Is how many cards I have made today. Not as many as yesterday. but still feeling quite good, as when Mahinda came round about tea time it was not very many at all. He also became my first customer! It was weird cause it was in my house and I've always lived with people who just come and nick a card every so often and I wouldn't let them pay. Although technically Mahinda didn't hand over money, so that was easier. I think I'll be fine with it when I have a stall and prices marked on cards and stuff.

Anyway, that is all I've done today. Not done anything from my list titled "Monday" which is now sat in front of me. Oops. I might just change it to "Tuesday" so I don't feel so naughty.

Tomorrow I shouldn't make any cards as I've got to pick up a parcel and go to the job centre and go to the market and go to town and have an interview. Although probably not in that order. I hope I don't forget to go to my interview!

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