New Year

I don't like New Year's Eve. FACT.

I don't know why. I just don't. I don't have anywhere I want to be. Or anyone I want to be with*. I just don't think it's much to celebrate. What's the point??

Anyway, I went out, eventually, after numerous phonecalls from my parents being worried about me not going out. I was feeling very miserable and ani social. So went to Cat/Rich's house and stood in the corner. It was nice - there were lots of people there that I like - I just wasn't in the mood. Sarah gave me a lift home about 1.

So, so far in the year that shall be known as 2006 this is what I have done:

The plan was 8.30 get up, 9.30 leave house, 10.30 be on train to parents house. Actual was 8.30 decide I wasn't getting up yet, 9.30 text from dad, 10.15 said dad arrives to take me home. My sisters didn't make it. We went for a walk up a hill and through a bog to another hill**. I got wet feet despite wearing wellies and the fact that my mum fell in the bog and I didn't really. It was very wet. And didn't seem to get less wet when going up hill. Go figure. Then we went back to my next door neighbours' house where they had planned food and games and stuff. I like Steph and Dave (and their kids, April and Lewis***) and think I'd like to be like them when/if I have a family. They're always doing things but don't seem to find it a hassle. If there were 5 or 50 people they'd cope with food/activities. They're ace. But it is always a little odd for me cause they're parent age, but a bit younger than mine as thier kids are 10 years younger. I feel too young to be friends with them, but too old to be their kids friends. And there aren't usually many people my age there. There were a few today, but they're all in couples (2 flying to Slovenia (maybe) tomorrow to get married, 2 got engaged on Christmas day, 2 with thier 2-year old), so I still felt left out.

Anyway, best go be sociable. I had to stay for tea and stay over, but Jennifer's not come back cause she's being made special veetarian curry or something. So it's probably not going to be exciting, but I shall get off the computer and try.

*That's not strictly true, because I have loads of friends that I like. I think I mean no-one that I want to kiss at midnight and spend the year with.

**This is a plaque to remember George Henderson who was barbarously murdered. I find the use of the word barbarously a little odd on a plaque.

***I used to teach Lewis the recorder.


Simon said...

I don't like New Year's Eve either, for pretty much exactly the same reasons.


Anonymous said...

i know what you mean.
I think alongside valentine's day, new year's eve is best left the couples.

Still at least you hopefully didn't get someone you wished you were with phoning up and telling you how great it was with their new bloke. As good as it was to hear her happy, it definately through me off from the ignoring the world evening in I was having. 2 bottles of wine and 400g of choc later sorted that memory out. And thankfully Munich is an hour ahead, so for me, it came under painful memories of 2005!

It's all good though. I had plenty of good nights out around the festive season. And was feeling rough and skint anyways, so wasn't much point going out ? See convinced myself now.



p.s. You should get us all up into them bolton like hills when its drier. I'll drive.

Alsion said...

Let's go to the hills! And fall in bogs.

Liz - were you there when we did it for my birthday once? I think you were cause Adam was. It was raining, but we had a picnic anyway cause I'd made pasties.

Ian - glad it can be put in last year. Don't want to start the year grumping! (says me)

Alsion said...

Maybe it's because I don't like looking forward to things. It's very easy for me to be negative and miserable, so if I look for things to look forward to, I can't find any. Then I decide that next year will be rubbish. And, in fact, last year was rubbish too.

If I don't look forward or back I decide I am ace and so is my life. Hurrah!

Anonymous said...

I'd kiss you at midnight too! I might have to get past Liz first, though.

I also know what you mean. It's been seven years (!) since I had a girlfriend at the start of a year, and I've NEVER seen in the new year with a girlfriend. It can get pretty depressing.

However, that's not what it's all about for me. It's about celebrating the end of one year and the start of another, with your friends. As such, I don't usually do too badly.