
I am still very sleepy.

Last night I got home about 6 and did a big tidy (threw stuff to the edges) and grabbed some pasta before Jen and Lydia arrived to help me sew. Did costume stuff all night, with help from Gesine and Adam later, kicking them out about 10.30, before carrying on for another hour. Went to bed about 12.30/1, but then got up again to lean over the toilet whilst blood dripped from my nose for a while. Nice.

I knew it was coming. I've not slept enough for ages and ages, and I think I've been stressed without realising it. I don't *feel* worried about the show. I'm quite sure it's all going to work out just fine. But it must be getting me secretly, cause I've been dreaming much more than usual (i.e. at all), which means I'm not sleeping properly, even when I do sleep. Grrr.

So there you go! That was my Monday. Today at work has been slow. Probably cause I'm tired. More sewing tonight (after cycling to town in the rain*) and tomorrow. But I've secured Friday off (to do last minute costuming!) and half days next Thurs/Fri, so I'm excited.

*I didn't know it was raining when I got up! So now I have to cycle to town and back and I'm going to get wet and that's not good. Grump. And it better not get dark before I've been all the places I need to...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you get to all the places you wanted?

Good luck with the continued costume fun.