
I went to Prague! It was ace. Incredibly ace.

I am quite willing to admit here that I was worried that it might not be - and I even told the guys that when we were away. There was always potential for fall outs spending that much time with anyone, and we're all quite different and can be dramatic, and little sleep can make anyone grumpy. But we weren't! At least, as far as I know...

We met at Waverley at 7am Friday morning. Everyone was on time and awake and smiling! Dave was still drunk and hadn't been to bed. Wally. We arrived and checked into the hotel, then headed out for a wander and food. Found a little Cuban pub, which I quite liked. Had far less trouble with vege food than I thought. Hurrah! We wandered to the river, found Tesco, a building made from bubble wrap and C&A. Then we all went for naps (I had a bath whilst listening to Czech classic FM) before getting ready for the evening. I can't remember what we did for the evening. Oops.

Saturday we went out for breakfast and then over the bridge to the Castle. Was a beautiful day, if a little confusingly cold considering the sunshine. I like Prague. It's big enough to be interesting but not overwhelming. You can walk anywhere in about half an hour. There's lots of concerts and museums and theatre, but not so much that you have to do 16 million things in a day. We went to the castle and wandered around some more. More naps/rests* before going out for a lovely, lovely meal. We couldn't find the bar Emma had been recommended, so we wandered back to the hotel for a few drinks and poker for smarties. Oh, and I managed to fall over. Ouch.

Sunday started slower with brunch about noon. We then went for a walk and found Prague museum which seemed to have an exhibition on evolution, freaks, surgery and the moon. Hmmm... But it was fun and we could draw on the walls and run on foam and race and stuff. Mary did manage to chip her tooth trying to see the moon in 3-D... Oops. We did some shopping. Will is the girliest shopper I've ever seen! Emma wouldn't let me buy lime green boots that made me look like a Martian. We managed to lose the boys in a shopping centre, so us girls went to buy furry hoods and dragons. In the evening we failed to go to a concert or show as we were knackered and I doubt we'd all have agreed on anything! Instead we found the bar we couldn't find the day before (it had changed name - I asked strangers) and we had cocktails and absinthe. Then back to the hotel (via a bar called Bugsy's, which did not have a man playing piano, but possibly real life gangsters) for more poker for smarties, followed by eating all the smarties in a game of Hungry Hippos!

Got back about 4 on Monday, so I went to Monday Night Film Club (run by Caroline, not a real film club) to see Sweeney Todd. I liked it! I didn't know the story already. It's an odd one - tragic but you didn't particularly feel sorry for any of the characters. And it's quite gory, but in a ketchup/that's-not-real way. Quite make believe style. Beautiful costumes! I want to wear that sort of thing all the time. But it would be tricky.

Today I was in work at 7 and intend to stay until 6. Madness. Then to Nikki's for spinach and a night of craftiness! Ace.

*I had a bath whilst listening to Czech Country Radio. You haven't lived until you've heard "There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza" in Czech.

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