Cheek to Cheek*

Stolen from Rosy via Liz:

What level are you on guitar hero? I am a hero. Maybe not guitar wise though.

Are you in a relationship? Nope.

Are you wearing jeans right now? Yes. Even though I'm at work.

Where is your dad? Probably at home in the study, or at a meeting somewhere in Lancaster/Kendal.

Do you live with both of your parents? Nope.

Do you think too much or too little? Depends what about. Both.

Do you smile a lot? I think so.

What is the price of gas where you live? Some pennies. Have no idea.

What was the last compliment you received, and when? Strangers sent me compliments yesterday.

Have you ever rode in a plane? I am too amused by Liz's answer to think of my own! How can you ride a horse in a plane?

Are you for or against abortion? Depends on each individual situation. Generally against, but not completely.

Do you prefer call or text? Depends what for. I don't call much.

Do you have any siblings? 2 sisters - one in England and one in Wales. I want them to be nearer.

Are you close with them? Yes, I think so anyway. Maybe we're not and they have secrets and are different people. But I think probably not.

How many people do you trust 100%? Hmmm... 100% is a lot. I'm a statistician. I trust quite a lot of people 98%. I don't think I trust anyone 100%. That's sad, isn't it?

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? PRIMARK! It's organic, don't you know?

Do you go to church? Only for orchestra.

What's the last movie you saw in the theater? The Savages. Going to see Juno tonight. EXCITED!

Can you live without the computer? I could live. But I would struggle to find the answers to all my questions if I didn't have Google to hand.

When was the last time you got flowers? The last night of my show. I was not amused at getting flowers, and I was not amused at being made to go on stage!

Do you wish at 11:11? Should I? Is that a rule? I might in future.

Do you have any piercings? Just ears.

Who was the last person you laid in bed with? I don't know. Actually don't. Maybe someone when we were in Prague.

Whats your middle name? Elizabeth.

How big is your bed? Double. I get a new one on Friday in my new flat!

Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember the entire night? All too often. But I don't remember some evenings when sober too.

Can you play any instruments? 'Cello. And vaguely piano and recorder and percussion.

Favourite flower? Bird of paradise.

Have you ever loved someone? Yes. In all sorts of ways.

Do you have a tattoo? Yes. It's ace

Are you hiding something from someone? Generally, yes.

3 Things you can't live without? Friends, music, wine.

Are you a giver or a taker? Giver.

What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning? I'm not sure I looked in a mirror this morning... Oh yes, I was checking if my hair looked clean enough. I didn't think anything.

Do you like to have long hair or short hair? Long.

Have you memorized your social security number? National Insurance number, yes.

Who is your favourite family member? Daddy.

Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes.

How many texts did you receive today? Just one, I think. But there's still time...

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R." Rhian.

Do you trust people easily? Too easily.

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? Probably not, unfortunately.

Do you plan on moving out within the next year? Yes - on Friday.

Where were you at 9pm last Friday night? In my room on my computer (not packing...).

What happened at 10:00 am today? I was sat sitting right here at my desk.

Is your family just a bundle of fun? Yup!

Do you laugh at all the wrong times? Lots, yes.

When did you last cry your eyes out? I still have my eyes, so I haven't cried them out. Not sure when I last cried. A few weeks ago, I think.

*Cheek to Cheek is just what I'm listening to, not at all relevant.

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