
20/9/7 - Under Caroline's orders I skived orchestra and went home to watch girly movies. I think You've Got Mail was the cheese of choice. I was responsible though, and sent my music and the keys and the chequebook along. I hope they appreciate that.

21/9/7 - Friday. Still felt pretty under the weather and grumpy. Had little to do at work. I went to wash the car instead. After work I went to the Virgin Active gym near the bus stop to work, the theory being that I can go on the way to/from work and might actually do it. It has a sauna and steam room after all. But it's £52 a month! And that's with corporte membership discount. That may be cheap if I go 3 times a week, like the lady calculated (wrongly, and far slower than me, even though she had a calculater (I trusted her until then)), but I've got more rehearsals and weekends away than will that let me go that often. But I should get fit, so I'll think about it. Firstly, I might try cutting down alcohol... That said, after looking at the gym I went to the cinema and pub with Adam! Saw Hallam Foe. I loved it! Being set in Edinburgh/Scotland helped, but I think I'd have liked it anyway. Everyone should go see it. A couple of pints and a catch up were just what I needed, but feel I wasn't that sparkling company due to absolute knackerdness.

22/9/7 - Got up and pottered around. Didn't do as much cleaning and tidying as intended, but did do some, so that's ok. Then Adam came over and we went bathroom shopping*! He's been trying to get a new bathroom since at least January, and I've been round all the shops with him before. This time our adventure took us to B&Q where we pondered for ages before booking a consultant to go round to Adam's. This is when we found out that B&Q don't fit bathrooms above the second floor. IN EDINBURGH! That's crazy. A huge percentage of the population live on 3rd and 4th floors! Strange. Have booked an appointment anyway, and Adam is going to see what they say when they arrive. Mission closed for the day, we had a drink on a boat and then dinner at a lovely little restaurant called International Starters. It's basically a tapas resaurant, but with dishes from different continents. Yum. The day ended with a trip to Simon and Joanne's flat (Adam's friends from uni, who are staying in Simon's brother's wife's lovely flat whilst they are in Australia) where we drank wine and played yahtzee. The girls won.

The evening was somewhat ruined by a mamoth headache that was VERY annoying. I tried to ignore it, but am quite sure that some of the time I stared into space and didn't know what was going on.

23/9/7 - Full. On. Migraine. Spent most of the day in bed dozing on and off. GRUMP! Not that long since the last one. Hmmm...

24/9/7 - Work was pretty dull and I still had a hangover headache. But I got through it. I even was allowed to play with some syntax. Woo! The evening was spent at the cinema with Caroline, Sharon and Caroline. Apparently not as confusing as when 3 Caroline's went to the pub together. We watched A Mighty Heart. I thought it was going to be a chick flick. It was not. It was about a journalist who was kidnapped and then beheaded in Pakistan. True story. Excellent film. Bit more serious than I was expecting and usually enjoy, but I'm glad it was thrust upon me in that fashion.

Got home fairly early (9 ish) and pottered around. Rhian came back from her weekend in Cambridge. Was weird to have someone else home! I've been on my own with Spellbound since Thursday. Cats are weird. She ignores me unless she needs food or am in bed. She's been scratching and meowing at my door when I've gone to bed, so I let her in and she curls up and goes to sleep, which is fine. But then when I'm asleep she gets up and starts playing with things and climbing on things, so I have to chuck her out. I don't get cats!!

*Another reason I'd be the best girlfriend ever. I'm quite happy to wander around DIY stores and be logical and reasonable about things. Sometimes I think I should go into interior design. I'm not sure if it'd work though, never having my own place to play with. It might look awful. My parents have a theory that if I like something, then go for the other one...

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