Saturday night alone

So that post vanished!


Basically, it said I spent the night home alone. Andrew bailed on me (after all the other teachers bailed on him, and then he was too hungover to be bothered) then Mark and Sarah (Ads' girlfriend) both separately tried to get me to go to the fireworks at Wythenshawe. I said no, so went to Tesco to buy food for the roast I'm doing tomorrow. It turns out I'm shit scared of fireworks. This is why I didn't want to go. Well, that and the fact that I woke up at STUPID 5.30 and was very tired after 3 hours sleep. But then I realised that I was too scared to go out anywhere so made no attempt to find out where Ian was for his birthday. Sorry! I stayed in and cooked and watched Dogma and did my nails. I just found myself asleep, so turned the film off and am going to bed soon.

Today I did manage to get weighed. I lost weight (not entirely sure how, the amount I've drank...) but now I've lost a stone in total in 6 weeks. Ace. Apparently. I don't feel any different. 2 more I think... Anyway, due to lack of sleep I wimped out of going to Bolton to see Liz. I feel quite bad about this cause we don't see each other often. But I would have been really rubbish at conversation. Jenny already wasn't going as her mum had an accident last weekend, so it would have felt wrong a bit anyway. I hope Mary is ok and back home soon.

Felt a bit better after lunch, so went to town with Andy (who'd stayed over) and Sarah. It was nice, as I don't see either of them much and they seemed to get on great. Andy went on a fish and scooter mission and we shopped for jumpers. After success we all want to Oklahoma for hot chocolate and cake. Mmmm...

OK, so that was today, in a round about fashion. Didn't say much about Thursday - MUGSS was cool. I am officially very organised and it's going to be ace. I saw a bit of the chorus dancing/singing and it was fantastic!! But not going to give anything away.

Friday I went job hunting with Jennifer (we didn't find anything) [PANIC!! LOUD FIREWORK! THAT WAS TOO CLOSE.] then went home and took Katherine to the airport. I'm glad I saw her off, although it did seem a little strange that Mummy wanted to go to go shopping... She doesn't get out much (her own admission!) so I'm going to try to force her to town soon. After flight socks and cash machines Katherine seemed to get off fine (Oh, she's off to Cuba for 3 weeks. I asked her to bring me back a cube. Jennifer wanted a bar. We're all so funny.), then me and Mummy ran into a little trouble finding the car (there was a big gaping gap between us and the car, eventually sorted by going down and up stairs), but it was all fine.

I then went to find Cass and co. (Andy, Joe, Jim B, Rich, Helen, Shavish(sp?)) for curry at Lal Haweli. Quite good. Then back to Joe's house, where I thought we were dumping beer, but ended up staying. Joined at various points by Greek (not his real name...) and Emily and Alex. I was bored mostly until I had a beer. Then it was better. Nearly played werewolves but I decided that they'd be rubbish at it. Have papers ready for next time we want :-)

Anyway, I'm very tired and my back hurts, so it's bed for me.

Night night.

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