Christmas week and stuff...

After work drinks didn't happen, but a nap did, which I'm sure was far more productive. I then went along to Ali from orchestra's gig. It was ace! I have seen them before (with Pete and Sarah) but in all honesty don't remember them being good. They also played acoustically at our orchestra concert, which was ace in a different way. I will definitely try to go to all their gigs in the future! So should you. The Graeme Mearns Band. I then stayed out a little bit too late drinking with them and their friends. They are all cool though! It was lovely.

Home time! Got up at 7 and made it to my train with plenty of time. I was quite impressed with myself. First task at home was a shopping trip (Katherine (Big Alsion) was in charge, and me and my dad had to go get things and bring them back to the designated area - I was running around like Challenge Anneka and it was ace!), followed by watching TV, I think...

Christmas Eve
Sunday started with a shopping trip to buy Jennifer's (Little Alsion) birthday present (I was very organised with Christmas presents, all wrapped and correct, but birthday ones were very disorganised and weeks late and stuff!). This was really an excuse to go to Manchester and meet Mahinda and Rosy for a pint and lunch. Had half a cherry beer in Sinclair's, followed by curry cafe special. Rosy was very late due to being incompetent at present wrapping. Being good parents, Mahinda and I made sure that our dog was on the right coach, then strolled (followed by running!) to get me on my train back home. Tree was put up, presents were put under it, and bed time before Santa came.

Christmas Day

The biggest argument of the holiday was probably Christmas morning, and it wasn't an argument at all! Just my dad wondering if anyone was ever going to get up. Oops. A lovely day was had by all - presents, a walk, dinner, a board game or two and some family telly. Ace!

Boxing Day
Much of the same, but with playing with presents, not opening them. We went to walk on the canal path somewhere near Wigan, as apparently it has an impressive amount of locks. I think I've been before, and wasn't really that impressed! Was nice though.

As I was heading back on Thursday morning, I wanted to see some friends. As it was Mummy's birthday on Thursday, I wanted to be at home. So the conclusion? Dinner party at my house! Katherine unfortunately had to go back to Sheffield to work. Jennifer and Mummy went to work for the day, and Daddy shut himself in the study to work from home (this is still a strange concept to him). So I had run of the kitchen! I like having a "proper" kitchen that is clean and had all sorts of gadgets. So I made 2 types of ice cream (Bailey's and brown bread), chocolate cake, ricotta and bortelli bean pate, parsnip and carrot croquettes, and some yorkshire pudding-y dish. I even cooked meat! My mum was impressed. (I've been vegetarian for about 15 years...). Then Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Andrew and Mahinda arrived. I had great fun, and I think they did too! There was some doubt over my ice cream, as they thought since I'd used bread and the oven I'd actually made cheese on toast. This was not true. I made ice cream and it was ace. Anyway, it was great that I got to see my bestest friends. And then my parents did the washing up! Hurrah!

Up at 7 to do presents at 7.30 to get train at 9. Think my mum liked all her presents AND I think she was going to wear the badge from her card all day at work. Yay! Went straight from the train to work. Then home and tidying/sorting stuff out. Think my room is prepared for visitors! It has to be, as I was planning for us all to sleep in the living room, but it's going to be full of sleeping fire spinners... Could be interesting! I'm not sure what Jennifer's friends are like, but I suspect them to be trendy and not hippies. And we have a flat full of hippies...

Now. I'm at work. There is little to do. But I have done some useful things. Going to leave about 4.45 to go meet Jennifer (Little Alsion) and a friend (either Abbi or Emily - the other arrives tomorrow) who are coming up to celebrate the New Year Edinburgh-style. I have no idea if we're going to have fun, but I'm sure we can manage some at least!!

*Liz - was this a LisIsDrunk points event?? I want points! I want points!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want it to be a LizIsDrunk event too, but only so that I didn't finish 2006 with zero pts.

Brown bread ice cream is weird. Nice, but weird.