly's house in Whitley Bay near Newcastle for the weekend, with Helen and Archie too. We started the day with breakfast on the beach with Lolly's parents, and had a paddle too. Lovely. Then we went to Newcastle (it has a castle! Who knew?!?) and explored and had tea and cakes and a little accidental shopping on route. Then back to Lolly's house for tea and getting ready. Helen was quite obsessed with SingStar or whatever it's called on whatever gadget Lolly has. Watching someone doing karaoke whilst sober and drinking tea is quite surreal. We then went out round Whitley Bay and a good time was had! Whitley Bay does seem to be full of old sleezy men though...

2/9/7 - Another night on the floor was really not good for me! I haven't mentioned that I'd been quite ill and off for most of the previous week. So I really needed a nice restful weekend with good quality sleep. Never mind! Sunday morning was spent mostly tidying up and stuff, followed by a trip to St. Mary's Lighthouse, which handily happens to be on a tidal island! I'm doing fairly well at collecting them. Woo! We walked all 167 steps to the top and enjoyed watching the CCTV camera. We also enjoyed talking to a man about birds. Helen appreciated his beard. I did not. I just about made it back to my train on time. Phew. Got home and attempted a little nap, but think I failed and did something useful, before going to see the Fireworks! Caroline had managed to acquire some last minute tickets to the gardens, so along with Eoin we packed a picnic and had a lovely view. Nice.

3/9/7 - All the activity hadn't helped anything, so I was off sick. Fun.

4/9/7 - Ditto.

5/9/7 - Had the first of two sessions of viewing the flat. Met lots of people, some of whom I would live with and some I would not! Think that might have been all that happened.

6/9/7 - The first orchestra of the term. Am still quite annoyed about the organisation of the orchestra (says the treasurer who has no clue how to do the accounts...). We started the term without knowing when the concert is going to be and what music we are playing. And we didn't have enough parts for everyone. And only half the committee was there, without telling the rest of the committee. But on the positive side Eoin is getting there with the website, so fingers crossed. And Neil was back! Hurrah! I like sitting next to Neil. He gets everything right, but refuses to lead the section. So I lead the section with everyone knowing he's better. That's just fine. I'm usually in the right place at the right speed (Neil's so fast!) which will do.

7/9/7 - Hand hurt a lot. Glad I told the doctor and am going to see a specialist. Although feel I may not have told him exactly what hurts, as I'm not sure. Hopefully all ok. I hope I don't have to give anything up. Left work pretty early to go back and show people around the flat. So many people! Was a bit crazy. But enough nice people that we knew we could cope with. Lovely. Then off to the pub to see Tim before he moved to Sheffield. It was fun, although I wasn't there for long before heading to watch The Graeme Mearns Band starring Ali from orchestra. Such a good band. I love them. Then we stayed for a few drinks, which turned into a bit of a session, for which I entirely blame John. He's such a bad influence! But lovely.

8/9/7 - ZOO! For Erin's birthday I gave her a voucher for a trip to Edinburgh Zoo, as I knew she wanted to go before she left. So we went with Emma as well. It was ace! Fun, fun, fun. We saw the penguin parade and had a picnic and took silly pictures of us with our heads/hands in strange places. Pictures on Facebook. Then we went to see Run, Fat Boy, Run, the new Simon Pegg film. He's lovely. Then we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show as neither Erin nor Emma had seen it. I think we were all too tired though! Great day.

9/9/7 - I spent most of the day in bed with a migraine. Nice. Managed to go to Tesco about 7.30 and then cook tea and watch Shooting Fish, then back to bed. Oh, at some point we did manage to sort out a new housemate and tell all the others that it's gone. Phew.

10/9/7 - Today. Head still hurts and am knackered despite millions of sleep. Today is the beginning of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week. I doing know what I'm going to do to support it yet. Maybe I should have thought of this before. But something... Something...

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