Before my recap, here are some things I have been pondering:
  • What is blue tack made of?
  • Why does my phone keep messages from me and send them at random o'clock?
  • Can I feel phone waves? I often wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, check my phone to see the time, then a few minutes later get a message. I thought I was psychic (maybe) but it's happened lots now and is silly.
  • Does the man at work like me?
  • Will I ever stop feeling ill? I've felt poorly since the beginning of the year and it's bugging me. Maybe I'm just old now and need more rest. But I've stayed in loads for me!
Have been doing lots of work, but am now not doing any. Oops. Going to Liz's soon for dinner/sleepover before fat club tomorrow. I want to have lost 3 cause I'll get a magic sparkly 7, but doubt I will have.
Production meeting. I so should start making costumes! Only about 6 weeks to the show? Oops.
Rain Bar pub quiz. I made an adventure on the way by walking over the lock. Woo! There were lots of couples. We came second (I knew the answers to approximately 3 questions) but beat Mahinda/Linden/Ed/Justin/Pete, so that's nice. I used the phrase "Things to see, people to do" to some strangers on the way out. Oops.
Dan informed me that I can't move out of the house until I've found a suitable replacement and they are signed off by both him and Ads. The replacement has to be female and as nice as me. I think by this he means makes him food sometimes.
Stayed in. Failed to phone mother. Did manage to e-mail about salsa and Old Fart's Curry though, which slightly reduced my to do list. Maybe. The net at home was poo though, so I didn't blog or e-mail any of the people I wanted to. Grump.
Went to a different pub quiz! But it turned out there was no quiz. But it was fun anyway. In attendance were: Andy, Cass, Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Joel, Jimby and Debbie. We went to the Salisbury and played erotic spot the difference, then went to Grand Central and played Mats and with a tree called Jeremy. Tuesday was my night for drinking this week. My latest plan is drinking 2 nights a week (Saturday and one other that isn't Friday).
I felt pretty rough at work, so stayed in for the evening. Failed to ring my mother. Oops.
Me and Adam found Mark, which was fairly tricky in itself considering Mark's hangover and both of our lack of charging phones, and went to the museum to see a fabric exhibition. It wasn't as exciting as I thought, but am glad I went. We wandered around some other bits and went onto the roof where you can see for miles! Then went for lunch and headed off. Got back in one piece despite Mark's hangover and my driving. I did lose a glove on the journey. Grump. But we went to the farm shop at Tebay which is always good.
On arriving in Manchester I really didn't want to go home. I've got to get over this. But I avoided it by going to Mark's and watching a film!
Fat club: Gained 1 pound which is probably ok considering I'd not been weighted for 3 weeks and it had been Christmas and birthdays and stuff. But still grumpy. Didn't deserve to be grumpy after the tub of Pringles I'd eaten on Friday evening... But still was.
Then found Mark and we went to Edinburgh! Yay! I love Edinburgh. But you all know that already. Got there about 3, Mark checked in to his hotel and we went and found Adam (my favourite Adam!) in a pub, later to be joined by Dan and Olivia (Mark's friends). Got Mark a little tipsy and sent him back to his family do. He wasn't looking forward to it, but seemed to enjoy it, despite being exceedingly drunk.
It was a very random drinking day (I hadn't drunk for about 2 weeks, so was affecting me quite quickly, but I was sensible) involving lots of people I didn't know, 2 viola playing physicists that I did know (Adam and Tim), a near fight on Easter Road (Trainspotting country) and various types of pubs. All in all it was ace to catch up with Adam and Tim and I enjoyed it lots. I was worried that an evening in Edinburgh outside the festival with no real plan of what to do would put me off going. But it didn't. I still love it and am still moving. If anything I want to move quicker now.
I stayed in, thinking I'd get a nice quiet evening before going to Edinburgh. Ads and Dan were also in, and a man came about the boiler and another about the windows. I was slobbing in my pyjamas. Nice! It was kinda cool to be in the house with all of us, just not the quiet relaxing bath/film I'd banked on.
Rain Bar pub quiz. We had lost of people! I was on a team with the Goonies (minus Mahinda, plus Jon) and then we gained some other people, I think. Liz was on a team nex door and they won! Well done Liz on the tie breaker. She gained wine. Woo!


Anonymous said...

Blu Tack is clearly made from smurf faeces.

The phone thing's interesting, as I seem to do the same thing. I reckon it's because the display on my phone lights up when it starts receiving a message, and it's that the wakes me.

Or something.

I thought we did pretty well at that quiz, considering that we, literally, had 30 seconds for the whole of the first round.

Alsion said...

It doesn't light up first... And even so, I keep it under my other pillow, so I'd never see that.

You did do good in the quiz! I was very impressed. Just doesn't make us look very good :-)