Londinium (take 2) to Haggis

I ache everywhere. Actually everywhere. I have unexplained bruises almost everywhere too. And a cut on the top of my foot. Have had a pretty fun packed week or so, and just want to curl up and recover. But have plans for the next 4 nights, so it will have to wait. I'm really looking forward to Friday night in. But know I will be persuaded to go out on Friday as Linden says I must. She has good reasons though. After that I do have an empty house for a week, so that'll help.

Anyway, so I know you all want to know what I've been doing, so here goes...

Thursday 19th
Didn't manage to find Kiki or Liz for lunch. They were rubbish and didn't have their phones. So hopefully that will be rearranged... Thursday night was for drinking. Probably.
Friday 20th
Went to London. The train there was pleasant enough. Found Ross and Bex at the station - they were on the same train, but sat in 1st class! How rude. Arrived at Del's about 10, after being very scared as I was lost and in a wood. But it was the right way. However, the cunning plan of letting myself into his house did not work, as the keys the posted from The Pile of Working Keys were not Working Keys at all. More like Not Working Keys. So I sat on the doorstep for half an hour. Then was rescued by a stranger (Del's housemate, John) and went to the pub with Del, Del's other housemate (who's name annoyingly escapes me), Chris (who I didn't play darts with) and some other people including a very drunk but very cute Scottish man. Went back to Del's and ate pasta. Slept on the sofa cause Del snores too much for me to cope with.
Saturday 21st
Got up and acquired a hair cut. Or did I acquire less hair? Failed to buy an outfit, but did buy a skirt which I didn't wear as it didn't go with my shoes. I went away with only 2 pairs of shoes. Scandal. Then we headed to Roz's flat, got ready then headed to Farringdon for the Old Soak's Christmas Do. This occurs in January as December is officially too busy. It was a really good do! I like seeing all the ex-MUGSS people. They are all lovely. I don't remember everything (wine followed by vodka), but seem to have made some friends on the tube home (have photos).
Sunday 22nd
Got up fairly late. We met people for lunch in London. My train back was at 5, so had a few hours to kill. Lounged around. Saw Dobby from PGP, which was nice. She trumped my toilet story!! Pah. I'd forgotten that. I was excited about my trip to the toilet as I had a great story* for when I got back to the table, but then Dobby got locked in the toilet and my story seemed rubbish. Train back was all fine and dandy. I was very impressed with my not getting lost ability. I asked which way the station was. No-one knew, but Rob pointed and that's the way I went. I got distracted by shiny things in shops and books, but still got there in about 30 mins (the guesses were 45 and I allowed an hour) without a map or anything. Go me. And the plane people** only took 30 minutes less than me. So ner. I rock.
Monday 23rd
Can't remember what I did. Possibly nothing.
Tuesday 24th
I went to choir! Rodney came to work with me and we went straight to choir with kebab. I was naughty and giggled and was called a child at choir. Hurrah! Then I did orchestra. I was very bored and tired by then. Grump. I'm actually quite fed up of orchestra, but feel mean telling anyone why.
Wednesday 25th
Burn's Night! I went to my parents straight from work. Arrived about the same time as my mum did from Costco. I then took over in the kitchen (as much as I could) and we made a feast of haggis neeps and tatties followed by some apple concoction. It was really nice to be there. As not everyone knows about other people's family I shall list. We had my mum and dad, both sisters, 2 cousins and 1 auntie. Sarah, Lucy and Helen live in Stockport, so it's not far. We don't manage to see them that often though. I'm trying to make it more often. We all had to do a poem/song/something random as my dad decided. There was lots of laughing and the instigation of the "dumb stupid" balance. Genius.
Thursday 26th
I had the day off, so set my alarm for 6.30am. Yes. 1 1/2 hours earlier than if I was working. But it was good! I got the train to the airport where I found Melissa. We then went straight back to my house for a nap before going to the pub. What a good day!! We went to Sinclair's and ate dinner with Charlotte, Dan, Anna and Kathryn. Andy turned up too, then we went to Rain Bar to find Paula and Patrick and attempt the quiz. The Goonie based team did beat us though.
Friday 27th
Had this day off too, so we went to some museums. It was fun! We went to the Costume Museum in Platt Fields Park and then the Hat Museum in Stockport. Very cultured! Of course we thought of many ways of improving it. And had random fun in a teepee cave thing and the kids corner with some cogs. Then we went to meet people after work for the do I'd arranged. Lots of people came! No-one from my department though. Grump. But lots of fun people from recruitment and agenda for change and medical staffing. Stayed there for a few then went for curry. I wasn't drinking as it was Friday. They didn't understand. But I was still fun. Hurrah!
Saturday 28th
Fat club. Did quite well. I've been doing nothing or rubbish for ages, so I needed it. Should have a magic 7 and a 10%, but Jo had neither, so I got a sticker with a star with a moustache and glasses. We (me, Paula and Liz) then went for coffee. It was needed. Mark came after his haircut for coffee too, then Melissa arrived after Paula and Liz had gone. Me and Melissa then didn't go climbing - we went tattoo shopping and I bought a corset type top, which I then wore at the night time to go meet Shaun, Andrew and Liz. We met at the Paramount and went on to Fab. It was ace! I like Shaun and Andrew. Never met Liz before but she seemed really lovely! I got drunk. Have little memory.
Sunday 29th
Big big big hangover. And 11*** people to feed for dinner. Ouch. Eventually me and Melissa cycled to Asda and acquired food and cycled back. Ouch. Then cooked. All seemed to go ok, despite being incompetent. We had haggis as no-one could come to my parents on Wednesday. There was a bought haggis, a bought vegetarian haggis, a homemade vegetarian haggis, neepes, tatties and carrots. Mmmm. Then we sat around and watched music videos.
Monday 30th
Today! I had leftover haggis for lunch.

