Oops, another week gone...

...but I did some exciting things.

Watched The Bill (Ads STILL doesn't think I watch it, despite it being the only thing I watch*)

Liz's Birthday. I met Liz straight from work at Ra!n Bar, where we enjoyed some food and beer and a gossip. Then we went to the Cornerhouse where we enjoyed more beer and I met her boyfriend! It was a bit odd, being introduced to someone you know very well's boyfriend, having never met him before. But it was ok and I look forward to meeting him again and him getting in our friend group. We then headed the Greenrooms to watch Slugs Ate My Parents. I had more beer. I was quite drunk. I think the gig was good, but appear to have missed some of it, somehow. Oops. We then went to the Salisbury and played erotic quiz games, then Andy came to stay at my house. My housemates thought I'd pulled him, which I laughed at lots. They still think I did, but they are wrong.

My Dad's show was fun! He sounded very different from the Dad I'm used to, which is ddd considering how much he sings at home (he likes to wake us up singing "There's a bright golden haze on the meadow") but could be because he's been having lessons or because he was miked or because he was nervous or because he was pretending to be from London. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. He was dead good. It was slightly disturbing seeing my dad as an object of a lady's affections though. But I susprisingly wasn't bothered by him wearing wings and prancing around camply! I have seen him wear one of my skirts and say "I'm a laydee" though...

I should have been in the best mood ever because:
1. I lost at fat club
2. I put all the change I've been collecting into the bank (£188)
3. I bought jeans that fit and they are size14
I was, however, exceedingly GRUMPY. I think this was cause I was tired. But then I got home from town to find a parcel from Roz. She rocks! She made me a mix cd for letting her stay in my bed. It's ace!
I then got picked up** by Little Alison and we went to Keele to watch a concert. I don't often watch concerts cause I get bored, but I enjoyed it! Simon (Jefner's boyfriend) was conducting a string ensemble as part of his degree and he was good too. I have played that piece before, so I knew what he should do, and if I was in the concert I think I would have liked him conducting me as I understood what he was doing. So there. We then stayed for a drink and I talked to strangers, then I drove us back via a MUGSS party in Manchester. Got to bed in Lostock at (new time) 3am.

Mother woke me up at 9.25. I was still asleep, but had a whole conversation, which resulted in me being able to get a shop out of her, and a lift back to Manchester, but only if we went now. So I got up and was dressed and ready in about 5 mins. I then waited about 20 mins for her. Oh well! Got lots of food out of it.
We then had dinner all together (and I nipped out and bought a crazy dress and skirt whilst she was cooking) for Mother's Day, which was nice. We discussed holiday stuff. We're going away in less than 2 weeks! And having a party in our rented house. There will be between 25 and 40 people, but we don't know for sure, and we're cooking. Should be fun! Especially as Gran will say she doesn't want to be there and there will be small running children. Yay!
Once back in Manchester I had a quick shower and went off to find Kiki and Adam from my degree (when I got there I found out Liz wasn't coming, despite making me go by saying she would be angered otherwise). We gotChinesee andwatchedd tv. It was cool! And I think we're meeting up this weekend too. I like my degree friends. I was slightly disturbed by Kiki, who apparently has never looked at my boobs before and says they are as big as Adam's head.

Woke up feeling awful (probably because I managed about 4 hours sleep***, so took the day off sick. I *could* have managed to work, but would have been rubbish and rubbish all week too. So I think that was the most efficient way. I was grumpy because I didn't wake up till after Neighbours and Doctors and Diagnosis Murder wasn't on. Had about a 3 hour bath, so missed the next Neighbours too! In the evening I watch Moulin Rouge and About a Boy, so that was nice. Me time!

Today I have done some work. Tonight I am going to the pub to see Lolly. yay for Lolly!! Hopefully the power of conversation will be with me. It often isn't at the moment, probably due to insomnia.

*OK, so maybe I watch other things, according to him. I like to watch Hollyoaks, cause it's my brain off time when I get home. But don't mind if I miss it.

**This was quite an experience. Jennifer doesn't drive often, and as such we ended up going the wrong way on the motorway, and going about 40mph. Then she didn't know which junction to come off, so we came off early, went back on, and then took the wrong turning once off the motorway. Excellent planning Jen!

***Does anyone in MUGSS not have insomnia??


Anonymous said...

I vary. I have illness insomnia, emo insomnia but generally sleep well.

Anonymous said...

"I have seen him wear one of my skirts and say "I'm a laydee" though..."

That's wrong.

Your family's strange. Remind me never to get into a car with any of them at the wheel.

BTW, I realised last night that it's actually 3-1 and not 2-1. Although it might be 3-2.

Alsion said...

Mahinda - Never get in a car with any of my family at the wheel. Except me. I think I'm the only one not to have written a car off. My sisters have, but not so sure about my parents.

I don't know if this makes it better or not, but my dad was quoting Little Britain so we make him dress up*. It was Christmas Day 2004.

*By made, we just said it would be funny, and by dress up, I mean wear a skirt** over his trousers and everything else stayed the same.

**The skirt he wore is my size 10 skirt that always fits because it's a maternity*** skirt.

***I bought a maternity skirt as it was the only one I could find at the time that allowed me to spread my legs enough****.

****To play the cello.