I'm rubbish.

So, I've been neglecting my blog a bit!!

Have been too cold to go on my computer at home, until Ads got me a fan heater, but then I've just not been there much. At work it was really busy, and now I've got a temp to occupy (it's hard finding things for someone else to do!) and I'm very very tired.

Anyway, there should be a whole recap at some point, cause I like investigating where I went. In fact, it might stay as this post, just re-edited lots.

Friday 3rd March - Heat!
We should have heating when I get home*.

Thursday 2nd March - Not MUGSS
At work people debated whether eggs were a vegetable or not. And pretending to kidnap me. And being high on Ribena. It was an odd day. The evening was spent shopping with Emma for stuff for the show, then drinking with Mark, then drinking at the Ra!n Bar quiz, then chatting with Adam.

Wednesday 1st March - Ceilidh
Both Big and Little Alison came, which was cool! But I didn't enjoy it muchly... There were too many new people who stuck together, which meant if you were 1 out of 8 who weren't listening/trying and didn't know what to do it was very frustrating. But it was better than not going! Left early (relatively - about 11) and walked home. Between getting home and getting to bed the ground got full of snow! That was nice. The people next door brought thier kids out to play. I only just realised that's not good for small children, being up that late...

Tuesday 28th Feb - Pancakes
So many people in our house!! So many pancakes. About 6 pints of milk were used. I think about 60 pancakes were made. I was in a BIG grump which even included crying. I can't handle being tired very well. But it was nice to see people. And eat lots of pancakes.

Monday 27th Feb - Nowt
Was supposed to be making costumes. Actually sat on the sofa. ALL night.

Sunday 26th Feb - Costuming
I borrowed Fran's classroom, which was a little odd, and sat on my own for lots of the evening. I got random helpers at random points. I discovered that ALL the things we'd made for the men on Saturday didn't fit. GRUMP! And I was very very tired. Which was a great start to the next week.

Saturday 25th Feb - Costuming plus parties
Spent the day mostly making costumes with a team of helpers in the Union. It was quite productive! But I'm not very good at using helpers. Then I went to Nik's housewarming in the evening, followed by Adam's birthday. Both of these people I see very rarely, so I wanted to make special effort, so I did! It was ace to see them. I know Nik from teacher training. He dropped out about the same time as me, but he's stayed in it and is currently being a teaching assistant for special needs kids (I think!). Went to his house and talked about boys. Then I headed to Canal Street and found Adam and Dave and lots of their friends. I know Adam and Dave from my degree (2nd 2nd year and 3rd year) and they are ace! In completely different ways. But anyway, Dave made me stay out for more drinks than I planned as he didn't know anyone else (which is a LIE), but I ended up getting very drunk and stealing sweets.

Friday 24th Feb - Work night out
Edinburgh Adam's Birthday! Take note.
Was EXCEEDINGLY tired (you may notice a theme to the last month or so...) and so wasn't very good at hiding my grumpiness. It was Nick's leaving do. Nick's lovely! We met his girlfriend (who is far too gorgeous to be friends with and girls!) and lots of random other friends. I did a lot of standing at the side and watching, which I really enjoyed! But can't really write my observations down here. On my way home the man from Kashmiri asked me out.

Thursday 23rd Feb - MUGSS and Mahinda's birthday take 2
I went to a whole rehearsal! Can't remember what I did... But I'm sure it was useful. Then I went to Harry's which I dislike more and more everytime (starting from their re-vamp to orange and blue a few years ago, and continuing through their wine bar image) followed by Font and SubSpace. That was more fun! And Mahinda was amusingly flirty drunk. Then we went for kebab and I didn't have to pay.

Wednesday 22nd Feb – Anything goes in Linden land
Linden was in a show, so we went to see it. I have to admit that I didn't enjoy it immensly. And somehow they made Linden look unattractive! That makes no sense. But there was definitely some talent and good songs in there.

Tuesday 21st Feb - Mahinda's birthday take 1
Went to the first half of orchestra then snuck off to Soloman's. Orchestra bored me. And I don't like people being better than me in the way that they feel they can tell me which finiger to use and which way to bow. Grump! But Soloman's was nice and better than rehearsal.

Monday 20th Feb - Dunno
Probably not a lot. Ooh, think I watched tv with Adam.

Sunday 19th Feb - Home
I cleared out loads and loads of clothes! As did Katherine. Cause they are too big for us now. I think I might not have phoned home since then. I'm a bad person.

Saturday 18th Feb - Wolf's birthday
Spent the night in Hardy's Well for Wolf's (barman with long hair) birthday. He's 22/23? Not very old! Grump. But it was a lovely evening, with very nice people. Including Liz Bassoon again, and her housemate who knows my ex-housemate Joanna, so we've had drunken conversations before.

Friday 17th Feb - Sand Bar
Fun was had with Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Liz Bassoon, Matt Clark, Grandad Matt, Cass, Joe, Jimby, Simon, Murray, Charlie, Miranda, Steve, Andy, Ian, Justin and probably more people too. Then I found Sue who lives on my road at home home, and 2 other people from 6th form! Realised I'd known her 18 years and got very scared.

Thursday 16th Feb - Ra!n Bar
Drank beer! It was fun. I have no idea how well we did. I think there was Ed, Pete, Rosy, Mahinda and Linden. But there could have been entirely different people. I think Liz and Cassie were there actually. And I think Liz had just sang a concert. But I could be on the wrong week entirely.

Wednesday 15th Feb - TV?
Probably stayed in and watched The Bill.

Tuesday 14th Feb - Not CAOS
Told work I want to move to Edinburgh. Rebecca was really nice about it! Saying she understands that life isn't just about work. And she knows I like working there and they like me. In the evening I had a costume meeting with Jo and then sat at home on my own!

Monday 13th Feb - Old Fart's Curry
I started arranging this a long time ago, as a request from people at the CAOS Christmas Concert. I got the Spring 2001 programme and e-mailed/texted all the people I could to invite them along. It was ace to see people! Gareth and Suzy and Matt and Jenny are probably who I see the least. And I managed to find Liz Bassoon, who no-one has seen for about 4 years! But she started work at my hospital and so I sent her a letter. Hurrah for Liz!

*I am now home! And it's warm. And I'm on my computer and everything. Hurrah! I was sensible and left Hardy's at 10.30 so I can get lots of sleep before tomorrow. But I'm on here, so we'll see what time I actually get to bed**...

**It would look like about 12.15. Not bad!

1 comment:

Simon said...

Edinburgh rocks! If you get the move there, that'll be fantastic. Oh yes!