Other things I want to blog:
  • Me and Melissa share a brain. Half each. We are strangely the same. We get hungry at the same rate. We get bored at the same rate. We have hangovers at the same rate. But we have completely different taste, in a similar fashion. If that makes sense.
  • Charlotte didn't get her job. Grump grump grump. That means she won't be in Edinburgh with me.
  • One of my favourite quotes from Melissa this weekend was "Are all of your friends in love with you?!?". I don't think she really meant all. But it cheered me up.
  • I wore socks that are too tight yesterday. I wore them in bed too. They have left marks. Ouch. I also cut my knee on my desk. I'm so broken.
So that's the catch up. Tonight we are off to see Belle and Sebastian at the Ritz. Tomorrow we are getting tattoos and then I have orchestra. Wednesday is the ceilidh at Jabez Clegg. Thursday is MUGSS. Friday is out with Linden. But I am tired now.

*The toilets were downstairs, and I looked up and could see the road and a man walked over my head! Whilst I was on the loo! Can you imagine such a thing?!?
**There was a race. Sarah, Cattac, Kate S and Mark were flying back as it was quicker. Their plane was delayed and I was on time, so although they beat me, as expected, it was only by half an hour. And they got a taxi from the airport and I got the bus form the train station.
***Me, Melissa, Housemate Dan, Charlotte, Dan, Adrian, Pete, Linden, Mahinda, Rosy and Housemate Adam.


I just got home from London.

It was fun.

I've put food in the oven and dye on my hair*. So I really probably shouldn't be typing here as I'll get disctracted and burn my head and dinner. So thought I'd write that to make sure I don't forget.

Anyway, I had an ace time! Just washed the dye off my hair. Think it's going to be horrendously yellow... Also eaten my lovely tea. And discovered that the snooker final is on! And it's Higgins vs O'Sullivan. So I'm going back to watch it!

You will have to wait to hear the stories of my weekend.

*The other way around could have been wrong.

Mmmm... Chicken!

I'm eating chicken crisps. I feel this is allowed, as they are vegetarian and I don't think taste like chicken. Although that's an old memory anyway.

I went to a beer festival yesterday*. It's probably the first time in ages that I've been called normal! Liam said I was probably the only normal girl there. He was probably right, but that was before we found Linden and Archie. Although, I've only just noticed that they have strange names! So maybe I was the only normal girl there.

