Eye Bank

Is there really an "Eye Bank"?!? That's gross! Is anyone else picturing a fridge containing rows and rows of eyes in labelled jars? Imagine if one got dropped! I find that far grosser that most other bits of people you could have a "bank" of.

I was cheered up yesterday by a parcel. Aren't parcels great?!? I was excited when I got home the day before and there was a card saying that a packet didn't fit through my letter box. I wasn't that excited at first, knowing that I've ordered some things from ebay for my iPod, but on closer inspection the card was addressed to "Lovely Lady Alison", which made me know that it must be from a good person! But then I fell asleep at 4.30 and then the sorting office would have been shut, so I got it on the way home from work yesterday. It was from Melissa who is ace and sparkly. She's coming over to visit (from America) at the end of the month and I'm very excited. I will squeal. Anyway, it had 3 parcels and a card and I got covered in glitter, which was fun. I'm wearing the bracelets today, and will probably wear the earrings tomorrow. They are both pink and shiny. And I got some blue sparkly gems to stick places. I don't know where yet, so beware... You may get sparkled!

On the bus on the way over I found my friend Little Dave who I went to school/6th form with, so that was nice! I found him once before in our local pub, and it turns out he knows Raman, one of Ads' friends. He went to hockey once, I believe. But I wasn't there.

I have laughed most of today. It has been fun. I'm not sure why I've been doing it. I just have.

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