New Year

I've been TERRIBLE at this blog malarkey for a while now. New year, new me, new plan. I'm going to get back into it.

IT'S SNOWING! Wheeee!!! Big fluffy white snow. Almost makes this office look real.

So, the reasons I stopped blogging... Mainly it was because I didn't get round to it for so long that I didn't know where to start. I like having the daily account, because my memory is so terrible. But it's quite dull to read and pretty pointless really, so I'm going to try a new plan. Another reason for the lull is that I got into minor bother at work. I'm sad about this because the person who came off looking the worst in my blog is really someone I respect. The people who I don't respect got nothing. Anyway, I was scared for a while, but now I'm not.

I've been a little ill for a lot of the end of the year. Some of this physical, some of this mental. Either way, it's not been fun or nice and I need to sort myself out. I need to get fit and I need to sort my head out. A lot of the symptoms I've been having point to stress. I've always been a stressy person, but in a way that I liked and (I think) in a healthy way until recently. Headache constantly for at least 6 weeks, not sleeping, feeling sick most of the time, etc. So things are going to change.

Firstly I'm moving house. I love Alex and I quite like the flat we are in, but it's just contributing too much bother to my life. Having to hide Alex from the landlord, never getting rent (from anyone) on time, sorting out all the bills (I ended up taking over everything as people moved out), always finding someone or something different in my room. I'm not home often and need it to be less work when I am there.

I am stopping doing shows. I know I'll never quite quit completely, nor would I want to, but I don't have the time I would like to commit to a show and as such the last few I have done I haven't been happy with my work, making it Not Much Fun. I'll still hang around as I love many of the friends I have who are doing shows, and I can't sit and do nothing, but definitely less pressure.

There are plenty things I want to do, but I think I might take some time out and not start anything new just yet. I've still got orchestra and should really dedicate more (some!) time to practise and committee stuff. And I've got a weekend in Prague at the end of Jan, and 3 weeks in America/Canada in March/April booked, so it's not as if there's much time left anyway. And I've got LOADS of projects that I have or haven't started and want to finish. Lots of friends to catch up with and visit. Lots of dieting and exercise to do (yeah right - but the thought is there). Lots of money to save, therefore time needed to forward plan meals/make things instead of buying them. See, I'm still too busy! Good.

So that's the plan. I feel much better just for writing it down!

Is there anything else I wanted to write? I'm not sure. My head hurts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Alsion's back!

I've missed you. Sorry I've been rather rubbish at keeping in touch. I want to visit soon.

Big love, always