I found all sorts of random people. I wasn't entirely sure who I was meeting to start with. Firstly I went to Sinclair's, which rocks. £1.32 a pint! There I found Ian, Jordan, John G, Cathy, Paul K, Justin and Mahinda. Liam joined us, Justin left and we went to the festival of beers. Here we found more people, including Linden, Justin and later Ed. In unconnected groups I found Ed (ex-housemate's friend's boyfriend), his dad and three boys called Rick (one Spiky, and 2 from Jimby's birthday). I also talked to a random man called James who used to be in MUGSS and CAOS when it was still called Chamber Music Society. He's old. One of his friends guessed that I was 24 and played the cello. I don't know why I wasn't scared at the time.

After some yummy beer I decided (as usual) that The Salisbury was the best plan. This may or may not have been because I thought Rick might be going to (one of the Jimby's birthday ones, not Spiky). He was not there.

Got a bus home and ate pasta. Apparently.

Woke up late this morning, packed for London and was late for work. But it didn't matter as no-one else is in. Hence me not doing any work. I'm not really capable! I feel a bit cheeky, NHS money and all, but I've done lots of hours extra this week, so it's not too bad.

Before the beer yesterday I saw Kiki. She is ace! We went to Jabez and chatted. It was cool. I'm going to see her and Liz for lunch shortly too.

Wednesday night didn't really happen. I watched The Bill and Ocean's Eleven whilst doing Chat puzzles. Again failed to phone my mum. Oops.

I finished my crisps ages ago. I want more food. It's probably a good job I'm not getting weighed tomorrow :-) I was nearly dedicated and looked up Wobble Watchers in Epsom for Saturday morning, but the only meets were far away, so I'm not going.

*Picture intend to appear some time. As do links. Maybe.



I'm currently eating it from the jar with a spoon. I can't decide if I like it. Never have been able to. But I had nothing else to eat and really wanted too.

Had orchestra tonight. There were very few people there. And I'd had a really really long day at work. For this work anyway! Started at MRI at 8 and finished at Booth Hall at 5, so didn't get back till 6.30. I reckon that should count as work time. That's ages!

Then went to the pub and didn't have a good time despite there being lots of ace people there.

Why can't Al just be my friend?!? Why does he have to ignore me? I didn't think it'd be like this. I thought we would be friends eventually. He always said that we would. But he's left it too long now.

So that's why I wanted to eat. Luckily there was nothing here.

It can't be just that though, cause I've been grumpy for ages and only seen him tonight.


Maybe I'm just tired. Always.

Going to bed now. Maybe I'll watch some Dave Gorman first.
I've just been on the phone for ages!

I phoned Gran as it's her 80th birthday. I want to post the pictures of the bruises on her face after her fall, but think it might be mean... We shall see after I've finished typing. It's not like she's going to read my blog...

[I've taken the picture out. Sorry Katherine, and anyone else who thought it was inappropriate. I wasn't trying to be mean, I promise. I love Gran and think she's ace. I should phone her more.]

I discovered that Uncle Hamish has died. It's a shame and rubbish, but he has been poorly since his stroke and since Nancy died (about the same time as Grandad). I phoned my mum too and thought she knew, but she didn't. Oops. I might have got Susan in trouble again... She's in enough trouble already though through not telling people things, like that she's had her hernia operation and really SHOULDN'T BE DOING STUFF! Naughty.

I also spent some timeon the phone discussing Burn's Night, which is next Wednesday and I'm thinking of planning a gathering... I don't really know how to though, as there's probably not enough space in my house here for my parents, sisters, cousins, auntie, never mind the friends I wanted to do it for... I need a big house! So my next plan is to get everyone to my parents house. It's well easy to entertain lots there. Just need to persuade Manchester people that it's not that far...!

So, that was this evening's phonecall entertainment. What else?!? I made good curry for tea. Dan ate it, yet I still ended up washing up! Cheeky boy. But he gets away with it everytime. I then caught him on his bed jumping up and down to dance music. Tee hee hee.

