
Today the headache and feeling sick are back. I know why. I just can't fix it today. And that's annoying. Hopefully soon.

I can't get myself organised. My finances are a mess! I need to sort out the last few phone and council bills and send off train tickets from majorly delayed trains. Actually, that's it. I should be able to handle that. You'd think.

Things at home are pretty unbearable at the moment. I just keep thinking about how it's not going to be much longer and slowly packing things. It's hard though as as the moment my room is full of costumes and props are I don't want to leave them in the living room. It's a state. Hence not being able to do easy jobs like find my train tickets.

Anyway, on the plus side viewing flats to move into is in progress and I don't see it being a long until we find somewhere. It's looking like it could be an expensive time over the next month or so, but it's only money, right? Better to have mental health.

The show is on this week. I'm quite looking forward to it! We've been making props and costumes from cardboard and paint and crayons. Fun! I just hope we get enough audience to make it fun for the cast.

I'm sure there were other things I was going to blog about... Ooh, I did something I've never done before - played the cello for a recording. This has just confirmed my fear that I am unable to play in tune! Crap. What else have I done? I phoned Melissa about 5am on Saturday. She jumped on Gwen and then later in the conversation Mike jumped on her. It was all very confusing, but fun.

I'm stuck. I'm dull. Oops.

Brain broken.

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