Note To Self:

Don't make "Your Mum" jokes to your sister...


I feel like I'm on holiday. I'm not. Quite the opposite. I'm at work. I'm still a bit sick, but at least paracetamol is covering the pain. So I'm watching the clock until my next dose. It doesn't really cover the whole day/night, cause you can't take that many, but never mind. Just my sisters wait until they have to share my bed! Mwah ha ha ha.

So, Jen arrives later, and Kat tomorrow. Jen's friend Andy is also coming. I met him last year and we are ace Facebook friends. It's going to be fun. Then next week I've hired a car and we're going on an adventure. It's going to involve Nessie, cousins, mountains, lochs, hostels and maybe tents.

Right, I best go. I am actually doing work at the same time, but I feel like I shouldn't be enjoying it this much...


I'm sick. It's rubbish. It's also weird - it's just my throat. I don't think I've ever been in so much physical pain before. It's _that_ bad. It stops me sleeping. It's really frustrating. I'm really hot*. But nothing helps. Gargling, paracetamol, cough sweets, nothing. Sometimes it hurts to talk. It is quite soothing to sing.

Anyway, I'm trying to ignore it, but it's tricky.

So much has happened in the last few weeks I just don't know where to start writing, so I'm not going to write about most of it. Also, I still need to digest much of it.

Some things that were ace:
  • Cass and Joe came to visit this weekend. We saw lots of shows and were generally acely organised. There was a pocket of destiny. What more do you want?
  • Sunday also involved Mahinda and Adam and Erica. Lovely.
  • Lots of amazing people are here for the festival, some of whom I have spent enough time with, some not. There is more time, I hope.

The film Eoin is rubbish.

I'm going to attempt sleep.

*Yes, I know we already know this.


I don't really believe in horoscopes, but yesterday's seemed quite approriate to my whole life:

"So long as everyone's looking, you don't really care. You want to be the centre of attention, even if you have to get that attention by behaving like an idiot. What happened to your elegance and class, Gemini? "

The thing is, when I realise people are looking at me, I hate it. But I accidentally always end up with that happening. And I lose the small amount of elegance I did have. And then I get pissed off with myself. And the last person who you want to be pissed off is yourself. You can't even avoid them.
Ach, one day I'll sleep and then everything will be great! That might not be until I have found a new flat and a new job though...

Other news: I discovered yesterday that the festival I played at the weekend raised £7500. So, not only was I in a band, I had a great day and it was for a great cause. Well, 2 causes to be precise. A children's hospice and an orphanage. I also swam in the sea. IN THE SEA!

I've been having nice festival fun, too much beer and not enough sleep. Tonight a few lovely people are coming round for dinner. Tomorrow I plan to see 4 shows. I haven't seen any yet.

This morning I realised the difference between Edinburgh Summer and Edinburgh Winter. In the summer you can hold your umbrella up.

"At first I was angry that you had fallen in love with some else, but you seem so happy now. I didn't even know you were sad. Or I didn't want to see."

Lots of people have said I'm co-ordinated today. I'm now worried that I'm not usually. I know I'm not sometimes. I do it on purpose. But most of the time I think I co-ordinate. Maybe I just co-ordinate in secret, like shoes and bra or knickers and earrings. Anyway, today I do co-ordinate, but entirely by accident as I wore my wellies into work and changed into the only shoes in my drawer.

Oh, the internet broke. Probably a good job. I wrote about work and I'm not supposed to. Not that I wrote much. I just said that I like all my colleagues at the moment. And the work we're doing is ad hoc and therefore tiring.

That'll do.

A Dress A Day

Oh my goodness. The LAST thing I needed was to log into my blog and find pictures of babies staring back. At least it wasn't hot men with babies.

So, A Dress A Day is a wonderful blog that I read by a lady called Erin. She makes dresses, you may be surprised to know. Anyway, she has inspired the title to this post, and to an extent has inspired the Festival Challenge. For the length of the festival I have challenged Nikki and Iona (and any other girl!) to wear as many dresses and skirts as possible. Points are awarded. 2 for a dress, 1 for a skirt. Half day = half points.

I was going to write about loads more, then I realised I probably shouldn't. I've got to stop this linking to Facebook first, but I never remember that when I have access to it. Oh well. I'll control myself and try not to write anything too dumb.

I'm going to the pub with Gwenmarie!!!!!