Wine is bad.

So, last night I went along to the Slugs Ate My Parents gig at the Green Rooms. I fully intended not to get drunk and I completely blame Charlotte! I started off well and had a coke, then one glass of wine. This turned into 3 when Charlotte bought a bottle. I then bought the next bottle, but by then Charlotte had the hiccups and stopped drinking. So I had it. That was the reason I woke up this morning on the sofa. But nicely Ads had brought my duvet down.

Anyway, the gig. It was odd! But I really liked it. Dan played first, meaning that the crowd was a bit pants. There were quite a few people there though, just not very buzzing. The sound was very good. I think they asked him to play again, so you all should come!

Next up was a man with a guitar. Now if you saw him at the bar you'd be worried in case you bumped into him and he decked you. But he had a lovely voice and played very well. It just didn't grab any of us, so we talked all the way through. I think next it was the 2 girls. I'm really going to have to find out the names of these people! This was billed as one girl, I think, but then another played bass for her. The main girl had an amazing voice, but again didn't keep my attention. I did tend to listen to the first half of each song though.

Next up was a folk band, formerly called The Urban Folk Collective, now called something about Lime Trees. I did my magical trick of knowing other people there as the violinist from this band was Denise who used to be in MUGSS. At the bar a random girl knew me and confirmed it was said Denise so I said hi and she might be coming to the show. Cool. Anyway, the rest of this band was a guitarist/singer that I've seen before and has an amazing voice*, a double bassist and a man who sometimes played the harmonica and sometimes the washboard. They were well cool and are playing with Dan next weekend at The Orange Grove, so you can come see them.

Then there were 2 bands. By this time I was slightly drunk and not really concentrating, other than the fact that I fancied the guy who played trombone in the first band and bass in the second. They were very good though, so I wouldn't mind seeing them sober.

I think it's about time I had lunch and got dressed... Although I now have a blind, so I don't really need to. Ooh, funny warning on my blind:
"Accidental strangulation by dangling Venetian or Roman blind cords can be prevented."
I don't think that's technically a warning, but never mind...

I've just remembered what Liz sings to this song! I'm listening to Jesusland by Ben Folds, which sounds convincingly like She's a snail. Ben Folds rules.

*Although I didn't notice for the first song as I was listening to the "real" instruments.

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