Yesterday I went to see Narnia (after a sneaky quick Primark shop to buy bags and a probably quite indecent top that I might wear to work anyway...) which was ace! I liked it lots. Alghouth looking back it wasn't *that* good. But still ace. DOn't want to analyse it too much on paper cause that will probably spoil the magic. But the horse was called Phillip. What more is there to say?!? Ooh, and we played the "spot a funny name game" on the credits and I found Felix Ponce. Ace.

After that we went to Rain bar and discussed the film and the previous night's salsa which was nice. I nearly fell asleep though. Then I went home via Liz's car (thanks!) and watched reunion of the Von Trapp actors, followed by The Sound Of Music. Bliss!

Saturday was Wobble Watchers (lost 1lb, but was very grumpy about it) followed by shopping (could not manage to spend money) followed by lunch (accidentally got drunk) followed by shopping (bought a pink suspender belt) followed by nap. Then salsa at Copacabanas. The lesson was random and I had to be a man (well, volunteered on the basis of height). I don't like dancing. FACT. But organised it for Sarah (who got a new job - Congratulations!) and my sisters (who didn't come). Sarah really enjoyed it, as did Kristy (Jimby's friend who really wanted to dance) and Dan (who was bruised and forced into it). We made up names for all the other random dancers including "Squiggily Man" and "Scary Woman".

Friday night I went to Liz's house and had lovely lasagne. I was a bit worried at first, as there were just me, Liz, Matt Clark and Lesley (Liz's neighbour), and sometimes 4 people can be a bit tricky for conversation flow. But it wasn't - it was really nice! Ant came along later with presents and apologies from Kate who was poorly. Hope you're ok Kate! I really should have sent you a message. I suck.

I've now decided that I can put a picture of Gran in, as long as I put in the amusing picture of me eyeing up Dan. And maybe the one of my cousins that my dad randomly sent me too...

Before my recap, here are some things I have been pondering:
  • What is blue tack made of?
  • Why does my phone keep messages from me and send them at random o'clock?
  • Can I feel phone waves? I often wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, check my phone to see the time, then a few minutes later get a message. I thought I was psychic (maybe) but it's happened lots now and is silly.
  • Does the man at work like me?
  • Will I ever stop feeling ill? I've felt poorly since the beginning of the year and it's bugging me. Maybe I'm just old now and need more rest. But I've stayed in loads for me!
Have been doing lots of work, but am now not doing any. Oops. Going to Liz's soon for dinner/sleepover before fat club tomorrow. I want to have lost 3 cause I'll get a magic sparkly 7, but doubt I will have.
Production meeting. I so should start making costumes! Only about 6 weeks to the show? Oops.
Rain Bar pub quiz. I made an adventure on the way by walking over the lock. Woo! There were lots of couples. We came second (I knew the answers to approximately 3 questions) but beat Mahinda/Linden/Ed/Justin/Pete, so that's nice. I used the phrase "Things to see, people to do" to some strangers on the way out. Oops.
Dan informed me that I can't move out of the house until I've found a suitable replacement and they are signed off by both him and Ads. The replacement has to be female and as nice as me. I think by this he means makes him food sometimes.
Stayed in. Failed to phone mother. Did manage to e-mail about salsa and Old Fart's Curry though, which slightly reduced my to do list. Maybe. The net at home was poo though, so I didn't blog or e-mail any of the people I wanted to. Grump.
Went to a different pub quiz! But it turned out there was no quiz. But it was fun anyway. In attendance were: Andy, Cass, Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Joel, Jimby and Debbie. We went to the Salisbury and played erotic spot the difference, then went to Grand Central and played Mats and with a tree called Jeremy. Tuesday was my night for drinking this week. My latest plan is drinking 2 nights a week (Saturday and one other that isn't Friday).
I felt pretty rough at work, so stayed in for the evening. Failed to ring my mother. Oops.
Me and Adam found Mark, which was fairly tricky in itself considering Mark's hangover and both of our lack of charging phones, and went to the museum to see a fabric exhibition. It wasn't as exciting as I thought, but am glad I went. We wandered around some other bits and went onto the roof where you can see for miles! Then went for lunch and headed off. Got back in one piece despite Mark's hangover and my driving. I did lose a glove on the journey. Grump. But we went to the farm shop at Tebay which is always good.
On arriving in Manchester I really didn't want to go home. I've got to get over this. But I avoided it by going to Mark's and watching a film!
Fat club: Gained 1 pound which is probably ok considering I'd not been weighted for 3 weeks and it had been Christmas and birthdays and stuff. But still grumpy. Didn't deserve to be grumpy after the tub of Pringles I'd eaten on Friday evening... But still was.
Then found Mark and we went to Edinburgh! Yay! I love Edinburgh. But you all know that already. Got there about 3, Mark checked in to his hotel and we went and found Adam (my favourite Adam!) in a pub, later to be joined by Dan and Olivia (Mark's friends). Got Mark a little tipsy and sent him back to his family do. He wasn't looking forward to it, but seemed to enjoy it, despite being exceedingly drunk.
It was a very random drinking day (I hadn't drunk for about 2 weeks, so was affecting me quite quickly, but I was sensible) involving lots of people I didn't know, 2 viola playing physicists that I did know (Adam and Tim), a near fight on Easter Road (Trainspotting country) and various types of pubs. All in all it was ace to catch up with Adam and Tim and I enjoyed it lots. I was worried that an evening in Edinburgh outside the festival with no real plan of what to do would put me off going. But it didn't. I still love it and am still moving. If anything I want to move quicker now.
I stayed in, thinking I'd get a nice quiet evening before going to Edinburgh. Ads and Dan were also in, and a man came about the boiler and another about the windows. I was slobbing in my pyjamas. Nice! It was kinda cool to be in the house with all of us, just not the quiet relaxing bath/film I'd banked on.
Rain Bar pub quiz. We had lost of people! I was on a team with the Goonies (minus Mahinda, plus Jon) and then we gained some other people, I think. Liz was on a team nex door and they won! Well done Liz on the tie breaker. She gained wine. Woo!

