
We got sent home from work about 1.30 yesterday, which was nice. The place was deserted and I didn't have anything to do. Went straight home (after debating whether to buy any food/drop in at The Greek's cause it was his birthday) thinking I'd get to watch Doctors. It wasn't on!! This might be where my grump started, but I think it started before that. Cool Runnings was on instead, so I watched that, followed by The Man In The Iron Mask. I got my duvet and hot water bottle and snuggled in. By the time that had finished I then watched Hard Spell and Neighbours. I was really tired/grumpy by then. Was in a bit of a daze. Got a text from Jimby with the plans for The Greek's birthday, but said I was staying in. Eventually I decided I needed diet coke and it was as much effort to go to the shop as it was to go to The Greek's birthday, so I went out.

I found them in the Moon Under Water. I didn't really talk for the first hour. Couldn't be bothered. Couldn't think of anything nice to say. But was happy just sat in the corner. Think it confused Jimby a bit. He's never seen me so sober/quiet. We then went to Walkabout, which I don't really like. The general consensus was there then 42's, but when we tried to go to 42's we couldn't get in as there were too many lads (6) so we went back to Walkabout. I felt a bit left out all night. The only person who'd talk to me was Jimby, and I wasn't really making much sense so it was tricky having strange conversations. One of The Greek's friends seemed really nice - he went to uni in Edinburgh and is also thinking of moving there, so he took my number and might come and be my Edinburgh friend. We'll see. I don't know who out of Jimby/The Greek/Joel's friend circle reads this (I suspect none fo them know) but I'm going to leave out my opinions on them just in case. Anyway, I was grumpy and by this time had had a lot of diet coke and my belly hurt and I didn't want to be there anymore, so I went home. Had an amusing bus conversation* with some randoms. When I got in I made chips and waffles and watched The Kaiser Chief's on Channel 4, then ER. I then went to bed. Grumpy.

I woke up grumpy. It's rubbish. I've not been like this for ages and I don't want it! So far today I've stayed in my bedroom, except for a small trip to put some washing in. I should go take it out, but Ads is now here and I don't feel like seeing anyone. Might do a quick dash trip and get a DVD or 2 en route. Ooh, I hear keys. I shall do it when he's out. My room is the biggest mess I've ever seen and I can't be arsed to fix it. I've been crying for no reason. I think I'll just go back to bed and wait till next year. I think I scared my mum cause I told her I hadn't decided where to go tonight yet. They offered to come over, but I think that would be worse than staying in on my own.

**I really hate it when I'm looking forward to talking to strangers on the bus and it doesn't happen. It's rubbish when they're trying to hit on you/think you're trying to hit on them, when all you're doing is trying to make the bus journey more interesting.

1 comment:

Alsion said...

I always could! Just can't usually be bothered...