Mmmm... Chicken!

I'm eating chicken crisps. I feel this is allowed, as they are vegetarian and I don't think taste like chicken. Although that's an old memory anyway.

I went to a beer festival yesterday*. It's probably the first time in ages that I've been called normal! Liam said I was probably the only normal girl there. He was probably right, but that was before we found Linden and Archie. Although, I've only just noticed that they have strange names! So maybe I was the only normal girl there.

I found all sorts of random people. I wasn't entirely sure who I was meeting to start with. Firstly I went to Sinclair's, which rocks. £1.32 a pint! There I found Ian, Jordan, John G, Cathy, Paul K, Justin and Mahinda. Liam joined us, Justin left and we went to the festival of beers. Here we found more people, including Linden, Justin and later Ed. In unconnected groups I found Ed (ex-housemate's friend's boyfriend), his dad and three boys called Rick (one Spiky, and 2 from Jimby's birthday). I also talked to a random man called James who used to be in MUGSS and CAOS when it was still called Chamber Music Society. He's old. One of his friends guessed that I was 24 and played the cello. I don't know why I wasn't scared at the time.

After some yummy beer I decided (as usual) that The Salisbury was the best plan. This may or may not have been because I thought Rick might be going to (one of the Jimby's birthday ones, not Spiky). He was not there.

Got a bus home and ate pasta. Apparently.

Woke up late this morning, packed for London and was late for work. But it didn't matter as no-one else is in. Hence me not doing any work. I'm not really capable! I feel a bit cheeky, NHS money and all, but I've done lots of hours extra this week, so it's not too bad.

Before the beer yesterday I saw Kiki. She is ace! We went to Jabez and chatted. It was cool. I'm going to see her and Liz for lunch shortly too.

Wednesday night didn't really happen. I watched The Bill and Ocean's Eleven whilst doing Chat puzzles. Again failed to phone my mum. Oops.

I finished my crisps ages ago. I want more food. It's probably a good job I'm not getting weighed tomorrow :-) I was nearly dedicated and looked up Wobble Watchers in Epsom for Saturday morning, but the only meets were far away, so I'm not going.

*Picture intend to appear some time. As do links. Maybe.


Anonymous said...

Doah you know someone else called ian. Of course you do ... silly know more peeps than anyone else... :) ... the 2 previous comments left by 'ian' were in fact me...who shall now be 'ginger ian'

word authe bewqo
(quite like that, maybe a contender for the winner of the potential actual word award... but what would it be ?)

Simon said...

Chicken crisps are good. Yes.