Little things.

Mmmm... I'm just wallowing in the goodness that is wearing clean pyjamas and newly washed slippers after a bath. And I'm about to get in bed. It is good.

I did plan to come and write up my doings from the last few days, but I spent about 2 hours in the bath and now I must sleep, for I feel tomorrow is going to be annoying at work. With a bit of luck it won't be that annoying and I can blog from there... We shall see!


Today I am spreading pink. I dyed my hair yesterday and I think it's rubbing off today. I've never had that before. It's weird. I noticed my neck was pink earlier and my headphone cord is going pink too. And my shoes are shedding purple and silver stars and glitter. By the end of the day my office will be pink and shiny! Hee hee.

Eye Bank

Is there really an "Eye Bank"?!? That's gross! Is anyone else picturing a fridge containing rows and rows of eyes in labelled jars? Imagine if one got dropped! I find that far grosser that most other bits of people you could have a "bank" of.

I was cheered up yesterday by a parcel. Aren't parcels great?!? I was excited when I got home the day before and there was a card saying that a packet didn't fit through my letter box. I wasn't that excited at first, knowing that I've ordered some things from ebay for my iPod, but on closer inspection the card was addressed to "Lovely Lady Alison", which made me know that it must be from a good person! But then I fell asleep at 4.30 and then the sorting office would have been shut, so I got it on the way home from work yesterday. It was from Melissa who is ace and sparkly. She's coming over to visit (from America) at the end of the month and I'm very excited. I will squeal. Anyway, it had 3 parcels and a card and I got covered in glitter, which was fun. I'm wearing the bracelets today, and will probably wear the earrings tomorrow. They are both pink and shiny. And I got some blue sparkly gems to stick places. I don't know where yet, so beware... You may get sparkled!

On the bus on the way over I found my friend Little Dave who I went to school/6th form with, so that was nice! I found him once before in our local pub, and it turns out he knows Raman, one of Ads' friends. He went to hockey once, I believe. But I wasn't there.

I have laughed most of today. It has been fun. I'm not sure why I've been doing it. I just have.
I feel thin today. So there.

I've been watching/reading depressing things lately. But on purpose. I read Kurt Cobain's Biography, watched Dead Man Walking and read a book about miscarriages/affairs. I'm really quite intrigued with death. Is that strange? Why do people want to be alive? Why do people die? It makes no sense. Maybe I should get some books about how people grieve and stuff. It's quite interesting. Does that make me odd?

