I've just been on the phone for ages!

I phoned Gran as it's her 80th birthday. I want to post the pictures of the bruises on her face after her fall, but think it might be mean... We shall see after I've finished typing. It's not like she's going to read my blog...

[I've taken the picture out. Sorry Katherine, and anyone else who thought it was inappropriate. I wasn't trying to be mean, I promise. I love Gran and think she's ace. I should phone her more.]

I discovered that Uncle Hamish has died. It's a shame and rubbish, but he has been poorly since his stroke and since Nancy died (about the same time as Grandad). I phoned my mum too and thought she knew, but she didn't. Oops. I might have got Susan in trouble again... She's in enough trouble already though through not telling people things, like that she's had her hernia operation and really SHOULDN'T BE DOING STUFF! Naughty.

I also spent some timeon the phone discussing Burn's Night, which is next Wednesday and I'm thinking of planning a gathering... I don't really know how to though, as there's probably not enough space in my house here for my parents, sisters, cousins, auntie, never mind the friends I wanted to do it for... I need a big house! So my next plan is to get everyone to my parents house. It's well easy to entertain lots there. Just need to persuade Manchester people that it's not that far...!

So, that was this evening's phonecall entertainment. What else?!? I made good curry for tea. Dan ate it, yet I still ended up washing up! Cheeky boy. But he gets away with it everytime. I then caught him on his bed jumping up and down to dance music. Tee hee hee.

Yesterday I went to see Narnia (after a sneaky quick Primark shop to buy bags and a probably quite indecent top that I might wear to work anyway...) which was ace! I liked it lots. Alghouth looking back it wasn't *that* good. But still ace. DOn't want to analyse it too much on paper cause that will probably spoil the magic. But the horse was called Phillip. What more is there to say?!? Ooh, and we played the "spot a funny name game" on the credits and I found Felix Ponce. Ace.

After that we went to Rain bar and discussed the film and the previous night's salsa which was nice. I nearly fell asleep though. Then I went home via Liz's car (thanks!) and watched reunion of the Von Trapp actors, followed by The Sound Of Music. Bliss!

Saturday was Wobble Watchers (lost 1lb, but was very grumpy about it) followed by shopping (could not manage to spend money) followed by lunch (accidentally got drunk) followed by shopping (bought a pink suspender belt) followed by nap. Then salsa at Copacabanas. The lesson was random and I had to be a man (well, volunteered on the basis of height). I don't like dancing. FACT. But organised it for Sarah (who got a new job - Congratulations!) and my sisters (who didn't come). Sarah really enjoyed it, as did Kristy (Jimby's friend who really wanted to dance) and Dan (who was bruised and forced into it). We made up names for all the other random dancers including "Squiggily Man" and "Scary Woman".

Friday night I went to Liz's house and had lovely lasagne. I was a bit worried at first, as there were just me, Liz, Matt Clark and Lesley (Liz's neighbour), and sometimes 4 people can be a bit tricky for conversation flow. But it wasn't - it was really nice! Ant came along later with presents and apologies from Kate who was poorly. Hope you're ok Kate! I really should have sent you a message. I suck.

I've now decided that I can put a picture of Gran in, as long as I put in the amusing picture of me eyeing up Dan. And maybe the one of my cousins that my dad randomly sent me too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pah rubbish i didn't make it to the salsa night or the beer festival...or rain bar quizes (which was good around xmas, and I said I was gonna go - I should have known that asking andy if he was going wasn't the best bet ;)

Did make it badminton.in the morning.at 9am. shocking. But even more shocking was that justin was there!!!!!!!!!

Oh accidently saw match point...Jarhead was sold out. It was fairly ok. Very Woody Allen + upper class south-easteners. Her from Lost In Translation wasn't quite as nice in this one.

anyways demwqfoa is my word verifmafacitation...still waiting for alicazam