A Dress A Day

Oh my goodness. The LAST thing I needed was to log into my blog and find pictures of babies staring back. At least it wasn't hot men with babies.

So, A Dress A Day is a wonderful blog that I read by a lady called Erin. She makes dresses, you may be surprised to know. Anyway, she has inspired the title to this post, and to an extent has inspired the Festival Challenge. For the length of the festival I have challenged Nikki and Iona (and any other girl!) to wear as many dresses and skirts as possible. Points are awarded. 2 for a dress, 1 for a skirt. Half day = half points.

I was going to write about loads more, then I realised I probably shouldn't. I've got to stop this linking to Facebook first, but I never remember that when I have access to it. Oh well. I'll control myself and try not to write anything too dumb.

I'm going to the pub with Gwenmarie!!!!!

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