Leaving on a jet plane

Well, there will be no jet plane really. Unless anyone has one I can borrow? Or a van? Or a place for me to live in Edinburgh? Or job?

See, that's how well the move plan is going. But I have fixed a date. 27th May. So I'm having a party on Friday 26th May. Put it in your diary NOW! That's all the plan so far too. No place decision or anything sensible.

Also in that last week I want to do the ceilidh on Wednesday and Ra!n Bar on Thursday. But may not manage if I've not packed.


Anonymous said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. We're all going to miss you lots and lots and lots :-(

And you're going to have to arrange an alternative goodbye party date, as Pete and I are away on that one. Boo!

Kate said...

Yes, but going up to Edinburgh for parties is just goin to be so gratuituou - hint hint!

Anonymous said...

I have that song in my head now...damn you...

Anonymous said...

Can we have a jet plane please?!?! Can we, can we, can we?!

But I can't fly one of those.

Maybe a helicopter would be more sensible. Not that I can fly one of those, but I could try.

Anonymous said...

would a hovercraft be too sensible ?