I'm eating minging lunch. Again. I made salad for today and yesterday. It's mainly really nice (I bought 2 bags of salad and put in a tin of mixed salad beans), but one of the types of lettuce mings. So much. I am going to eat it though. It takes ages and by then end I'm so bored I don't want to eat again ever. That's got to help with diet?!? Actually, I gave up with the salad entirely. That's how much I didn't want it. A yogurt and a banana will do. Especially if you consider all the Quality Street I've eaten...

I've just worked out my headache!!! I've not drunk anything that isn't alcohol or diet coke for weeks. And I've not had any coke for a bit, cause I don't like being addicted to caffeine. That's all it is! Withdrawal. But it bloody hurts. Am drinking lots of squash today, so that's helping.

I feel fat now, cause I've drunk so much.

Poorly :-(

I'm not well! But a bit better just now, so at work. Last night I left work about 4* and went to bed. In intended to watch tv with duvet, but once upstairs I never made it back downstairs again. Got up about 9 to eat, went back to bed at 11. That was Tuesday evening. Exciting. I had the biggest headache possibly in the world ever. I couldn't focus where I was looking, it was just a big blur. And I felt sick. Nice. Anyway, I managed to get up today. I'm ok as long as I don't move too fast (which I have NO intention of doing). Think I'll end up staying in tonight to do the things I wanted to do last night, which will make it 3 nights home in a row! That must be a record??

I stayed in on Monday cause I wasn't feeling great then either. I mooched around and went to Asda with Ads and Dan in the day, then spent the evening tidying and painting and decorating shoes.

Anyway, have tonnes of work to do today, so off I go...

*On my way home was the first time I saw a certain guy at work since I'd pulled him. I'm not saying who/where/when, as that might be incriminating. I thought he was avoiding me, but now I'm not so sure. I'm just annoyed that the first time I see him I can't think straight, so not sure I made any sense at all in our conversation. Oops.

New Year

I don't like New Year's Eve. FACT.

I don't know why. I just don't. I don't have anywhere I want to be. Or anyone I want to be with*. I just don't think it's much to celebrate. What's the point??

Anyway, I went out, eventually, after numerous phonecalls from my parents being worried about me not going out. I was feeling very miserable and ani social. So went to Cat/Rich's house and stood in the corner. It was nice - there were lots of people there that I like - I just wasn't in the mood. Sarah gave me a lift home about 1.

So, so far in the year that shall be known as 2006 this is what I have done:

The plan was 8.30 get up, 9.30 leave house, 10.30 be on train to parents house. Actual was 8.30 decide I wasn't getting up yet, 9.30 text from dad, 10.15 said dad arrives to take me home. My sisters didn't make it. We went for a walk up a hill and through a bog to another hill**. I got wet feet despite wearing wellies and the fact that my mum fell in the bog and I didn't really. It was very wet. And didn't seem to get less wet when going up hill. Go figure. Then we went back to my next door neighbours' house where they had planned food and games and stuff. I like Steph and Dave (and their kids, April and Lewis***) and think I'd like to be like them when/if I have a family. They're always doing things but don't seem to find it a hassle. If there were 5 or 50 people they'd cope with food/activities. They're ace. But it is always a little odd for me cause they're parent age, but a bit younger than mine as thier kids are 10 years younger. I feel too young to be friends with them, but too old to be their kids friends. And there aren't usually many people my age there. There were a few today, but they're all in couples (2 flying to Slovenia (maybe) tomorrow to get married, 2 got engaged on Christmas day, 2 with thier 2-year old), so I still felt left out.

Anyway, best go be sociable. I had to stay for tea and stay over, but Jennifer's not come back cause she's being made special veetarian curry or something. So it's probably not going to be exciting, but I shall get off the computer and try.

*That's not strictly true, because I have loads of friends that I like. I think I mean no-one that I want to kiss at midnight and spend the year with.

**This is a plaque to remember George Henderson who was barbarously murdered. I find the use of the word barbarously a little odd on a plaque.

***I used to teach Lewis the recorder.