What a crazy week.

It's been mental. The show happened. I'm quite pleased with it. It most certainly didn't make a profit, and we didn't have nearly enough audience, but I'm happy that I brought a good share of the audience, I'm happy with the work my friends did to help out, and I think most of the cast enjoyed it, which was always the entire point. Any suggestions of how to show my appreciation to my helpers? It needs to be cheap and probably not time consuming. Not because I want either of those constraints, but because they do exist.

I've had a pretty happy week. It's been lovely. I'm mostly over my random illness, and have been enjoying myself even if I've not had a moment to chose what I want to do. That is until the last couple of days when I got some bad news. A friend, albeit one who hasn't been in my everyday life for many years, but someone I would hope to consider a friend, died last weekend. I don't want to go into the details, and I don't think anyone who reads this will know him, but it shocked me and my family.

I've also seen some friends who I don't see often, and some I'm not likely to see for a while. And seen Gran, who is really rather poorly, but hopefully on the mend now.

So basically an emotional roller coaster!

Especially rubbish as I wanted to have my wits about me to get on with finding a new flat and job. I know there's only so much I can do, but most of you also know how much I want to do both of those things!

I'm hoping the next few days will be constructive and useful. Then it's Prague! Then I definitely HAVE to be back in the game.

I shouldn't be watching this film. I know it's only the Sixth Sense, but I'm on my own in a strange place and I'm a big wus.

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