I am the music man

Bizarrely, I have The Music Man stuck in my head. Combined with a lovely song called Little Twig. This morning in the shower I was singing the song from Blood Brothers cause it had just been on Showtime. I quite want to be in a show. This isn't going to happen really, as I'm busy Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays this term. Silver jewellery making class, Craft Night, orchestra. And I'm going to join the gym near my new house. I'm going to be busy, but in a happy way.

So, I've been a bit busy. The festival happened. I can't remember what I blogged about it. I was determined not to get ill, then I forgot and went and got ill. Then a million people stayed at my house at once, and it was fun, if not a little lacking in sleep. Then me and Jennifer and Melissa went to find Nessie. Then Melissa had to leave and me and Jennifer went visiting relatives. We went to the one man castle and to see fish jumping and to see dolphins (we failed, but found moon rock and a fly) and swimming with the cousins and to the beach and park in the dark. Got back, watched the fireworks, Jen left.

Then I got a new job.

On Friday/Saturday I move house.

Maybe after both of those things are sorted I will get a whole night's sleep and maybe I will not have a headache and feel sick.

But maybe not. Maybe it's something else that's stressing me. We will find out.

I am not particularly looking forward to moving, because I have lots of stuff. However, I am looking forward to seeing Mummy and Daddy. I can tell them all about my job. And they will look after me. And I will see Jodie (dog). And they will make me be sensible.

I don't know why I'm writing like a child today. Probably due to the lack of sleep and feeling rubbish and wanting everything to go away. Except my friends. I want lots of friends right now.

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