
I feel like I'm on holiday. I'm not. Quite the opposite. I'm at work. I'm still a bit sick, but at least paracetamol is covering the pain. So I'm watching the clock until my next dose. It doesn't really cover the whole day/night, cause you can't take that many, but never mind. Just my sisters wait until they have to share my bed! Mwah ha ha ha.

So, Jen arrives later, and Kat tomorrow. Jen's friend Andy is also coming. I met him last year and we are ace Facebook friends. It's going to be fun. Then next week I've hired a car and we're going on an adventure. It's going to involve Nessie, cousins, mountains, lochs, hostels and maybe tents.

Right, I best go. I am actually doing work at the same time, but I feel like I shouldn't be enjoying it this much...

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