La la la

Here are posts written on different days from work. They don't allow cookies, so I can't log in.

Monday Dec 5th

I'm rubbish at blogging at the moment! Oops.

My last post was Tuesday, so I shall struggle to remember what I have been doing since then...

Wednesday was lots of sitting on the sofa! I was wallowing in the fact that it was my last day of unemployment, so I did very little. In the evening I went to meet Jimby for a drink in Hardy's. The bar man (Wilf - the one with the long hair) has been beaten up! All of you regular Hardy's drinkers will be sad about that. Anyway, it was a nice evening.

Thursday I started my job! Everyone seems really friendly and helpful. I know that it's not going to stay that way as people will start saying "that's not my job" and stuff like that. But I like it. I feel useful. Thursday night I went to MUGSS and have a giant list of what costumes are needed for the show. I measured about 5 boys and then couldn't be bothered. Tried to find someone to play out with (OK, so I actually only texted Mark as I decided he'd be the most likely to be near town!!), gave up, so appeared at Alex the Greek's house. He entertained me by being high on caffeine and we played backgammon.

Friday was more of this work stuff followed by Dan's gig. Lolly came down for the weekend so we went out for curry and then to the gig.

Wednesday Dec 7th
I don't want to write about what I about enjoyed/didn't at the moment. So brief facts it is.

Friday: Slugs Ate My Parents gig at Fuel
Saturday: Bank (I no longer have over a grand of MUGSS money), Fat club (lost a tiny bit), rehearsal (kicked ass), lunch (downstairs in the Triangle appears to be fairtrade/organic - cool!), shopping (sister's birthday presents), home (shower), dinner (kebab on Lolly's request cause Newcastle has rubbish kebabs), market (to grab some mulled wine to drink on the way to the venue), concert (pretty good), party (didn't want to go), curry (left before the food arrived), went to Jimby's (played Star Wars computer game).
Sunday: Went home, attempted nap, went to parents, wallpapered*, had Jennifer's birthday/St. Andrew's dinner, home.
Monday: Work, visit from Justin, dinner with Rosli (from old work).
Tuesday: Work (went to Booth Hall hospital which was fun), town (my shoes were held together with cellotape, but I didn't manage to find new ones. Did get 2 skirts though), carol singing (ace!), dinner (Moon Under the Water, or whatever it's called).
Today: Work, hopefully meeting Mark for a catch up.
Tomorrow: Work, MUGSS rehearsal.
Friday: Work (spotting a pattern?!?), Sand bar or similar with Liz and hopefully other nice people.
Saturday: Fat club, parents house to help finish the wallpapering*, maybe back to Manc for a gathering of some sort.
Sunday: Parents house to help finish the wallpapering*.
Monday: Work.

*A note about wallpapering: When I arrive home on Sunday to help my parents had already been "discussing" the wallpaper for about 2 hours. This discussion was about how to line up said wallpaper. There is a pattern that repeats every 53cms. It is very trick to see it, but you can just about. The problem comes when trying to line up the next piece. There is no obvious place. But they had been trying to find a way to do it for hours. The dilemma was that they couldn't see it now, but wanted to be sure in case you could see it when it was up. I promise you, readers**, it is very very tricky and none of us could do it. You are all welcome to come to my parents house and try (although DO NOT tell them if you find a way). So the whole process of helping was stressful.

**Calling you readers amuses me lots!

Thursday 8th December

Mark is a bad bad man. I got far too drunk last night and this morning was bad. I was a little late for work, but that's ok. But I did smell a lot of booze too. And kept nearly being sick. Nice. I got ready for work in record time, so this meant no shower and hair tied up and trousers and flat shoes. After work I made fantastic tea! Roasted veg. It was very yummy. Then went to MUGSS. I was late cause I couldn't get off the sofa. I measured some people, but not very many. I found out that it was the last rehearsal before Christmas. The next one is Feb 2nd, 5 weeks before the show. 5 weeks is not enough time to make/hire 130 ish costumes. Pants. But American Matt loved me wearing my trousers and said they were ass-fantastical. So that was fun.


Anonymous said...

I like reading your blog too!

You may be able to copy the cookie over from your home PC to your work one.

That's even more rubbish.
Maybe we should all pop into Hardy's tonight to say hello?
I miss the place!

Security Word
"shuft" - clearly the best yet.

Alsion said...

We should all go to Hardy's! But not that night, as it's now gone. Sorry.


Kate said...

"shuft" sound like it's the word you use to describe a rude noise.